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UK Flotilla to Gaza Newswire Archive

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Ambulance Targeting Was Based On Turkish Disinformation

16-07-2016 08:11

It was an American-made helicopter abusing the name of a First Nations tribe which penetrated Syrian territory coming from Golan late June, in bright daylight approached a nameless Czech-made ambulance car, and fired a B7EV type air-to-ground missile killing a patient plus other inmates en route to a civilian hospital. One of many, too many casualties in a foreign-policy-fuelled war, it seemed, far too little a scandal to stand out among the daily dead – but now evidence leaked via the Alternative Intelligence Review site that this particular attack was triggered by Turkish surveillance authorities providing their Israeli counterparts with fake intelligence it would have been a senior Hamas operative wounded by insurgent snipers while seeking diplomatic contact with the Assad government. Yet instead Telaviv assassinated a Mongolian deli owner seeking stroke treatment.

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Photos and video from Kedem protest in Edinburgh

01-09-2014 00:35

Seven photos and a video of the Edinburgh SPSC (Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign) protest at the Kedem stall in Ocean Mall, Edinburgh.

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Glenrothes march and rally for Gaza Saturday August 16th 2014.

18-08-2014 01:24

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) called for a demonstration outside the offices of Raytheon in Glenrothes, Fife. Here are 20 photos of the day plus a video clip of the march through the town of Glenrothes.

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Photos from march and rally for Gaza Edinburgh Saturday August 9th 2014

14-08-2014 23:14

20 photos from the march and rally for Gaza August 9th 2014 in Edinburgh.

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Report and photos of Kirkcaldy demonstration for Gaza Saturday 2nd August 2014

03-08-2014 12:29

Report of a protest in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland against the continuing carnage in Gaza, one of many demonstrations taking part across the country and indeed across the world.

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Every Little Hurts.

02-08-2014 08:32

On 1st of August 2014, activists from the Solidarity Collective hold a demonstration outside Tesco's store on Kensington High Street London. The protest was calling on Tesco's to stop selling Israel goods.

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End The Slaughter in Gaza - TESCO stop the sale of Israeli goods

28-07-2014 17:22

On Sunday the 27th of July, activists from the Solidarity Collective attended a Tesco’s in South East London and witnessed the continued sale of products from the West Bank. These products included among other things dates. We feel that in the light of continued slaughter of civilians in Palestine and the ongoing blockade that it is unacceptable that this produce should be openly on sale in the high streets of London.

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Demo for Gaza in Newcastle Saturday 26th July 2014

28-07-2014 15:11

Report of the demonstration against Israeli Operation Protective Edge which took place in Newcastle on Saturday 26th July. 13 photos attached.

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BBC Vigil for Gaza

25-07-2014 14:51

“Don’t be deceived by those fancy talkers because action speaks louder than words –Jimmy Cliff. On the Friday the 25th of July members of the Solidarity Collective held a vigil outside the offices of the BBC in London. The aim was to highlight the continuing bias in the coverage of the occupation of Palestine and onslaught in the Gaza strip that has seen the death toll of mostly women and children pass the 800 mark.

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Beautiful but wounded Gaza

12-07-2014 00:15

Gaza, July 11, Israel launched a new aggression\operation\offensive against Gaza and decided to name “Protective Edge” also known as “Solid Rock”. Israeli warplanes, tanks, drones and warships participated in bombing places across Gaza all day long. This makes it the third Israeli open war against Gaza in 5 years or less. This isn’t a report, this is a personal account of what I lived today through the third day of Israel’s new aggression on Gaza.

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Freedom Flotilla West Papua

10-04-2013 01:40

Indigenous Elders from Australia & West Papua are planning a Freedom Flotilla to West Papua in solidarity against the apartheid of colonisation and destruction caused by multinational mining companies on Indigenous land in West Papua & Australia.
They are being actively supported by a coalition of environmental and
human rights activists, artists and musicians from all over Australia.

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Operation Pillar of Cloud -- Self-Defence or Genocide?

19-11-2012 16:40

A brief Indigenist news report on ‘Operation Pillar of Cloud’, the recent military offensive against The Gaza, with analysis and observations from international human rights activist Ali H.D. (@hocinedim) speaking from the UK.

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11 Glorious years!! Rejoice at the continuing golden Peace Campaign

02-06-2012 15:46

Let us rejoice at the 11th anniversary of the London Parliament Square peace campaign. An 11th anniversary is typically called steel and steel is what Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker have shown over these last 4,000 odd days.

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Beaten up & disabled by far right thug - 5 witnesses but police refuse to charge

21-05-2012 01:03

Friday Drivetime - BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

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Views of Palestinian women at the Solidarity camp in Gaza

06-05-2012 21:40

Journalists for the Prisoners—Gaza 06/05/12 -- Raghda Abu Jarad (33-year – old ) is one of many other Palestinians who come to the “solidarity camp” to express solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners and detainees held captive in Israeli prisons.

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Claiming Responsibility For Recent Counterattacks

20-03-2012 12:53

Palestinian Child
"The child that is hungry must be fed, the child that is sick must be nursed, the child that is backward must be helped, the delinquent child must be reclaimed, and the orphan and the waif must be sheltered and succored." - Israel in settling lands and dropping bombs on Palestine regularly violates these rights - one law for the rich one law for the poor?

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Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza

12-03-2012 23:09

Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza
Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza… which continues 4 days later ... As Gaza endures its 4th day of intense bombing from Israeli F-16s, V58 fighter planes, Apache helicopters, UAVs and warships, please take the time to look at these websites and read these key articles: Ali Abunimah: “Mowing the lawn” ... On Israel’s latest massacre in Gaza and the lies behind it: Israel provoked this violence and according to some Israeli commentators its goals are to escalate pressure for war with Iran and to drag Hamas away from diplomacy and back into violence. .......

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Kristallnacht in Palestine

17-12-2011 23:43

Virtually daily, Israeli security forces attack, kill, or injure Palestinian civilians with impunity. They also destroy their property by bombing, shelling, bulldozing and uprooting it. At the same time, Israeli authorities wink and nod, occasionally decry, yet do nothing to deter extremist settler crimes against Palestinian civilians. Most often, they're given license to terrorize, vandalize and commit physical violence with impunity. Rarely ever is anyone held accountable. The same holds for its own security forces, no matter how outrageous their crimes.

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Jailed for Sailing to Gaza, Challenging the Blockade

05-11-2011 17:04

Before the pirates struck
Two boats full of courageous passengers were on their way to Gaza when they were intercepted on Friday, November 4, by the Israeli military in international waters. We call the passengers courageous because they sailed from Turkey on November 2 with the knowledge that at any moment they might be boarded by Israeli commandos intent on stopping them—perhaps violently, as the Israeli military did in 2010 when they killed nine humanitarian aid workers on the Turkish boat named Mavi Marmara.

The boats—one from Canada and one from Ireland—were carrying 27 passengers, including press and peace activists from Ireland, Canada, the United States, Australia and Palestine. They were unarmed, and the Israeli military knew that. They were simply peace activists wanting to connect with civilians in Gaza, and the Israeli military knew that. Yet naked aggression was used against them in international waters—something that is normally considered an act of piracy.

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New World Order? 9/11 truths & new documentary: '7/7 Crimes And Prejudice'

16-09-2011 23:05

straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Tony Gosling

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Gaza blockade must stop

02-09-2011 21:28

Force used by Israel was 'excessive' even if legal.
A way to end the blockade and is suggested

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Video of PEDAL: London to the West Bank

11-08-2011 15:00

PEDAL finish work in the West Bank with Jordan Valley solidarity campaign and launch short video of their journey

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Hidden Video camera from inside Israeli Prison

06-08-2011 10:20

One woman managed to smuggle out this hidden recorded video of their six nights locked up in the high security prison in Israel.

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by Boat, by Bike: UK activists pedal to Palestine (with Photo Essay)

30-07-2011 19:07

7,000km, 18 countries. PEDAL arrives in the West Bank and joins the Bil'in popular committee for a Bike action against the illegal separation wall and occupation.

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French boat on its way to Gaza: the Dignité has sailed

18-07-2011 18:25

French boat Dignité of the Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece

The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage, sudden restrictions and withdrawals of flags.

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‘Flytilla’ Volunteers Arrive Back in the UK

13-07-2011 23:28

Welcoming Committee
On tuesday night, activists from a variety of groups including ISM London formed a welcome back committee at Luton Airport.

The activists were there to greet several ‘Flytilla’ volunteers deported by Israel from Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv. The volunteers had made an attempt to travel to Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank for the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative. Up to 600 volunteers had made plans to fly into Ben Gurion from Friday onwards to form a solidarity delegation that would visit Palestinians in various towns and villages in the West Bank, illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.

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The story of the flotilla is not over

12-07-2011 08:41

Picture by Nidal El-Khairy
The story of the second Freedom Flotilla is not over. Israel and the international community have deployed multiple deterrent tactics, falsely accusing participants of terrorism, chemical warfare and plans to murder Israeli soldiers. Boats have been sabotaged, boarded and blockaded with crews and owners arrested.

Last year’s violent assault on the Mavi Marmara, which included summary executions, torture and theft, remains the starkest recent example of Israel’s tactic of deterrence towards solidarity activists trying to break its hold over Palestinian territory. But is it working?