UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
You Stand For Nothing But Election
10-02-2009 22:07
Dear Hazel,Last week you used an article in the Guardian to attack my “cynical and corrosive commentary”. You asserted your political courage, maintaining that “you don’t get very far in politics without guts, and certainly not as far as the cabinet table.” By contrast, you suggested, I contribute “to the very cynicism and disengagement from politics” that I make my living writing about. You accused me of making claims without supporting evidence and of “wielding great influence without accountability”. “We need more people standing for office and serving their communities,” you wrote, “more people debating, engaging and voting; not more people waving placards on the sidelines.”(1)
Reclaim the Sheets : Help Save the Future from Bad News
09-02-2009 21:54

It’s Cold Out – Global Warming Must be a Scam!
09-02-2009 15:26
“Global warming my ass! It’s freezing! Al Gore sure is taking you people for a ride!” I’ve heard comments along these lines for months now, ever since normal late fall/early winter temperatures set in. Check the comments on any local news story about a snowstorm, and you’ll find at least a handful of people who believe that because it’s snowing during winter in the Northern Hemisphere, global warming can’t possibly be real.Climate Action: Too Important for the Politicians
07-02-2009 15:45
On 23rd January I went to a climate question time at Leeds Civic Hall organised by Oxfam as part of their role in the Stop Climate Chaos coalition. The panel was pretty high level;Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Robert Goodwill, Shadow Roads Minister for Transport
Richard Brett, Liberal Democrat and Co-Leader of Leeds City Council
Martin Kirk, Oxfam’s Head of Campaigns
It’s usual in these things for there to be a load of party point scoring – including generous helpings of logical and factual errors – but the balance is somewhat redressed by points from the audience.
heathrow is go, kingsnorth no?
07-02-2009 13:51
as aviation minister, I learned two lessons about the aviation industry. First, its demands are insatiable; secondly, successive Governments have always given way to them.- Chris Mullin MP, House of Commons, 28 November 2002
stop emissions but keep flying
07-02-2009 13:06
It was an extraordinary thing. Greenpeace activists had occupied a coal-fired power station yet the jury acquitted them.Climate Camp hits the City of London on April Fools Day!
06-02-2009 17:09
Climate Camp hits the City of London on April Fools Day, the eve of the G20 leaders' London Summit. Join us!Climate camp 2009 /// Stopping carbon markets /// Because nature doesn't do bailouts.
Climate Camp hits the City of London
05-02-2009 15:15
Climate Camp hits the City of London on April Fools Day, the eve of the G20 leaders' London Summit. Join us! Climate camp 2009 /// Stopping carbon markets /// Because nature doesn'tdo bailouts.
Climate Change Day of Action
05-02-2009 11:44
Information about Christian Aid's Climate Change protests and campaigns - speaking out against E.ON's coal-fuelled power plants. Join us and help make a difference!Is economic growth sustainable?
04-02-2009 23:03
The debate surrounding the extent to which the burning of fossil fuels leads to climate change misses a more fundamental point. That is, fossil fuels are an inherently finite resource. This resource is dwindling at an accelerating rate as economies such as those of China and India expand rapidly. Fossil fuels will run out. Maybe not in the next 10, 20 or 30 years but they will run out.Radical resistance to the COP15 conference.
04-02-2009 16:22
A call out to all those that wish to see an end to capitalist controled climate conferences whose only point of reference is the dollars that they can make and not the CO2 that they must reduce.Last EF! winter moot update
04-02-2009 00:39
Latest update on what's happening at the EF! winter moot, with activists coming from Denmark and Ireland, amongst other places, to help inform our focus on discussing strategy and action planning.Copenhagen Climate Summit:do we cheer them on, block them in or close them down?
29-01-2009 13:33
What? Mads and Sofie (Danish activists Klimax) will kick off a discussion about the movement to stop climate change.Global Carbon Reduction Fortnight: 5-18 December 2009
29-01-2009 02:00
A proposal for everyone concerned by climate change and who wants tomake a difference... Please discuss, and forward widely!
On the tracks to real change - 2nd COP15 planning meeting
28-01-2009 13:35
Invitation to the 2nd planning meeting in the International Climate Network, regarding protest and actions during the COP15 summit.KlimaX rocks the COP15 summit site
01-12-2008 20:07

The 300-350 Show: Kyoto2
21-11-2008 11:32

A Call to Climate Action at COP15, Copenhagen 2009
19-11-2008 17:54
We stand at a crossroads. The facts are clear. Global climate change, caused by human activities, is happening, threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions of people and the existence of millions of species. Social movements, environmental groups, and scientists from all over the world are calling for urgent and radical action on climate change.Climate Activists and NGO’s furious at the Danish Government
13-11-2008 13:29
Danish governments plan to support countersummit with money taken from Development Aid.Copenhagen 2009
28-08-2008 20:01
Questions about the possible effectiveness and outcomes of heading off to Copenhagen in November/December of 2009 for the Climate negotiations. Alternative proposed.(Sorry, not a news piece, so you may well delete.)