UK Energy Crisis Newswire Archive
Solidarity for 3 hambachforest comrades in jail
28-10-2015 20:22
It is cutting season in hambach forest, a forest occuption in germany, where they want to destroy more and more forest for the expansion of one of europes biggest lignite open cast coal mine. This area is one of the most polluting areas in europe, with as leading killkill companie RWE. Now 3 comrades are imprisoned.Voices from the Global South stand in solidarity with UK groups to oppose Engli
28-09-2015 14:12
Representatives of fifty groups from twenty-two countries who are opposing coal mining and working for climate justice have signed an open letter against UK opencast coal mining. The letter, addressed to the Planning Inspectorate and Derbyshire County Council, asks for two opencast coal mine applications to be refused, as “English law enables applications to be refused on the basis that it is not in the local, national or international interest to approve development, as is the situation in these cases.”
Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015
25-08-2015 08:44

This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly.
Resisting Fracking in Chester: Pics from Upton Community Protection Camp
05-06-2015 20:44

The camp is on organic farmland, Dutton's Lane, Upton, Chester CH2 2PE, the site of IGas's proposed test drill for coal bed methane. It was set up to protect the local community from IGas and, over a year later, is still going strong.
Visitors are welcome and guest accommodation is available on site, with plenty of room for camping too.
Wrong Decision - Bradley Mine Approved by Inspector
05-06-2015 13:09

Pictures from Borras anti-fracking camp
04-06-2015 15:18

#TIMETOACT2015 Climate Change March 7/3
10-03-2015 07:09

The £469m Cost of Restoring Opencast Coal Sites:
30-01-2015 12:10
Yesterday the House of commons debated the issue of Un-restored Opencast Sites in the UK. Totting up all the figures used in the debate means that the cost of restoring these sites has reached £469m. LAON's press release below goes on to warn that unless steps are taken to prevent new site approvals under the present regime, more sites could be left un-restored.How The Hill Was Gardened – The Bidirectional Approach
28-01-2015 17:02
Less emission reductions than appropriate, higher electromagnetic pulse risk than necessary, a golden honey pot of intelligence failures – the balance of the capitalist system is sobering, and best expressed in an image from its own presentation: The truth-weary fear-monger of a diplomat accusing African independence movements of using several exhausting assassination methods in a row against the same target, as if it were an exercise in a fitness room. Allegedly Al-Shabab were burying people alive before they stone them. Well, maybe he wanted to say that they burn them alive when they drone them, or whatever he is clinging to here, but that would have been diplomatically akin to shooting oneself into the foot. One has to call the undocumented leftovers of the imperialist killer robot attacks into mind to make sense of hysterical statements of that type. And by getting stoned, he did not mean hemp either, although it would have been the best example to illustrate that it is wrong to throw a burden of proof at these who cannot move. A considerable distinction between Buddha and Newton remains even when both are sitting under this or that tree. Why should Africans prove that they are not manually producing the same mayhem as (African-)Americans do automatically? Even the worker at the sewing machine does not need to swallow the fraudulent all-of-the-above approach of the corrupt minimum wage campaigner, and might find a pedestal income on which the former can be operated without corporate identity architecture risks significantly more favourable than unsubstantiated into-your-face expectations. The “drone diplomat” grabbed for a straw man to hide behind, because it requires to be filled in on the definitive meaning of its blame-shifting approach – it is the admission that there is something that could be shifted in the first place.UG#701 - The Temptation of The Technofix (The Quest for "New Nature")
15-01-2015 10:24

The Price of Oil and its Macroeconomic Meaning
09-01-2015 13:54
The dialectics of power and weakness makes it that when power becomes weak by Nature its strength is turning into an open wound. The bleeding of the oil monopoly is such a case, it illustrates why it is wise to calm down before death, though in the case of the oil industry it is the monopoly power which is dying, not necessarily the populations depending on it as sort of ecological hostages. What is bleeding here is the futurological formula of the Saudi monarchy in Arabia, as it is burning the resources it is meant to leave for future generations for the mere purpose of clinging to a misinformed hegemony in the way of creative chaos. The decision to increase the oil output now instead of much later on reflects a shrunk expectation horizon of a human future, and even in the best case, where it would be assumed that it is more of a conscious choice than of a motoric reflex to dispatch the oil which is left to a shorter timespan than appropriate from the perspective of intergenerational justice, it expresses the untold admission that the Saudi racket does not see a future for itself it would deem worth of any conservation. What shows itself in the current price dump is the metabolic rush of the prisoner who gets to smoke a last cigarette before execution, and as the inhalation is in full scale it is not visible how much of it has already burned down before the Mammal Squad turns on its cameras. Apparently the increased strength of the Islamic State is rock-firm enough to shake the petroleum market into sell-out panic.Call-out for support for fracking resisters: Thu 20 Nov in Manchester & Wrexham
19-11-2014 23:02

Support is requested in the morning (Thu 20 Nov) at the court hearing in Manchester and at the camp near Wrexham. Full details below.
Can Beijing Fool the Climate Scientists?
17-11-2014 15:58
This is a serious concern, despite the fact that there are much worse traps waiting for the same targets. The Chinese-American climate treaty, whose occurrence indicates that both currencies are chained to the same throne, which was sufficiently shaken by the impact of attention directed against it, proves with certainty that Jinping can fool Obama (and thereby keep his even more reactionary competitors at bay). The essence of the treaty is that each side puts a blind eye towards the other side´s accounting trick, which is in the American case the backward projection of the calculation baseline to a date before peak oil, and in the Chinese case the forward shifting of it to a date after peak coal. Of course any meaningful climate treaty would use the date of signature as the common accounting baseline for emission reduction measurements, not only to create an incentive for everyone to sign in at the same time but also to sign in as soon as possible before unavoidable reductions fall behind the entry of competition. This is not the case with the “Beijing Protocol,” and although in this one at least backward projection is not mutual, deprecating the entire treaty, the trade-off of the two different scams leaves a “fossil gap” between the two peaks of the length of one generation that mirrors the uneven consumption of the two substances due to the grotesque energy thirst of a century of militarism. It is not only that the negotiated result makes Unitedstates look stupid because they have to reach their declared targets before the other side even begins to wind down, which leaves the Chinese regime with zero risk. It also leaves the international public with the situation that there is a diplomatic framework but with no effect, because it neither involves targeted competition nor reality-based planning. Only the please-boss-do-something-crowd can spell “cool for our time” as if they had their right of political engagement delivered to them by governments and corporations.Government Waste Policy Is Half-Baked
17-11-2014 11:42
The Waste Hierarchy needs enforcement or incentivisation if it’s ever really going to make a difference. Rufus Hirsch, from London-based Clearance Solutions (
Has Australia Suffered a Covert Military Coup?
24-10-2014 15:10
The incident was an independent response to the censorship case discussed here and resonated with the description of the self-referential nature of body politics for a group of people whose constellation resembles the human organism: If the Islamic state censors beyond the lines drawn by its internationalist base, it is stealing from the people and the “executive body part” involved in it is to be looked at. The execution of someone wrapped in an IS flag that recently was disrupted by Australia´s military-industrial complex and triggered the largest police state quake in the history of the colony apparently was meant to write with the blood of an easily available victim the comment to Mosul that such behaviour was inappropriate. Yet while the message from the Southern continent got out, it was not implemented since as a result of spying the people involved were taken prisoners by the capitalist state in an unprecedented instance of “victimless crime.” Since then, the Canberra regime has been weighed by the temptation to persecute someone who has not done anything more than a cop who places a bullet into the wrong direction at the wrong time as an alleged terrorist, and as a result thereof such symptoms of internal discomfort could be observed as the threat to imprison people who identify spies by their names or frictions between troops and spies over subordination issues. Already since the sudden cabinet resignation at the peak of the NSA runaway affair, and the ensuing degradation in a conservative cesspool trampled by a surge of Unitedstates occupation troops, Australia has politically appeared like the broken clock that is right twice a day but no one can tell when. Yet since Julian Assange of Wikileaks called health emergency this summer to get out of the London siege, this appears to have changed and the Southern continent presents itself more like a lost watch where total desertification by runaway climate change is likely to be expected earlier than anywhere else.Protest at Green Investment Bank 2nd Birthday
20-10-2014 15:37

Wrexham Borras drill site occupied - Please support the camp
19-10-2014 23:52

GP Energy (who were bought out by Dart who in turn have been bought out by IGas) applied for planning permission to do an exploratory drill for coal bed methane (CBM) at Borras, Wrexham. Frack-off describes coal bed methane as the evil twin of shale gas. Wrexham council refused the application back in March after at lot of work by local people to educate the planning committee on the dangers of unconventional gas extraction. The success of this was at least in part due to increased awareness of the issues as a result of a test drill happening at the same time in nearby Farndon. Unfortunately, the Wales Planning Inspector overturned the council's decision earlier this month - on some distinctly dodgy grounds - and the site is now under imminent threat of test drilling, even though it is in an area where the government's own report has indicated CBM extraction isn't feasible due to the geology.
A public meeting has been called for 23 October in Borras but, in advance of that, the site has been occupied this weekend and a community protection camp set up. Support (including more campers) and supplies needed. Please get there if you can. Postcode LL13 9TG. There's a camp Facebook group or you can contact Frack-Free Wrexham for more information.
Planning Inspector overturns Wrexham Council fracking decision. Public meeting 23 October
12-10-2014 12:02

Earlier this week, the Planning Inspector granted the appeal by GP/Dart/now IGas against Wrexham Council's refusal to grant planning permission for a test drill for Coal Bed Methane at Borras (near Commonwood) near Wrexham. Test drilling on the site could now go ahead at any time.
Yesterday, Saturday 11 October, flyers for a public meeting on 23 October were handed out to football fans before the Wrexham vs. Grimbsy 150th anniversary game. If we want to see another 150 years of Wrexham AFC we're going to have to stop the frackers.
Previous indymedia reports from Wrexham and nearby Farndon: Farndon Camp & Wrexham Council planning refusal | Wales Against Fracking Day of Action
The Coal Question and the Bradley Public Inquiry
05-10-2014 13:05
Investors since may 2013 have been receiving warnings about not investing in Fossil Fuel Utility Companies. This press release recounts these warnings and explains why it may influence the outcome of the Bradley Public Inquiry into UK Coal's appeal over Durham County Council's rejection of an opencast mine applicationThe Financial Risks and the Bradley Public Inquiry
03-10-2014 16:15
People living around the Bradley site fear that if planning approval is given for mining the 550,000 tonnes of coal on the site is that all they will be left with is a big waterfilled hole. This press release gives reasons why this fear exists