UK Anti-Nuclear Newswire Archive
rolls royce - nuclear and military playground in rotherham
13-10-2011 13:14
Here's one for yaThe dudes from Rolls Royce are building even more funky shit up at the 'death park' in Rotherham. If it isnt plain as day that businesses at the AMP dealing in nuclear, aerospace, military, robotics, drones and death are working together for some sinister shit then you might as well go back to sleep! NO NUCLEAR NO WAY!
Operation Atomic Phaseout: Neither Satisfied Nor Pacified
11-10-2011 20:41

Radioactive leak at Dounreay nuclear power plant
08-10-2011 11:21
A minor radioactive leak has taken place at a nuclear power plant in Caithness. The incident is being described as minor. The corporate media are being very careful to underplay this story. It currently is not on the guardian or daily mail main webpages, and is only a minor story on bbc uk. However the bbc story is very careful to trumpet the site operator's (probably true) claim that no one's lives were put at risk. It seems people will have to die before anyone accepts the danger of nuclear power.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Pics from Hinkley anti-nuclear mass blockade, camp and demo, Somerset
06-10-2011 13:19

antinuke banner drop - rotherham
04-10-2011 11:10

Blockaders begin mass protest outside Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station:
03-10-2011 09:17
Blockaders from all over the country converge outside gates of Hinkley Point nuclear power stationNuclear blockade plus U.S. undeclared war on Commonwealth country Pakistan?
02-10-2011 11:00

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
Bridgwater marchers call for an end to nuclear power
01-10-2011 16:58

If you;re looking for a reason, here it is.
29-09-2011 22:46
“largest delivery of radiation into the ocean ever seen”Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockade
28-09-2011 19:51

Hinkley Point nuclear power station to be targeted in mass blockade - 3rd Oct
28-09-2011 16:10
Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockadeStop New Nuclear - Wed, 28/09/2011
People from all over the UK are set to descend on Hinkley Point nuclear power station [in Somerset] to protest again EDF Energy’s plans to build two new mega-reactors next to the existing site.
Autumn Action Day at Faslane Peace Camp
26-09-2011 13:48
A wonderful day of workshops,excellent events, and live music.Nuclear Accident Southern France
17-09-2011 14:00
Accident at nuclear plant southern France near Avignon&the city of Nimes,50 miles north west of Marseilles&100miles NW of Cannes, westerly wind at this time of year will likely be taking any pollution into the mainland. Nuclear monitoring groups in the region report test levels of radiation 10 times above normal.French Nukes go 'teets up'
17-09-2011 00:00
A miserable day for the French Nuclear Industry with the revelations that its 'all gone bad'.National Gallery shamed whilst hosting arms dealers’ reception
13-09-2011 20:51

Fur Trader In Gateshead Metrocenter
23-08-2011 17:31
Northern activists have located a fur trader in the metrocenterthe company called Demure Leather , Upper green mall , Metrocentre , Gateshead , NE11 9YG. Telephone: 0191 460 9046
Palestine Day and Hiroshima Day in Chester
07-08-2011 08:52

EDF gets green light to trash 400 acres of greenfield land in Somerset
07-08-2011 07:04

EDF plans to uproot all the trees and vegetation, which provide important habitats for birds, bats, mammals and other precious flora and fauna. It also plans to dig up more soil and rock than was done for the preparation of the London 2012 Olympic site. And all of this before EDF has even submitted an application to the Infrastructure Planning Commission for its planned new nu-killer power station. But worry ye not, because EDF says that if it doesn't get permission to build its new nu-killer reactor (or if it changes its mind for economic or other reasons), then it will restore the land to its former glory.
More photos of the beautiful land EDF wants to trash here:

The bomb: 76 years later
05-08-2011 20:32
Seventy-six years ago today the city of Hiroshima was ravaged by a US nuclear bomb. Within days Nagasaki too had been torn apart by this terrifying new weapon of mass destruction.Campaigners welcome MOX nuclear fuel plant closure, call for end to reprocessing
04-08-2011 10:34
Campaigners welcome MOX plant closure, call for end to reprocessingKick Nuclear - 4 August 2011
Kick Nuclear welcomes yesterday's announcement that the mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication plant at Sellafield, Cumbria is to close, but demands an end to reprocessing and to highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel transports through London and across the country.