UK Anti-Nuclear Newswire Archive
No to the trashing of our countryside, No to a Nuclear Future, No to Government lies
19-07-2011 08:55

VIGIL FOR FUKUSHIMA outside West Somerset council meeting on Prelimiary works for HinkleyC.
09-07-2011 09:55
28th July West Somerset Council discusses Preliminary works to Hinkley C.
The government has announced its plan for the 8 Nuclear sites in Britain.
The West of England is being threatened with 2 NEW NUCLEAR BUILDS, one at Oldbury and one at Hinkley point.
This would total six in our region, 2 closed , two working and 2 new builds.
An accident at either would mean Bristolians would become Nuclear refugees.
West Somerset Council will discuss the preliminary works to Hinkley C on the 28th of July.
The meeting starts at 10am and it will be held at:
West Somerset House
Killick Way
For more information on the meeting:
We are calling for people to be present inside and outside the council meeting and for there to be a vigil for Fukushima.
In the meantime still put pressure on your MP and please join us on the blockade of Hinkley on the 3 October
Please Pledge!!!!!?
UG#558 - Into Eternity (Understanding The Ongoing Nuclear Wars)
09-07-2011 09:06

Peace activists to go on trial following nuclear weapons protest
16-05-2011 14:18
Three Christian peace activists face Criminal Damage and SOCPA charges following September 2010 protest at AWE AldermastonTrident Ploughshares and Faslane Peace Camp Blockade Faslane
10-05-2011 19:55
Trident Ploughshares and Faslane Peace Camp Blockade Trident Base
Tuesday 10 May, 2011
Faslane nuclear base blockaded this morning
10-05-2011 09:13
Trident Ploughshares[1] and Faslane Peace Camp[2] jointly blockaded Faslane from 7am today, shutting down the Trident submarine base for two hours. Four members of Trident Ploughshares blocked the North Gate of the base while six Peace Campers blocked the South Gate by locking themselves together. Just four days after the Scottish elections the activists called for the anti-Trident SNP government to fulfil its commitments and demand immediate disarmament of Trident and a global ban on nuclear weapons.rotherham remembers chernobyl
27-04-2011 11:33

Chester remembers Chernobyl - 25 years on
26-04-2011 22:58

Anti-nuclear camp / Chernobyl 25th anniversary at Sizewell - pics
26-04-2011 11:42

More images here:

All images Copyright (c) 2011 Stop Nuclear Power Network. They may be reproduced free of charge if credited to Stop Nuclear Power Network. For high resolution versions, please e-mail.
Anti-nuclear activists currently blockading EDF in London
11-04-2011 07:33

Campaigners brought rush hour traffic to a standstill this morning to protest against EDF Energy’s plans to build a new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK. All four lanes of the A302 outside EDF Energy’s headquarters in Grosvenor Place – which runs alongside the gardens of Buckingham Palace – were sealed off shortly after 8am using 14-foot tripods. The cleared zone was then declared a ‘nuclear disaster area’.
Lockheed Martin and the 2011 UK census
19-03-2011 16:22
Demonstration against Lockheed Martin and 2011 UK census processing
A small demonstration was held outside Victoria station to raise awareness of the fact that the government has paid Lockheed Martin £150m of public money to help run the 2011 census. London, UK, 19/03/2011.
According to information compiled by 'Count me Out', (a collective taking action against the 2011 census as a result of the ties with Lockheed Martin UK) the government awarded the World's second biggest arms company a £150m contract to help run the data processing for the 2011 UK census.
Count me out take the view that "Our government shouldn't be paying an arms company, which fuels conflict and war, huge amounts of money to help run the census."
The company used to have offices in Victoria but they were recently moved to an unknown location.
Perhaps best know in the UK for producing Britain's Trident nuclear weapons, they have also sold weapons to Bahrain which have been used recently against anti-government protesters in line with sweeping protests across the Middle-East.
The census is undertaken by the government every 10 years and is a method of counting people and households in the UK. Under UK law, every household is obliged to fill in the relevant information which can be done online, by post or collected by census agents.
Census day for this year is March 27th.
Scotland's census - Don't Co-operate!
16-03-2011 16:22
Census forms are dropping through letterboxes in Scotland. Some vital information is missing from them.
Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3
14-03-2011 19:02

nuclear renaissance demo
17-02-2011 19:29

Another Trident Ploughshares woman jailed, for 14 days
04-02-2011 09:28
Please send letters and cards of solidarity to:Sylvia Boyes
HMP New Hall
Dial Wood, Flockton
West Yorkshire WF4 4XX
Quaker Woman Imprisoned over Anti-Trident Protests
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared on Thursday (3 Feb) at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Buried at C? Sizewell nuclear power station blockaded by anti-nuclear campaigners
02-02-2011 08:06

Senior woman anti-nuke campaigner jailed for 45 days in Scotland
27-01-2011 10:11

Georgina Smith was sentenced yesterday (Wednesday 26 January 2011) to 45 days' imprisonment by Fort William Sheriff Court to for refusing to comply with a compensation order for damage for painting the sandstone wall of the Edinburgh High Court in Scotland in 2006, during the year-long Faslane 365 campaign. Georgina and Helen John had already served sentences in Cornton Vale prison in relation to this action, but had refused to pay the compensation order.
Check back here for details of where to send letters and cards of solidarity. In the meantime, messages of support can be sent to media [at] . These will be forwarded to Georgina.
3 Catholic Workers in Newbury Court Charged under SOCPA for Aldermaston Break-In
06-01-2011 12:48
"Hurry and Wait" for Catholic Workers at Newbury Court House today!Ploughshares activists Chris Cole, Sr. Susan Clarkson from St. Francis House/ Oxford Catholic Worker and Fr. Martin Newell from Giuseppe Conlon House/ London Catholic Worker are presently in Newbury Court for a plea hearing. They are charged under SOCPA legislation with "criminal damage" and "criminal trespass".
Sizewell blockaders again walk free from court / case dismissed
05-01-2011 11:05

Two anti nuclear campaigners, Andreas Speck (46) from London and Ian Mills (45) from Chippenham, who appeared at Lowestoft Magistrates Court today (4 January) on charges of "failing to leave land" (S69(3)(a) CJPOA 1994) when they blockaded Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk on 22 February 2010 [1] walked free after the case was dismissed when the prosecution did not offer any evidence.
Report on the original action (Feb 2010):
Local Democracy Dumped! - Sizewell nuclear plant blockaded again

Press Release (Tuesday 4 January 2011):

See also:
Activists 2 - EDF 0

Sizewell: Protesters walk free after CPS error