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UK Anti-Nuclear Newswire Archive

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Nuclear energy set to kill off renewables sector

10-08-2012 16:05

Anti-nuclear activists are calling for mass protests against the government's bid to introduce backdoor subsidies for its 'nuclear renaissance' in the forthcoming Energy Bill - a move that could starve the renewables sector of vital investment.

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Nagasaki anniversary, Census resistance and Lockheed Martin

09-08-2012 17:29

The cases of two census resisters opposed to arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin's census involvement continued today in Liverpool with another pretrial hearing at Dale Street Magistrates Court. The hearing coincided with the 67th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in which the company now known as Lockheed Martin made the planes that dropped the bombs.

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Remembering Hiroshima, Bradley Manning and all victims of war

08-08-2012 18:53

Two events in the past few days, in Oswestry and Chester, remembered the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and all victims of war.

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Has Australia Become a National-Security State?

05-08-2012 12:27

Since the dawn of the nuclear age in 1945 political analysts have predicted that the immense dangers implicit in this technology would inevitably lead to the implementation of police-state tactics.

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Uranium Film Festival ends at Rio de Janeiro's Museum of Modern Art

17-07-2012 12:36

uranium film festival

Saturday, July the 14th ended the 2nd International Uranium Film Festival in the Cinemateca Rio de Janeiro’s Modern Art Museum MAM. Three films from USA, Sweden and Germany were honoured with the Festival’s Yellow Oscar Awards. Bill Keislings "Not for Public Release: a Nuclear Incident in Lock Haven", USA, received the Best Feature Award and Swedish Filmmaker Marko Kattilakoski the Short film Award for his movie Coffee Break (Fikapaus). "Leonids Story" by German film director Rainer Ludwigs and Ukrainian producer Tetyana Chernyavska got the Yellow Oscar in the animated film category.

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Faslane Peace Camp and Trident Ploughshares Tresspass at Faslane Naval Base

02-07-2012 15:00

Seven activists from Faslane Peace Camp and Trident Ploughshares entered Faslane naval base this morning with four members of the group slipping past guards and reaching points up to 100 yards inside the base.

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Faslane Peace Camp banner drop in Helensburgh

26-06-2012 23:07

Banner Drop
Peace Campers scaled the gasometer in Helensburgh to deliver a response to reports in the local media welcoming investment in Trident replacement.

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Greg Palast book launch event Tuesday 26 June 7pm, ULU, Malet Street

25-06-2012 11:02

Tomorrow night Greg Palast launches his latest book Vultures' Picnic in the UK.

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Activists blockade Faslane Naval Base

19-06-2012 10:35

Today at 7 o’ clock in the morning activists of the Faslane Peacecamp blockaded the Trident Naval Base. Three people locked on in front of the South Gate. From the original five people at the North Gate two were arrested immediately while the rest were able to blockade one lane of the road. The blockade lasted about 90 minutes.

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Faslane Peace Campers Trespass at Coulport Nuclear Weapons Depot

15-06-2012 19:53

explosives handling jetty coulport
Two Peace Campers entered the the Explosives Handling Jetty area at RNAD Coulport in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

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Veterans blockade Faslane nuclear weapons base in Scotland

14-06-2012 12:27

Trident Ploughshares

Press Release
14 June 2012

Two Pensioners blockade Faslane

This morning two Trident Ploughshares activists sat in the road at the North Gate of Faslane Trident Submarine base, stopping any traffic from entering the base for 15 minutes as part of the Faslane Peace Camps call for 30 Days of Action.

For details of other actions to mark the anniversary, see:

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Week End of resistance to the THT lines Cotentin-Maine, in Normandy

11-06-2012 08:52

Call out for a week end of resistance to the High Voltage Power Lines (THT) Cotentin-Maine, in Normandy

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Carry On Cranning: Nuclear Disarmament Banner Drop!

09-06-2012 06:28

A Peace Camp banner drop is currently underway at Clydebank landmark gantry crane in Glasgow

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Anti-nuclear groups excluded from meeting

29-05-2012 12:39

You can protest over here
Groups and individuals who were know to have anti-nuclear views were excluded from a 'community engagement' event organised by Suffolk Coastal and Suffolk County councils. This left people attending with a one side of the arguement about economic impacts of nuclear new build presented by EdF.

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Census Refuser challenges Census Act by way of Judicial Review

28-05-2012 04:18

A Birmingham Census refuser, Nigel Simons, has been granted a judicial review that will consider the legality of the Census Act. Simons is arguing that the Act, which makes it a criminal offence to fail to complete the Census, is incompatible with Human Rights legislation. If his challenge is successful, other ongoing prosecutions of census refusers are likely to collapse, previous convictions may be overturned and it may become impossible for the government to contract with arms companies (and other businesses to which people may have legitimate conscientious objection) to provide any public services.

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Faslane 30 Days Of Action: Update And Final Call Out

22-05-2012 18:26

Dear fellow anti-nuclearist/ peaceist/ anti-militarist/ anarchist/
willing-to-stand-up-and-be-counted-ist, You are being invited to the 30th Anniversary of resistance at Faslane!

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Statement by Census refuser Deborah Glass Woodin

17-05-2012 20:09

Deborah's Census case was heard in Reading Magistrates Court on Monday 14 May. She was found guilty, fined and is minded not to pay the fine.

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Shrewsbury: Case against Census refuser dismissed

17-05-2012 18:38

The Crown's case against Judith Sambrook for refusing to complete the 2011 Census was formally dismissed at Shrewsbury Magistrates Court this morning. The CPS offered no evidence against Judith and she was therefore found not guilty. This is the first not guilty verdict we're aware of in relation to 2011 Census refusers. Two cases have been very recently dropped (discontinued) by the CPS, but others are continuing and only this week Deborah Glass Woodin of Oxford was found guilty of the same offence at Reading Magistrates Court.

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What Cuts? MOD Ploughs £5b into Atomic Weapons Establishment

17-05-2012 16:30

The Ministry of Defence has announced spending of £5 billion at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston and Burghfield in Berkshire.