UK COP15 Climate Summit 2009 Newswire Archive
Release Tadzio Mueller and the other climate prisoners!
19-12-2009 11:01
To add your signature:
Rotten Borough of Rushmoor rejects 10:10 greenhouse gas reduction
18-12-2009 15:33
The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has refused to support the 10:10 campaign for a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10% by 2010.Fascistic Danish Police Force Threatens to Shoot Activists!
18-12-2009 13:01
In connection with a funny, rather innocent, yet cheeky and coordinated Greenpeace action last night in front of and inside the Danish Parliament – Christiansborg – the Chief Inspector of Copenhagen Police, Per Larsen, now severely threaten people.Banner Action in Central Copenhagen
18-12-2009 08:11

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Climate Camp Trafalgar- Ice Bear action
18-12-2009 01:42

Thur Dec 17 protest outside Danish Embassy, London
17-12-2009 23:44

Tar Sands Protest, London, Monday 14 December 2009
17-12-2009 23:31

Delivery of Petition at Danish Embassy 10.30am Friday Dec 18th
17-12-2009 21:31
In solidarity with all those arrested in Copenhagen at the Climate Summit, 10.30 am tomorrow, Friday December 18th, delivery of petition, "Release Tadzio Mueller and the other climate prisoners!"To read and sign petition, see here:

The Danish Embassy is at 55 Sloane Street, London, SW1X 9SR.
Reclaim Power-Green Block
17-12-2009 19:39

FITwatch Copenhagen - mass arrests, cages and deportations.
17-12-2009 16:16
Police found it difficult at times to contain hundreds of people in the detention cages, having to resort to dogs and pepper spray. They will now face a legal challenge. But is this the new style for the policing of European summits?Climate Camp Copenhagen ‘Leaving Party!’
17-12-2009 12:17
Camp for Climate Action plans to occupy a vital location in central Copenhagen to hold a ‘Leaving Party’ tonight.Sign the Open Letter: Release Tadzio Mueller and the other climate prisoners!
16-12-2009 20:43
The following Open Letter was drafted by Turbulence: Ideas for Movement. Please sign here:
Multiple Climate Protests Hit Cambridge - Darwin Speaks!
16-12-2009 17:14

This comes as Charles Darwin has finally broken his shameful century of silence on climate change, warning the world - 'Climate Change = Extinction'.
Climate Protester Clash With Police Outside Bella Centre
16-12-2009 15:17

peoples assembly - LIVE AUDIO
16-12-2009 11:17
LIVE AUDIO from the Reclaim PowerEXXON FOX NEWS runs aground - Denialist-gate.
16-12-2009 06:48
"Everything everwhere is covered in oil" say locals.'Denialist-gate' shows how the fossil-fuel friendly Fox News spins to mislead and deceive public.
Airport Protests In France against returning refugees to Kabul war zone
15-12-2009 17:09
Calais Migrant SolidarityPress Release. 15/12/2009

Twitter: calaisolidarity
Climate Activists Invade Meeting of Senior Politicians in Copenhagen
15-12-2009 16:46

Mass arrests in Copenhagen
15-12-2009 13:42
Tens of thousands of demonstrators who assembled in Copenhagen on Saturday to peacefully demand serious measures by the United Nations Climate Conference (COP15) to address the global warming crisis were confronted by masses of riot police, who cordoned off a section of the march and arbitrarily arrested nearly 1,000 people.Activist Robbers hold up International Chamber of Commerce
15-12-2009 11:48