UK Ecology Feature Archive
Eviction of Dalkeith Park Bypass Protesters has started
20-01-2006 00:00

The first tree-sitters have been cut loose from their oaks on Monday at Dalkeith Country Park, south of Edinburgh, Scotland.
The top site of the four sites strong anti-road building resistance has been cleared by the specialised climbers of the National Eviction Team from Swansea with a 70 people strong team under the lead of the Sheriff Officers, supported by additional 30 policemen to protect the fenced off site from protesters, bystanders and the media.
The other three protest sites inside the Dalkeith Country Park are scheduled to be cleared in the next days, if not weeks - the Scottish Executive plans to spend two to five weeks on the eviction of the protesters estimated to cost £1.4m in total.
[ Imc Scotland | Save Dalkeith Park | pictures of eviction | reports: 1,2,3, | Directions to protest sites | Call for Public Inquiry into A68 Dalkeith Bypass | Interview with Mark Ballard, Green MSP | Interview with Friends of the Earth | Interview with Scottish Natural Heritage | Short film]
other anti-road building campaigns in Scotland:
[Friends of the Earth Legal challenge of M74 | JAM74 - Joint Action Against Motorway 74 | Bilston Woods Protest Camp | No Alignment Action Group NAAG | Road Alert - Scotland ]
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Whalers use Public Relations to twist the truth
18-01-2006 21:37
Japanese whalers have hired a New Zealand Public Relations firm to smear anti-whaling protestors. Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd are both campaigning seperately against the Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Images used in a media release by the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) "is deliberate, manipulative, misinformation designed to feed the idea that the two groups work together" said Jon Sumby. [Full Story]
Off the Mawson coast in the Australian Antarctic Territory, 2000 nautical miles south-west of Perth, Canadian Greenpeace anti-whaling activist, Texas Joe Constantine, was dragged overboard into the freezing Antarctic waters after the whaling harpoon was fired over his inflatable and the harpoon rope became entangled in the craft.
Paul Watson for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has said the Japanese whaling fleet is a criminal operation and Intends to Ram and Disable Pirate Whalers but has offered to withdraw from the current campaign against the Japanese whaling fleet if either the Australian or New Zealand Government agrees to take Japan to court over the whaling issue. In New Zealand Maritime workers have blackbaned the whaling fleet.
More Information:
Eviction started at Dalkeith tree sits
16-01-2006 12:45

Monday 16th January at around 4.30 am, eviction of the protest sites in Dalkeith Country Park began. Protestors are still in the trees and continuing to resist. The protest sites are opposing the building of the A68 bypass through the Park, just south of Edinburgh.
Early this morning Police bailiffs raided one of the sites ('top site') and have established a security cordon around it. Protestors remain in the trees determined to resist eviction and the cutting of the trees in this part of the River Esk wildlife corridor in Midlothian.
[call for more people | High Alert | Press Release: Eviction started | pictures ]
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Day of action as Tony Blair sets out new nuclear power policy in Nottingham
14-01-2006 09:30

Tony Blair set out new plans today for a nuclear power policy, as him and other cabinet ministers attended a Labour Party forum, at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham. The conference centre is based at Nottingham University, where students jumped into action after it was leaked to Nottinghamshire Indymedia that Tony Blair was to visit the Uni. A call out for a demonstration, meeting at 10am at the Portland Building (on Notts Uni campus) was supported by a number of local campaign groups including the Students Union, Nottingham Stop the War, Nottingham Student Peace Movement, Lenton Anarchist Forum and the arts activism collective the Mischief Makers.
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | photogallery
Read: report and timeline
From the newswire: Union pushes for urgent energy reform | Prime Minister visits Nottingham University :: Surveillance Operations | Prime Minister visits Nottingham University :: piccys 1 | Prime Minister visits Nottingham University :: piccys 2 | Pic's of Tony Blair visit in Nottingham | Blair hypocrisy over nukiller power | PM rallies for nuclear power in Nottingham | Blair to visit Nottingham Uni THIS Saturday
Background links: Greenpeace target climate changer Blair at Downing Street | Blair nuclear announcement scuppered | Meacher condemns pro-nuclear 'spin' | Blair Reignites Nuclear Debate - American lobbying adds to pressure | Blair must not back new nuclear power plants
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Japanese Whaling Ship rams Greenpeace vessel
09-01-2006 11:23

After three days of obstructing the whale hunt by placing inflatable zodiacs between whales and the harpoon, the Nisshin Maru rammed the Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise. The whalers are counter claiming their ship was rammed by Greenpeace. The collision ocurred in the Australian Antarctic Territory in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The Nisshin Maru has continued north at full speed, with three conservationists ships in pursuit, including the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel, the Farley Mowat.
Article with more photos: Japanese Whaling Ship rams Greenpeace vessel in Southern Whale Sanctuary
Links: Previous feature article on Global Indymedia | Melbourne Indymedia | Sea Shepherd website | Greenpeace website | Video of Greenpeace statement | Sea Shepherd News Release
Planning Officer insists on wider public consultation for incinerator expansion
08-01-2006 16:34

See previous article on the expansion of the Eastcroft incinerator:

Raising awareness of the cost of flying
07-01-2006 17:23

Creative working the way forward - a photo report
23-12-2005 16:14

More and more artists within Nottingham seem to join the recycling art craze, as tetra-packs, plastic bages and cans are brought to new life. In the last few weeks various workshops were organised in the Sumac Centre in Forest Fields and the Old School Hall in Sneinton. The Rubbish Day Out in Sneinton was organised to raise awareness of recycling and waste issues. Here a collection of photo's from people who think creative workshops are fun and the way forward to promote environmental and social issues.
There is a creative campaigning workshop planned on Sunday 15 January 2006 from 11 am to 4 pm (with lunch break) at The Place, 2a Melrose Street, in Sherwood, Nottingham. It is all about drawing attention to your message. The Place is just off Mansfield road behind the old bus depot.
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The only planet to commit suicide
21-12-2005 22:27

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Campaigners meet Environment Agency over incinerator
14-12-2005 20:15

More info on the NAIL camapign and the proposed incinerator expansion, see previous UK feature: Pollution for profit - we need to stop it!

Thousands join International Day against Climate Change
08-12-2005 22:33

Pollution for profit - we need to stop it!
07-12-2005 21:42

Nottingham has recently seen an uprising by local residents in the area of Sneinton to stop the local incinerator from expanding and to demand better recycling facilities. Last year the campaign group NAIL (Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill) was set up to stop the incinerator burning waste in the middle of the city. When owners Waste Recycling Group (WRG) submitted an application for expansion, the campainers stepped up their campaign. Last Monday over 30 people took action against the local Environment Agency. On Saturday artists and residents in Sneinton organised the 'Rubbish Day Out'. A well attended event, organised to raise awareness of the incinerator expansion and to promote recycling through interactive workshops.
Previous actions: include a demonstration in Nottingham city centre, a banner drop (which is still going on), a protest at the WRG promotional exhibition, and a public meeting back in September. Nottinghamshire Indymedia has been working on a short film about the campaign which will be online soon.
A campaign group has also been set up in Mansfield, just north of Nottingham, where there are plans to build a new mixed waste burning unit at the Crown Farm Industrial Estate in the Forest Town area. Campaign group MAIN (Mansfield Against Incineration) has held several well attended public meetings since early summer. Mansfield MP Alan Meale gave his support to the group. Both NAIL and MAIN are supported by Greenpeace, Notts Friends of the Earth, Nottingham Green Party and CABS (Clean Air for Bakersfield and Sneinton).
Campaign groups have started all over the country, including Sheffield, where a new incinerator being build urged campaign group R.A.B.I.D. ('Residents Against Bernard Road Incinerator Damage') to get into action, with local politicians [1] [2] stating the new facility will 'put the publics health at risk'. Also, the massive enlargement of the Parkwood Landfill site, with an increase from 266,000 tonnes to 1 million tonnes a year, urged local residents to step up their campaigns. Their ongoing investigation into the proposals is raising more questions than answers. Residents are beginning to see a possible link emerging between the new massive incinerator in Sheffield, which is nearing completion, and the proposals for the enlargement of the landfill site. The expansion of the landfill site, proposed by owners Viridor Waste Management, would enable the ash from the new Bernard Roads incinerator to be dumped there. See photos.
Links: Nottinghamshire Indymedia | Sheffield Indymedia | NAIL website | R.A.B.I.D website | View planning application for expansion Nott'm incinerator | Previous feature articles on Nott'm Indymedia: [1] [2] [3] | UK Indymedia articles on incineration | Wikipedia on incineration | Links to other campaign groups in the UK.
Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out 1 - The Days Events
04-12-2005 20:52

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No to Air Expansion As Climate Issue Hots Up
02-12-2005 21:11

Reports, pictures and video: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | video | Cambridge | Edinburgh | Australia
Earlier in the day it was reported that Earth First activists distrupted the aviation conference [report]. The campaigners were opposing plans to expand runways and drawing attention to the fact that aviation is one of the fastest growing cause of climate change. The actions also coincided with the begining of the UN Kyoto "COP 11 / MOP 1" Climate Conference in Montreal, Canada, which runs until 9th December [Official website | Climate Justice Convergence Centre | Climate Justice Blog]
On the same day Tony Blair's 'pro-nuclear' energy review speech was also disrupted by Greenpeace activists at the annual CBI conference [GP report | earlier Downing St. 'coal' blockade report]. Campaigners are now preparing for the International Day of Climate Protest this Saturday, 3rd December, with climate demonstrations planned in over 30 countries - see UK Details | International Info. A late summer Climate Action Camp for 2006 has also been recently announced.
Also see: Climate Change IMC | IMC SouthCoast Runway to Ruin Feature (Nov 05)
Indymedia Pre-G8 2005 Climate Change Resources + Reports |
SchNEWS on Nuclear Power Craze | PlanetStupid | Stop Climate Chaos Coalition | Pledge To Take Action Against Airport Expansion | Raised Voices: Climate Testimonies | Heathrow's Third Runway challenged by villagers
Runway to Ruin
28-11-2005 10:38
The Government is proposing the biggest single programme of airport expansion this country has ever seen. In its Aviation White Paper, published at the end of 2003, it came up with plans for at least five more runways by 2030. There could be new runways at Heathrow, Stansted, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and possibly Gatwick. The White Paper makes clear that even without expansion at existing airports there will be an increase in air traffic. That expansion in air traffic volume will occur even at those airports not targetted for immediate expansion. In the South Coast there are plans to expand many of the local airports, with larger terminals and more runways.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Dalkeith Park Tree-Sit Under Eviction Threat!
23-11-2005 19:40

Update 25.11.2005: The judge granted an immediate eviction order in the court case "Occupiers of Dalkeith Country Park vs. Scottish Ministers" in Edinburgh's Sheriff Court on Friday.
Eviction is anticipated to take place anytime from now on. Campaigners pledge for more people to come now to help them. .
Report, 23.11.2005 Nearly three weeks ago, protesters set-up a tree-sit in Dalkeith County Park near Edinburgh to protest the creation of a new A68 bypass through the park, an important wildlife habitat and tourist attraction.
Yesterday, authorities cut five trees down before being stopped by protesters.
For more information:
[ Original Call for Support | Press Release and Directions to Treesit | Pictures of Tree-sit in Dalkeith | october feature | Save Dalkeith Park! website | Bilston Woods Protest Camp]
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Nuclear Waste Transport In Germany
18-11-2005 18:27

Since November 19, yet another transport with twelve containers of radioactive waste (called 'Castor') from the plutonium plant La Hague (France) is on its way to the so called interim storage in Gorleben in the Wendland region, an area ( Map ) well known for 20 years of resistance to nuclear power. The transport is scheduled to arrive in Gorleben monday evening. The police announced that they will send at least 11,000 local and federal cops into the region.
After the death of the French activist Sébastien Briat during the protests in 2004, both police and activists expect a more heated atmosphere for this transport.
Update Tuesday November 22, 06.30: Between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning, thousands of police have finally managed to clear a small corridor for the transport ("north route"). At 6:00 the transport reaches the interim storage at Gorleben, moving not faster than 15km/h on the last 20km. See the timeline for updated infos and pictures of the protest.
Monday November 21: at 8.15am the transport reaches Lüneburg while thousands of protestors in the area are on the roads to welcome it on the last 70km. All over the day, blockades and other actions prevented the transport from reaching its destination. See the timeline for details.
Sunday November 20: Hundreds of people spread into the woods along the railway tracks, setting up barricades [pictures 1 | 2] on roads to sabotage police logistics for tonight when the transport is expected in the region. Tractors are being used to block the special police forces. Farmers blocked the tranport route close to Gorleben with 120 tractors ( picture ), later in the night they were cleared by police forces. On its way through Southern Germany, the train was stopped several times by blockades. An unknown number of people are arrested.
Saturday, November 19: 4000 people demonstrate in Hitzacker, where the transport will pass on Monday. [Pictures 1 | 2 ] Meanwhile, at 17.30, the transport has left the plutonium plant in France. [video] In the evening, 350 people blockaded the main road from Lüneburg to Dannenberg at the village Metzingen, setting barricades on fire [ pictures].
Friday November 18: 600 pupils demonstrated (en) in Lüchow throwing a "rain of eggs" at the police. Police forces tried to clear the demonstration later and injured several pupils.
Indymedia (en): one | two | three | Videos at KanalB | French News Ticker | Chronology of the Resistance(en)1977-1999 | Village of Resistance Metzingen (de)NAIL campaign 'banner drop' at Sneinton Boulevard
12-11-2005 21:10

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] is campaigning organisation intent on drawing attention to the incineration of waste at the Eastcroft plant and the proposed expansion of capacity there.
On Saturday afternoon, a bunch of concerned residence and activists, hung a banner across Sneinton Boulevard to promote the campaign.
On Saturday 3rd December Sneinton's Rubbish Day Out will be held at the Old School Hall on Windmill Lane. The day will include art workshops, recycling activities, community cafe, live music, poetry and performance. 11am until midnight.
Photos: Protest on the Market Square | Previous action against incinerator | NAIL public meeting
Links: Previous feature article on Notts Indymedia | View the planning application submitted by WRG | Website Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill, (NAIL)
Hangings Outside the Shell Centre for Ogoni Day
11-11-2005 20:51

In November 1995, nigerian writer and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and 8 of his colleagues, were executed by Nigeria's military regime for campaigning against the devastation of the Niger delta by oil multi-national Shell. Yesterday, activists from London Rising Tide and supporters dropped nine nooses infront of the Shell UK headquarters on London's South Bank to highlight the anniversary of Saro-Wiva's murder. The demonstrators also highlighted the current struggle on the north west of Ireland, where Shell is set to transform a remote conservation area in County Mayo into an environmental disaster zone which carries serious public health and safety implications.
See Reports and Photos: 1 | 2. Videos: 1 | 2
In Aberdeen, Scotland, there was also a solidarity action with the Ogoni people, and in remembreance of Ken Saro-Wiwa. See Report and Photos.
Rossport meets Nottingham
07-11-2005 19:24

Two participants in Rossport Solidarity Camp will be on a speaking tour of Britain in November and will speak in Nottingham at the International Community Centre, 61b Mansfield Road on the 10th November. The talk starts at 7pm and is free.
Links: Justice for the Rossport 5 | Shell to Sea network | Indymedia Ireland | personal report with pictures from the Rossport Camp, by Dean | Rossport Solidarity Camp speaking tour dates