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UK Bush 2003 Newswire Archive

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Thank you all!!!!

23-11-2003 04:45

We've been following the news from London and are very near you at this time.

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Self protection in these fascist times

23-11-2003 03:58

Anonymity is probably your best defense on the Internet

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STWC Site Goes Down

23-11-2003 02:02

509 Error Seen on STWC site from 12am. Possible DoS attack?

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Colin Powell is coming to Maastricht

23-11-2003 00:06

No More Lies
The Enmasse platform organises a demo at the eve of the OSCe summit held in Maastricht. Collin Powell will briefly visit this summit to promote his war on terrorism. We don't like that. Probably also a speaker from the stop war coalition will make te stage.

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Thanx from NYC

22-11-2003 23:16

Thanks to all of you who made it possible!

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20/11/03 - trafalgar square interviews

22-11-2003 22:58

what brings you here today? - I'm here today ... it is so hard to fight those who are in power

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Messages to Bush pt2

22-11-2003 22:33

More responses to the Bush visit in London.

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Bush march: Why it took you 2 hours to move along Malet St

22-11-2003 22:25

The SWP (who dominate the Stop the War Coalition) dictated the slow pace of the march. The march of hundreds of thousands of people was also forced through a narrow section consisting of one pavement and a narrow section of road, and thereafter forced onto one side of the road all the way.

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Deception Dollars @ St*p Bu$h

22-11-2003 21:45

Deception Dollars on London streets 2003-11-20

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Messages to Bush pt1

22-11-2003 21:43

Bush's visit to the UK provoked a variety of responses.

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who was really behind the istanbul bombs?

22-11-2003 20:12

big sceptical alrm bells rang when i heard of the bombs on that particular day - seems like a terrible pr own goal for al-qaeda - they screwed up the front pages of newspapers around the world that might otherwise have shown the toppling of bush's statue in london

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a samba day out resisting bush on 20th november

22-11-2003 19:41

rhythms dancers stage a die-in
rhythms of resistance samba band swelled by members from sheffield, barking, oxford and amsterdam bands took part in the day of action against bush on thursday 20th november - report and pics›

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a samba day out resisting bush 19th november

22-11-2003 19:29

start of street party in malet street
rhythms of resistance samba band swelled by members from sheffield, barking and amsterdam bands took part in a day of action against bush on wednesday 19th november - report and pics›

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Guantanamo Bay Demonstration Friday

22-11-2003 19:19

Successful demonstration against the detentions without trial or legal representation outside US embassy on Friday 21st November.

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Legal Action Against War (LAAW)

22-11-2003 17:40

Legal Action Against War, are updating the website right now >>>

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Extracted joke by Alan Ramsey SMH today.

22-11-2003 13:26

Sydney Morning Herald today Saturday 22nd Nov 2003. Viva democracy - God i laughed.

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22-11-2003 12:54

dirty protest against dirty warmongers - Friday 21st November

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Bush toppling

22-11-2003 03:03

link to picture of Bush statue

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Trafalgar Square Today

22-11-2003 02:54

Trafalgar Square, Friday around 1.30pm
Back to normal - well almost.

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Anti Bush Demos 19 and 20/11/03

22-11-2003 01:15

Pix from the really big demo 20/11/03 and Buckingham Palace protest 19/11/03
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