UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
The Greening of Peter Mandelson
06-03-2009 12:17
Green custard was this morning thrown in the face of the Labour governments Business Secretary, Peter Mandelson by Plane Stupid activist Leila Deen. The former Northern Ireland Secretary was accosted moments after stepping out of his limo to attend a so-called 'low-carbon' summit in London. In full view of the assembled TV cameras he got a face full of custard and hurried inside. Leila then explained to the cameras that the action had been over Mandelsons unelected and undemocratic role in granting permission for Heathrows third runway on behalf of the business community.Climate Crimes Delayed
02-03-2009 14:11
The newspapers are today reporting that the government decision on the whether a new coal fired power station can be built at Kingsnorth has been put off until autumn at the earliest. This follows the (yet to be confirmed) rumors that the Stansted airport expansion is being abandoned for at least two years. With the COP15 climate summit taking place in Copenhagen at the end of the year, 2009 is shaping up to be a very interesting year for struggles against climate change.The 'Turn Up the Heat' Protest
01-03-2009 13:36
Make sure your voice is heard by those in power: join Christian Aid, CAFOD, the World Development Movement and the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition for a Climate Change Day of Action on March 19thClimate suffragettes rush annual coal industry awards
27-02-2009 14:09

Climate Rush Landmark Coal Industry Decision
27-02-2009 00:22
The Landmark hotel management were less than happy about the righteous fury brought down on them by the dirty coal scum and said they'd not be accepting bookings from their ilk again.
Cops managed to arrest one bloke for not dressing the part and the suffragettes kicked arse yet again. his evening at the Landmark Hotel .
Action against Scottish Coal open cast mine this morning
23-02-2009 11:52
At 9am today a group of eco-activists began to disrupt theoperations of Scottish Coal at the Rosewell open-cast coal mine in the
Midlothians. Some of the 10 activists stopping work today are local residents.
They climbed onto digging machinery to prevent works and climbed onto trucks to prevent
coal from leaving the Rosewell site for 2 hours this morning. Then police arrived but no-one were arrested.
Climate Change is too important to be left to the polititians
21-02-2009 18:41
As the same tired responses and apparently ludicrous solutions keep on being advocated for climate change, I keep thinking, 'I'm just an amateur, what do I know? It may look wrong to me, but surely there's something those in power know that I don't'. I mean, they wouldn't carry on with these schemes and saying these untrue things otherwise, right? If I've got such a point in fields like medicine and architecture, whenever I dig deep I tend to find that yes, there is indeed some serious thing I was unaware of that disabuses me of my opinion.Earth Day 2009
21-02-2009 16:45
I want you to forget about April 22, 2009. Just do whatever you normally do on that day; don’t write anything in your diary; don’t put a circle round the date on your calendar; don’t make a special effort to talk about the environment. Why should you? If you are not a hypocrite then Earth Day will mean nothing special to you because like all other days it will just be sustainable living as usual.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Nuked By Friend And Foe
21-02-2009 16:18
An unsentimental appraisal of our energy choices doesn’t boost your popularity. One of my favourite environmental writers, my friend Merrick Godhaven, is taking shots at me and Mark Lynas -
Top Terrorist Threat to Planet Earth
21-02-2009 16:13
The word "persecuted" springs to mind in this article by editor of total liberation and animal rights. Associate professor of philosophy at UTEP, award-winning writer, noted speaker, public intellectual, and seasoned activist. Steven Best engages the issues of the day such as animal rights, ecological crisis, biotechnology, liberation politics, terrorism, mass media, globalization, and capitalist domination.I’ll Get Arrested to Stop the Burning of Coal
21-02-2009 14:35
Coal is killing the planet. It’s as simple as that – so it’s easy to understand why founder Bill McKibben is willing to risk getting arrested in order to participate in a major act of civil disobedience at a coal-fired power plant next month.nuke mark lynas
20-02-2009 22:53
Mark Lynas is a seriously well informed person. While many of us use broad phrases like 'climate change impact', he has very precise knowledge.To show that climate change isn't something that's going to happen but is already here, he visited many parts of the world already affected, reporting it in the book High Tide: Notes From A Warming World.
As the global temperature is likely to rise up to six degrees this century, he wrote Six Degrees. Six chapters, each detailing the results of extensive research on what the next degree of warming is likely to cause.
He's also a prolific writer of articles, and has spoken out in favour of radical activists such as the Camp for Climate Action.
So it was surprising when, in May 2005, he came out as a convert to the idea of nuclear power using some questionable lines of thinking.
Upcoming action dates, activist gatherings, & the official meetings en route to
20-02-2009 00:40
Upcoming action dates, activist gatherings, & the official meetings en route to the Copenhagen climate summitCompiled at the recent EF! Winter Moot:
18-02-2009 19:48
New article on the Copenhagen climate summit
17-02-2009 10:24
In his article 'Are We Anywhere? Carbon, Capital and COP-15' Pascal Steven looks at the complexities for a mobilization 'against' the UN's COP-15 summit in Copenhagen. Originally published here
A Climate Deniers take on Tobacco Smoke
13-02-2009 18:18
It's no secret that many of the people and organizations funded by cigarette companies to defend "smoker's rights" and downplay the harmful effect of tobacco smoke have been involved in the energy industry-funded campaign to downplay the serious effects of climate change.If You Don’t Trust Governments Then You’re In Good Company
13-02-2009 17:56
There’s a lot to be said for having progressive targets in all sorts of things, foremost among these is reducing the amount of climate changing gas being poured into the atmosphere; so when, for instance, a government (like that of the UK) says that it will aim to reduce the amount of carbon the nation is sending into the atmosphere by 80% by the year 2050, then it’s good to know that somewhere down the line people are going to check that they are on target. That said, of course 80% by 2050 is hopelessly inadequate, given that that only a net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - as distinct from the amount being emitted - by, say, 2050, will have any chance of preventing the worst effects of climate change.CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE EMPATHY DEFICIT
13-02-2009 17:47
‘We seem to be suffering from an empathy deficit – our ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, to see the world through those who are different from us.’ – Barack ObamaOccasionally – just occasionally – a mainstream politician says something that is both original and useful. This is the case with Barack Obama’s views on empathy. In a thousand speeches, and in his book The Audacity of Hope, he has put cultivating empathy – learning to see the world from the perspective of others – at the centre of his moral and political vision.
I am inclined to praise him because I believe we should view the problem of tackling climate change not as an environmental issue, or one concerning technology or social justice or markets, but primarily as a problem of empathy. We must learn to see the individuals behind the newspaper headlines about climate change, and imagine ourselves into the uniqueness of their lives, developing an understanding of their most important experiences, beliefs, fears and hopes.Sound far-fetched, wishy-washy or a little too sandals-and-carrot-juice for your liking? Let me explain myself.
An amazing victory in greece
13-02-2009 15:50
Campaigners in Greece have apparently succeeded in halting plans for the constructions of new coal-fired power plants. Can we pull off the same here? The future depends on it.