UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
Climate Camp sets up at Trafalgar Square
05-12-2009 18:35
Press Release from Camp for Climate Action UKCOP15: Be part of the party!
05-12-2009 17:22
Copenhagen – COP15 – World Climate SummitOn December 12th 2009 a mass demonstration against the COP15 Climate Summit will take place in Copenhagen. A mixture of very different people, groups and organizations are going to participate.
Unfortunately, the official route of the demonstration will directly lead out of the city centre...
Campaiging cyclists on the road from Cambrige to London
05-12-2009 06:52

Issue 5 of 'Turbulence: Ideas for Movement' Out Now
04-12-2009 23:32
A new issue of 'Turbulence: Ideas for Movement' is out now, for free in print and
Climate change mayhem down under
04-12-2009 16:07
Voter apathy and conviction that politicians are liars who sold out their electorate to the corporate world gained a big boost this month with the news that world leaders who had promised to end the war and tackle climate change were now supporting the war and listening to arguments that climate change is really a paper tiger invented by misguided do-gooders.The Pittsburgh Independent Media Center Releases Crows 1.0
04-12-2009 09:07
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA -- December 1, 2009 -- The PittsburghIndependent Media center today announced the release of Crows 1.0, an
Open Source website platform that was developed for the G-Infinity
Media project and utilized for live coverage of the G20 Summit and
Protests in Pittsburgh this past September.
How to Help Indymedia Report the Wave Demo + Cop Out Action
03-12-2009 19:54

The Indymedia telephone numbers below are for informing Indymedia about what is happening around the Wave demonstration and Climate Camp "Cop Out Camp Out" on 5th December.
Your participation enables an accurate picture of the events to be reported on the Indymedia websites, and helps to create a timeline of reports (like this one from the taking of Blackheath Climate Camp in the summer

Cop15: Notes from below
03-12-2009 12:49
This December (ten years since the alter-globalisation movements took to the streets of Seattle to oppose the world trade organization) activists from across the globe will be descending on Copenhagen to protest the COP15 round of discussion. Has the UK Direct Action movement changed in the interceding years between these cycles of struggle? And what lessons, if any, can it learn from its recent past?12/12 demonstration Copenhagen
02-12-2009 16:35
Be part of the party!Copenhagen – COP15 – World Climate Summit
December 12th 2009 a mass demonstration against the COP15 Climate Summit will take place in Copenhagen. A mixture of very different people, groups and organizations are going to participate.
Unfortunately the registered route of the demonstration will directly lead out of the city centre to a barren part of town around the conference building, where it is going to end. It will also not be possible for us to change our mind on the way and turn around in order to bring our protest to public places, as after 30 m the demo will cross a draw-bridge, which can ban us from the inner city in the blink of an eye. This is why we think it is important to make up our minds beforehand, which way we want to go.
Anti-capitalism: alive and well
01-12-2009 18:21
Ten years ago, the global justice movement burst from the streets of Seattle onto the world’s television screens. John Hilary examines the victories and challenges of the last decadeAnti-capitalist Block at The Wave
01-12-2009 18:20
The Wave will be lumped as a protest with a mixture of liberals and SWPers. Avoid being lumped with these lot (Unless you do fit those categories, of course!) and join the anti-capitalist block on Saturday 5th December.Reports pouring in from n30 day of climate justice action! Compilation here!
01-12-2009 01:22

Sheffield Residents to Hold Vigil for Climate Justice
30-11-2009 22:34
Residents of Sheffield are being asked to join a candlelit vigil aimed at raisingawareness of the need for a fair and effective climate deal to be made
at the upcoming UN talks in Copenhagen.
Anti Capitalist Block @ the Wave
29-11-2009 16:30
TIME: 12:45pmPLACE: London, Berkeley Square (come out of Green Park Tube Station, turn
left, and then left again up Berkeley St. Meet next to the statue in the
middle of the green)
Places: central london/ westminster
Full article | 4 additions | 8 comments
Thousands protest WTO in Geneva - Property Damage and Tear Gas
28-11-2009 21:17

The mobilisation is seen very much in relation to the COP15 UN climate conference taking place in Copenhagen 7th - 18th December (see

This afternoon clashes broke out as parts of the crowd attacked property smashing windows of banks and shops and setting a number of cars on fire. Police used tear gas, concussion greandes and water cannon. Further protests are scheduled with the WTO meeting starting on Monday 30th November, ten years exactly since the famous Seattle WTO protests.
The COP OUT Camp Out: Climate Camp Action after Wave Demo 5th Dec
28-11-2009 13:58
The Climate Camp in London have announced an action to take place after the huge Wave demonstration in London on 5th December ahead of the Cop15 UN Climate Conference.Details from their website below:
They’ll cop out so we’ll camp out.
On Saturday December 5th 2009, Climate Camp London will be joining the tens of thousands of people descending on London to help put the spotlight on the failing international climate talks in Copenhagen.
Now is the time to challenge the vested interests, corporations and political systems that are causing climate change - so we’ve got a secret plan to take a space in the city after the wave*.
It’s time to show our 'leaders' how we’re going to take action to reduce emissions ourselves.

Vestas solidarity 'Magic Roundabout' Climate Camp evicted
28-11-2009 11:45

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The 300-350 Show: Civil Society for Climate Justice
27-11-2009 23:57

hackers hit : happy buy nothing day!
26-11-2009 12:57
hackers hit CEI : : happy buy nothing day!see the links on the front page - its play time.