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UK Flotilla to Gaza Newswire Archive

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Hillary Clinton: attack on Gaza flotilla

25-06-2011 12:12

Obama and Clinton
Hillary Clinton gives green light for Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla ... In comments yesterday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed to lay the ground – indeed almost provide a green light – for an Israeli military attack on the upcoming Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which will include the US Boat to Gaza. Among the passengers aboard the American boat will be 87-year old Kindertransport survivor Hedy Epstein, and author and poet Alice Walker. In all it is expected that about 10 ships, carrying 1000 people from over 20 countries will take part.

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Will the Gaza flotilla be safe from Israel's murderous threats?

14-06-2011 09:04

It was a simple question.

On 27 March I wrote to my Member of Parliament asking: "What is the British government planning to do, please, to safeguard British subjects (and indeed the other humanitarians) sailing with the flotilla on its peaceful mission to Gaza?"

The government had been only too happy, I said, to dispatch the warships Cumberland and York to help civilians of all nationalities caught up in the Libyan trouble and deliver aid to the Benghazi medical centre.

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English Defence League Major Security Breach

23-04-2011 23:53

Screenshot of the Zine (Doesn't include any details)
A data breach has been noticed in the English Defence League organisation. Major details of the organisation's leaders and members have been revealed.

*We kindly request News and Media organisations to reference this Indy Media article if they intend to use the information provided.

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Palestine Today 04 17 2011

17-04-2011 10:32

Got the bastards! The two Fogel family killers apprehended at neighboring Awarta village.

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Forte Prenestino: The Wonders of Arianne's Tea Room.

05-03-2011 08:40

The owner of Arianne's Tea Room beams at me as she pours the best red wine I have ever tasted. I ask her how long she has been running her Tea Room. She answers that it had been a seven year old dream which came true two years ago. She adds that her Team room is a labour of love and creation.

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Past is Present: Settler Colonialism in Palestine

18-02-2011 13:47

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is often described as unique and
exceptional with little resemblance to other historical or ongoing
colonial conflicts. Yet, for Zionism, like other settler colonial
projects such as the British colonization of Ireland or European
settlement of North America, South Africa or Australia, the imperative
is to control the land and its resources -- and to displace the
original inhabitants.

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Palestinian September 2011 Deadline Doomed

16-02-2011 20:37

The PLO is reshuffling its negotiations department as well as the cabinet of the self-ruled Palestinian Authority (PA) and has called for presidential, legislative and local elections by next September to empower itself with electoral legitimacy ahead of that deadline, encouraged by what the Quartet perceives as a “really important moment of opportunity,” in the words of the Quartet’s representative the former UK prime minister Tony Blair.

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EDL Official Website Hacked By Anti Fascist Hackers - 09 Feb 2011

09-02-2011 06:40

Access to the Admin Panel
After the recent hacking that took place on EDL's Zetaboards forum.
Hackers have again compromised the EDL and have taken down their actual website.

You can see the hack in action here,

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EDL Zetaboards forum hacked!

06-02-2011 18:30

EDL Zetaboards Hack Screenshot
EDL Zetaboards forums have been hacked, defaced and data has been stolen, again.

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Translated: "Indignez-vou" by 93-y.o. Incites Young French-600,000 Sold

12-01-2011 21:45

Waving Hessel's "Little Red Book"
Booklet "Indignez-vou" by Man 93 Incites Young French-600,000 Sold

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There is a revolution growing inside of us-Statement by anoymous Gazan students

03-01-2011 11:43

two of the alleged authors of this statement have apparently been repeatedly detained by Hamas...

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Aid Workers On road To Gaza Abducted By Greek Captain

11-11-2010 03:52

Convoy Abducted
13 Aid Workers, including 2 Mavi Marmara survivors Ebrahim Musaji and US Army veteran Ken O'Keefe, who were trying to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip have had their cargo stolen and are being currently taken hostage from recent accounts their ships captain has decided to abduct them and head for Greece.

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Artwork for Irish Ship to Gaza (Freedom Flotilla 2) by Latuff

29-08-2010 20:04

Irish Ship to Gaza, Freedom Flotilla 2
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against US backed IsraHell's state terror.

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John & Yoko fundraising for Gaza Convoy

26-08-2010 14:20

Friday 27th August from 12pm

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Newcastle protest against BBC's pro-Israeli propoganda

22-08-2010 23:21

Redecoration of the BBC building
More than a dozen pro-Palestinian activists gathered outside the BBC in Newcastle today in a lively protest against the biased reporting of the Panorama programme in it’s recent documentary ‘Death on the Med’ about the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in May 2010. The demonstration was supported in Newcastle by the Palestine Action Group and other independent activists.

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While Palestinians die! The BBC Lies!

21-08-2010 01:11

Newcastle, Tyne and Wear. On 17th August the BBC programme ‘Panorama’ aired 'Death on the Med' a documentary about the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in May 2010.Since shooting nine peace activists dead on the Freedom Flotilla, the Israeli state has led a concerted attempt to rewrite history - making their commandos the victims of an assault by “terrorists”. BBC news coverage of the attack and Panarama’s recent programme clearly show that the BBC is following suit and aligning itself with the Zionist state of Israel.

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English Defence League, LGBT, Anarchists, Iran, Israel and Palestine analysis

20-08-2010 16:44

The English Defence League are a Zionist backed & funded street army who have recruited hardcore racists groups in their plans to start a race war against Muslims. They use the excuse "Islamic extremism" as a ruse for their anti Muslim thuggery but their Israeli flags and "Stop Iran's support for Hamas" banners say it all. Orlando Montfort of the EDL LGBT Divs will be leading EDL Anarchist Divs.

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Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programe 22 August 2010

17-08-2010 14:17

Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programme 22nd August 2010.
Panorama aired "Death On The Med" a documentary about the Israeli attacks on the Freedom Flotilla in May 2010 - Israel's version. The BBC once again aired and spread propaganda on Israel's behalf.

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BBC - the ultimate prostitutes of propaganda.

17-08-2010 08:06

Audio Ken O'Keefe interviewed by Jane Corbin of BBC Panorama
If you haven’t seen it, look for BBC Panorama’s “Death in the Med” program online, you will be treated to first class propaganda as only the BBC can deliver. [1]

I am one of the passengers/witnesses interviewed for this program and I am very much aware of BBC’s role in justifying war and covering up Israeli crimes. I am in no way naive about this; to the contrary my motivation for the interview lay largely in the all too likely opportunity to expose the BBC. A relevant job considering the BBC’s role in the slaughter of over one million Iraqi’s, a direct role by virtue of the war they justified. BBC from start to present, justifying Iraq, a massive war crime and crime against humanity based entirely on lies (propagated intensely by the BBC). The British Broadcasting Corporation, synonymous with millions of orphans and refugees and countless lives destroyed in Iraq, beating the drums of war without pause, the ultimate prostitutes of propaganda.