UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
Pics of art installations outside COP15 venue
25-11-2009 18:00

Danish Police Warn Cop15 Protestors Not To Publish Legal Advice
25-11-2009 09:46
Believe it or not that's the latest message being conveyed by the Danish media this morning.The Copenhagen Post reports that Mogens Lauridsen, deputy chief superintendent of Copenhagen Police, has made a statement on advice for protestors published on the Internet.
The advice for protestors includes an explanation of laws which the police may use against them as well as their legal rights under Danish law. Such legal guides are often published ahead of protests to inform demonstrators of the risks they may face and advice about how police may act towards them - during protests and if they are arrested. They are of particular relevance where protestors are coming from other countries where laws and police procedures differ.
The Danish police force, like all police forces, does not have an unblemished record when it comes to the treatment of protestors.
Recently a letter signed by members of several British NGOs including Friends of the Earth, Jubilee Debt Campaign and Christian Aid was sent to the Danish embassy (and published in the Guardian) highlighting concerns over the curtailing of legitimate protest around the Copenhagen climate summit after new repressive public order legislation was proposed. The legislation proposed includes an extension of pre-emptive detention from 6hours to 12 hours.
National differences in public order laws also led a mainstream NGO coalition to ask for clarification over whether its members wearing panda costumes would be arrested on the streets of Copenhagen, since in Denmark the wearing of masks (or even the assumed intention to wear a mask) can be an arrestable offence.
The people from around the world planning to protest at the Cop15 climate summit deserve to know how the police may treat them, and no civilised society should object to such information being published.
Magic Roundabout possession order served - Vestas Solidarity Camp to be evicted
24-11-2009 22:27

Legal Threat to the Vestas Campaign 'Magic Roundabout' Camp:
24-11-2009 11:14

If people want to get in touch with the Roundabouters, please email

New Cop15 Book: Carbon Trading: How it Works + Why it Fails (pdf)
24-11-2009 11:04

Carbon Trade Watch, Transnational Institute

Carbon trading lies at the centre of global climate policy and is projected to become one of the world’s largest commodities markets, yet it has a disastrous track record since its adoption as part of the Kyoto Protocol.
"Carbon Trading: how it works and why it fails" outlines the limitations of an approach to tackling climate change which redefines the problem to fit the assumptions of neoliberal economics. It demonstrates that the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the world’s largest carbon market, has consistently failed to ´cap´ emissions, while the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) routinely favoursenvironmentally ineffective and socially unjust projects. This isillustrated with case studies of CDM projects in Brazil, Indonesia, India and Thailand.
UN conference: Denmark threatens protesters
24-11-2009 00:54
Before the UN conference in December in Copenhagen, the Danish government wants to tighten the right to demonstrate - even against peaceful protesters.Cop15 Social & Climate Justice Caravan - Reader / Newspaper Published
23-11-2009 20:20

The 23 page caravan reader introduces some of the caravan groups, their struggles and positions on the above issues:

The 300-350 Show: Civil disobedience for climate justice
23-11-2009 13:00

Bolivian COP-15 delegate's call for civil society to mobilise to Copenhagen
23-11-2009 01:41
On 13th November Bristol Indymedia and Trapese collective filmed an interview with Crisitian Dominguez on his views of the COP15 summit and what his country Bolivia was hoping to achieve at the conference.Find out what he and a Bristol activist had to say on the Bliptv Bristol Indymedia channel link below.
SchNEWS Issue 700 - Good Cop Bad Cop
21-11-2009 08:57
Things are hotting up for the COP15 UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen next month... plus, despite being out of the news, the plight of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka continues to be dire, protesters disrupt the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Edinburgh, the state clampdown on animal rights protesters continues as four are raided and arrested, the far-right march in Glasgow – and again are outnumbered, but next month move to Nottingham, and more...Dissident Island Radio tonight - Last show of the year!
20-11-2009 19:29

Fuelling Conflict: The Tar Sands and the Military Industrial Complex
20-11-2009 19:01

Vestas Event tomorrow (sat): Push the Green Button-the Revolution is ON!
20-11-2009 08:31
The Vestas Occupation and continuing campaign caught the imagination of many labour and environmental activists. With Copenhagen coming up, the campaign is bringing together it's disparate elements... Gather in St James Square, Newport, Isle of Wight with friends, colleagues & family. Meet like-minds, swap ideas, and forge new connections for the challenges ahead. At 12 noon ex-Vestas workers who occupied their factory in July, lead the countdown and PUSH THE GREEN BUTTON as we declare the REVOLUTION... ON!N30 Global Day of Climate Action / 10 yrs since Seattle!
19-11-2009 22:29

Don't Nuke the Climate! - Sat 12 Dec, International Day of Action
18-11-2009 09:28
Organise an event locally for the Don't Nuke the Climate! International Day of Action on Saturday 12 December, and publicise widely!
US, China: no emissions cut (by Latuff)
18-11-2009 05:21

Preparing for a warm winter in Copenhagen: A guide to the COP15 protests
17-11-2009 17:55
Read the article at
This December the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP15 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Those organising the conference claim it aims to be a step towards the building of a ‘new global climate treaty’ in an attempt to tackle climate change.
‘End bloody oil!’ Indigenous women bring the fight against Tar Sands to Manch
17-11-2009 12:41
Three indigenous women from Canada are visiting Manchester as part of a 10-day UK tour to raise awareness about the Alberta Tar Sands. Dubbed ‘the most destructive project on earth’, the Tar Sands are devastating indigenous communities and driving global climate change.Voting Opens for Angry Mermaid Award for Climate Lobbying
17-11-2009 11:03

US and China free to pollute (by Latuff)
17-11-2009 02:43