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UK Fracking Newswire Archive

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Who are Infrastrata?

04-06-2016 22:37

Last Monday we went in search of InfraStrata, the company currently drilling in Woodburn Forest in Antrim. Infrastrata say that they expect to find 25 million barrels of oil (MMBO). (Previously November 2014 it was both gas and oil they were looking for and expected to find 25 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE))(

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25-05-2016 18:02

Let's take a closer look at compulsory government protected & unregulated INJECTION TECHNOLOGIES.

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A sentamoust do the Buette as 1st birn son ain't the kids dark eyed blue Lourde

19-02-2016 18:44

7hr a peace of butter to stoomp 4-solitair_[E
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Short Index aryans vs. the aryan of porn brutal

08-02-2016 10:08

NPD peggy of Hamburg French Kiss Categore
As it bnth brth sumones the established alienated deterriogated defemme for the omnipotenty threefold institutions to custom smuggle, the Vienna twin philosophy%psychiatric, ballances only the Papacy Vatikan rototo, WW-| ain't WW-|| the OrgCrm South Asians, and of course tingel tangel first bride money for redlight swindle Dr.hc. have had to augment excuse moi, moi, slurp, slurp perspectives. Cosa Crip I.R.A. lmt. the German O.

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Putin Shoots Down South Korean Cellphone Giant

12-10-2015 12:49

The Russian government has declined a major business application by a Seoul-based electronics corporation. A Kremlin spokesman said on state television a plan to open duty-free shops along the Russian borders to allow neighbouring customers to benefit from exchange rate shake-ups was not feasible to foster sustainable investment. The plan had been developed on a background of increased economic instability resulting from intensified trade sanctions. The speaker also declined permits for two projected deep-water drilling sites in the Arctic Sea.

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Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp Full Programme

26-08-2015 21:38

A full programme of workshops & activities has now been released for the
first three days of the Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp, Wales.

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(A-Radio) Interview: Reclaim the fields, food sovereignity and the prison system

05-08-2015 15:28

In the following interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin ( made with an UK-based organizer from the Reclaim the fields initiative, we talk about the planned international camp in North-Wales, the relationship of food sovereignty and the prison system, and the topic of prison abolition as such.

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Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp 2015

10-07-2015 13:41

This year, an international gathering will be held in the UK, in Dudleston, Shropshire, on the Welsh/English border to resist the mega prison.

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Resisting Fracking in Chester: Pics from Upton Community Protection Camp

05-06-2015 20:44

At the gate of Upton Community Protection Camp
Photos taken during a visit to the camp on Friday 5 June.

The camp is on organic farmland, Dutton's Lane, Upton, Chester CH2 2PE, the site of IGas's proposed test drill for coal bed methane. It was set up to protect the local community from IGas and, over a year later, is still going strong.

Visitors are welcome and guest accommodation is available on site, with plenty of room for camping too.

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Pictures from Borras anti-fracking camp

04-06-2015 15:18

Unwelshcome: The gate to the proposed fracking site
These pictures were taken at the camp on Wednesday 3rd June.

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Didcot no dash for gas Latest news

17-05-2015 18:25

Join us for an international weekend of climate action on 29 May – 2nd June :

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Earth First! Summer Gathering 2015 - 19th-24th Aug, Peak District

16-05-2015 14:28

Five days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action - make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, new roads and more

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Summer of rebellion

10-04-2015 12:31

An exciting summer of international rebellion lies ahead, says issue 7 of the bulletin The Acorn.

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[Good Video] London Climate March Time to Act 07/03/2015

08-03-2015 13:30

We Arrived Late for Time to Act

March 07 2015

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Call-out for support for fracking resisters: Thu 20 Nov in Manchester & Wrexham

19-11-2014 23:02

Papers have been lodged in the High Court by the landowner against 'persons unknown' at the Borras Community Protection Camp in Wrexham seeking possession of the currently occupied site of the proposed GP/Dart/IGas test drill.

Support is requested in the morning (Thu 20 Nov) at the court hearing in Manchester and at the camp near Wrexham. Full details below.

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Wrexham: Report from Borras Anti-Fracking Evening... More Planned

25-10-2014 12:11

Last Thursday night, 23 October, local campaigners against fracking and other 'unconventional' (extreme) gas extraction methods held a public meeting in Borras, Wrexham not far from where Green Park Energy, bought out by Dart Energy, bought out by IGas, have just been given permission to undertake exploratory drilling ostensibly for coal bed methane. The local pub was packed out with standing room only and not much of that as the local community turned out in force to find out more, many angry that the unelected and unaccountable Planning Inspectorate had overturned the decision of Wrexham council's Planning Committee whose members had voted (17 to 2) to reject the planning application back in March.

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Wrexham Borras drill site occupied - Please support the camp

19-10-2014 23:52

Camp gate

GP Energy (who were bought out by Dart who in turn have been bought out by IGas) applied for planning permission to do an exploratory drill for coal bed methane (CBM) at Borras, Wrexham. Frack-off describes coal bed methane as the evil twin of shale gas. Wrexham council refused the application back in March after at lot of work by local people to educate the planning committee on the dangers of unconventional gas extraction. The success of this was at least in part due to increased awareness of the issues as a result of a test drill happening at the same time in nearby Farndon. Unfortunately, the Wales Planning Inspector overturned the council's decision earlier this month - on some distinctly dodgy grounds - and the site is now under imminent threat of test drilling, even though it is in an area where the government's own report has indicated CBM extraction isn't feasible due to the geology.

A public meeting has been called for 23 October in Borras but, in advance of that, the site has been occupied this weekend and a community protection camp set up. Support (including more campers) and supplies needed. Please get there if you can. Postcode LL13 9TG. There's a camp Facebook group or you can contact Frack-Free Wrexham for more information.

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Photos of the proposed drill site at Borras, Wrexham

12-10-2014 21:22

Borras sign near the entrance gate to proposed drill site
These photos of the proposed drilling site - application refused by Wrexham council and overturned by the Planning Inspectorate - and the surrounding countryside were taken yesterday afternoon. All very idyllic... for the moment.

The test drilling is supposed to be for coal bed methane (CBM) - in an area where the government's own report says CBM extraction simply won't work. So what are the frackers really up to?

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Planning Inspector overturns Wrexham Council fracking decision. Public meeting 23 October

12-10-2014 12:02

Earlier this week, the Planning Inspector granted the appeal by GP/Dart/now IGas against Wrexham Council's refusal to grant planning permission for a test drill for Coal Bed Methane at Borras (near Commonwood) near Wrexham. Test drilling on the site could now go ahead at any time.

Yesterday, Saturday 11 October, flyers for a public meeting on 23 October were handed out to football fans before the Wrexham vs. Grimbsy 150th anniversary game. If we want to see another 150 years of Wrexham AFC we're going to have to stop the frackers.

Previous indymedia reports from Wrexham and nearby Farndon: Farndon Camp & Wrexham Council planning refusal | Wales Against Fracking Day of Action

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Leaked docs expose cosy relationships among corporates, Rotarians and frackers

26-08-2014 15:15

Copies of documents apparently leaked from North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce illustrate the role they play in promoting corporate interests and networking among the upper classes.

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Docs aquired from Blackpool Chamber of Commerce Occupation

22-08-2014 20:40

Documents acquired in an occupation of a Chaber of Commerce which may be of interest to environmental campaigners.

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labour candidate brighton kemptown

17-07-2014 15:51

Labour candidate Brighton Kemptown Nancy Platts is getting the help of the Labour Party election machine.

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Beverley anti-fracking couple - charges dropped

11-07-2014 10:40

The CPS has dropped charges against Beverley couple, Jon and Val Mager, over 'arrest while meditating' anti-fracking protest at Crawberry Hill, near Walkington, East Yorkshire.

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5 July: Wales Against Fracking Day. Photos from Wrexham

06-07-2014 21:33

Friends of the Earth Cymru called a national day of action against fracking and other extreme energy extraction methods for Saturday 5th July. Here in Wrexham, where the local council threw out an application for test drilling at Commonwood, Borras back in March, the company (GP Energy/Dart Energy/IGas) has now appealed against the decision (grounds for appeal attached as pdf) and the file is with the Planning Inspectorate in Cardiff, where they are apparently trying to decide whether an Environmental Impact Assessment is required (should be - it's essential!) before setting the timetable for the appeal.

To mark the day, members of Frack Free Wrexham and FoE members from Wrexham, Chester and Llangollen held a stall in the centre of town from 10am-2pm, also joined from midday by Wrexham Greens.

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SchNEWS: Justice for Shale

18-06-2014 07:49

Anti fracking campaigners have got their hands on a Sussex Police report that details an 'emerging' nationwide strategy on protests against the controversial drilling technique. The report has been exposed in a report about the policing of the protests at Balcombe, West Sussex, last summer. Fracking is high on the government's agenda and as the government continues to push shale gas harder and make it easier for gas companies, the report suggests they've also put plenty of thought into cracking down on the opposition.

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Candidates Brighton Kemptown Constituency

13-06-2014 15:51

Disabled Joe Neilson Candidate Brighton Kemptown Constituency.

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Disabled Candidate For Brighton Kemptown Constituency

06-06-2014 17:54

First Parliamentary Candidate with a grant from (the Access to Elected Office for Disabled People Fund) is standing for Brighton Kemptown Constituency in 2015

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Temperature Rising as more Arrests are made at West Newton

05-06-2014 03:25

Ditches at the West Newton Site
Activists arrested as anger rises due to waste spillages.

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Rathlin Blitzkrieg About to Hit East Yorkshire

29-05-2014 22:22

West Newton, Well Site
Lorries Arrive to Pave Rathlin Energy's Empire into East Yorkshire.