UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
Theory into Practice? Shift Magazine no. 8
22-01-2010 16:05
Issue 8 of Shift Magazine is available now. It should be in radical bookshops and social centres soon, or can be ordered from the website.This time, we have reports and analyses from Copenhagen, a look at Griffin's appearance on Question Time, and an interview with geographer Erik Swyngedouw. The focus is on the (im)possibility of alternative practice in a post-political world. To this effect, Anarchist FAQ author Ian McKay provides a critique of mutualism that shows up the limits of a cooperative lifestyle and the need for antagonistic action.
All content will be online eventually. So far, here is the editorial:
Neo-con Senator Lisa Murkowski wants to pollute and kill the planet
20-01-2010 14:17
An Alaska Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski, is expected to put forward a proposal for a vote as early as tomorrow that would seek to prevent the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.Obama faces emissions U-turn with new Congress challenge

Interview with Tadzio Muller- Climate Justice Action
18-01-2010 15:08
Interview with Tadzio Muller- a spokesperson for Climate Justice ActionHaiti: Cuban Medical Brigade
17-01-2010 19:54

Only the extinction of capitalism will ensure the survival of our species
15-01-2010 22:50
The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is already so high that the climate system has been brought out of balance. The CO2 concentration and global temperatures have increased more rapidly in the last 50 years than ever before on Earth, and will rise even faster in the coming decades. This adds to a multitude of other serious ecological imbalances, the impacts of which threaten the lives and livelihoods of the people of the world, most acutely, impoverished people and other vulnerable groups.Green Solutions, Not Nuclear Greenwash! - Demo at London Nuclear Conf, 26 Jan
14-01-2010 20:59

Tuesday 26 January, 2010, 8.30am – 10.30am, Guoman Charing Cross Hotel, The Strand, London WC2N 5HX (next to Charing Cross railway station)
Map / directions:

Nearest tube: Charing Cross / Embankment
Conference website:

Dress code (optional): White overalls and gas mask / paper mask

The Dead End of Climate Justice
13-01-2010 22:22

On the occasion of its ten-year anniversary, the antiglobalization movement has been brought out of its slumber. This is to be expected, as anniversaries and nostalgia often trump the here and now in political action. What is troublesome, though, is not the celebration of a historical moment but the attempted resurrection of this movement, known by some as the Global Justice Movement, under the banner of Climate Justice.
The Great Nuclear Power Debate - Mon 11 Jan, 7.30pm, London
08-01-2010 13:41

The government are claiming that building nuclear power plants across the UK will help deal with the problems of climate change and unemployment.
But does nuclear power hold the answer to these problems or does it simply detract from developing other solutions for climate change?
dichotomies of violence vs non violence at Copenhagen
08-01-2010 12:39
We need to change our tactics if we are to fight climate change- violence is a very loaded word and can mean different things to different peopleMovement #3 - No Borders newsletter
07-01-2010 16:42

Sleeping with the Enemy: TCKTCKTCK in bed with EDF, world’s leading nuclear corp
07-01-2010 10:04

EYES WIDE SHUT | TckTckTck exposé from activist insider
The mainstream environmental movement no longer inspires nor leads society to an enlightened existence – it simply bows down to the status quo.
Who Really Deserves the Fossil Fool Award? TckTckTck or us?
The largest climate change campaign in the world is in bed with the world’s most powerful corporations.
Climate Protestors in Court Following Defacing of Canadian Flag
05-01-2010 17:26

Court charged with criminal damage against the Canadian High Commission in
London following an action to stop the Tar Sands..
Beyond Bloctivism: Critical Response to the Greenpolice
05-01-2010 01:48
The following article is a critical response to a communiqué from the black bloc ‘Greenpeace-Greenpolice’ which contests the role of ecology in recent political conflicts taking place around the recent COP 15 Summit with the intention of drawing support away from the Reclaim Power action at the Bella Centre on the 16th December.Statement From COP15 Prisoners- and how to support them
02-01-2010 13:20

Reclaiming Power in Copenhagen.
29-12-2009 23:54
A decisive step towards a global climate justice movement.A political analysis of where we stand post-Copenhagen.
GreenPeace/GreenPolice: A communique from the COP15 Black Bloc
28-12-2009 17:10
This communique was given out by a portion of the Black Bloc during the march to the Bella Centre on Saturday at the protests against the U.N. COP-15: There seems to be a common logic between the government delegates, the NGOs who control the march, and even the radical ecological activists: we are all saving humanity together. Who would not want to fight for this? And even if you did not, do you even have a choice?Are we serious? the shambles in Copenhagen
23-12-2009 23:25
A personal account of the failure of the protests in Copenhagen. It's all too easy to blame that nasty "police repression" for the lack of fizz of the demos in Denmark -- but were the protests ever serious?A recognition for climate refugees?
20-12-2009 19:46
Scientists are convinced that we will have in the next 50 years between 50 and 250 million people will have to flee, as a result of climate change. Unfortunately these people have no status.Issue 704 - Not a Hopenhagen
20-12-2009 19:09
As World Leaders dither inside, SchNEWS looks to the thousands of dissenters outside the Copenhagen Climate Conference.... plus, the Camp for Climate Action activists target Canada for wanting to exploit the oil their climate koshing tar sands, as much of Iraqs's oil finally got auctioned off last week was was mission accomplished for the US?, a prominent member of the EDL is charged with soliciting murder and using threatening, abusive or insulting words, Israeli goverment irked as UK warrant for war crimes issued to foreign ministe, and more...