UK Ecology Feature Archive
Protesters sit it out on Derby bus station roof
29-10-2005 13:29

Police threat to woodland protest
25-10-2005 10:32
SUSSEX Police have mounted what looks like a politically motivated campaign against protesters fighting the 875-home housing development and road widening at Titnore Woods, Durrington.Nottingham EcoWorks- Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns -- Part 6
20-10-2005 23:42

We have done a bit more on "eco-building" at ECOWORKS, a community garden project on the Hungerhill allotments in St. Ann's. Volunteers have been working on this exciting project since last October, and the walls up now! Straw bales are a low-impact, highly insulating and user-friendly building material. The construction process is highly inclusive, satisfying and fun.
Links: Previous reports: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) | St. Anns Allotments Network | More info on strawbale building | A strawbale article | Article about Ecoworks
Veggies - 21 Years and Counting!
17-10-2005 14:55

Veggies is a catering campaign that has catered for and supported a huge range of groups campaigning for animal and human rights and social justice for the last 21 years. Since 1984 Veggies volunteers have been frying 'veggie-burgers', selling 'samosas for social change' and distributing a large range of leaflets, booklets and magazines.
Besides touring the country, catering at actions, demonstrations, festivals, fairs and meetings, Veggies play a vital role in the running of the Sumac Centre, the publishing of the Veggies Directory and putting together the Veggies Diary. Join us to celebrate! Tuesday 18th October from 8pm at the Sumac Social Club bar, with buffet provided.
Links: Veggies website | Veggies Directory | Veggies Diary | Join the Veggies crew | Archive of events and groups supported by Veggies | Vegfam / Veggies South Asia Earthquake Appeal
Information and encouragement to use the Freedom of Information Act 2000
12-10-2005 22:51

Garden Festival - Glossy plans, but what lies beneath remains unknown
12-10-2005 10:19

NAIL campaign hammers on...
11-10-2005 14:39

The campaign group NAIL (Nottingham against Inciteration and Landfill) has stepped up it's campaign to stop the Eastcroft incinertor near Sneinton from expanding. Last Saturday over 50 people gathered on the Market Square to voice their opposition to the controversial plan to expand the activities of the waste burning incinerator, which is surrounded by residental areas. The protest was the outcome of a well attended public meeting a few weeks ago. NAIL had previously staged a protest at an exhibition organised by WRG (Waste Recycling Group) who owns the incinerator and has submitted the application for expansion.
Nottinghamshire Indymedia has started working on a short film about the incinerator and specifically about the campaign against the possible expansion. Anyone wanting to do an interview, add facts or just interested, please see the Notts Indymedia Film Documentation.
A campaign group was also set up in Mansfield, where there are plans to build a new mixed waste burning unit at the Crown Farm Industrial Estate in the Forest Town area. MAIN (Mansfield Against Incineration) has held several well attended public meetings since early summer. Mansfield MP Alan Meale gave his support to the group. See their website for more information. Both campaign groups are supported by Greenpeace, Notts Friends of the Earth, Nottingham Green Party and CABS (Clean Air for Bakersfield and Sneinton).
Photos: Protest on the Market Square | Previous action against incinerator | NAIL public meeting
Links: View the planning application submitted by WRG | Website Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill, (NAIL) | Website Mansfield Against Incineration, (MAIN) | Download MAIN Petition | Download MAIN Campaign Update | Previous feature article on Notts Indymedia
M1 Widening Proposals: What it means for South Yorkshire
21-09-2005 20:43

The Department of Transport have announced early its intention to widen the M1 from Leicester to Leeds (junctions 21–42) to four lanes in both directions and opposition to the plans has started to emerge. There is also widening planned for junctions 6A–13 (M25 - Luton). The plans that have been published are fragmented and it is difficult to get the full overall picture of the road building plans, its timeline and key milestones, but what is clear so far is:
All bikes are go !
07-09-2005 13:05

"Those who wish to control their own lives and move beyond existence as mere clients and consumers - those people ride a bike." - Wolfgang Sachs, For the Love of the Automobile
This month is full of bike related events with meetings, bikerides and film screenings. Time to get on yer bike !
Two film makers from the US, who made the film 'Still we Ride' about the Critical Mass in New York and the constant repression it receives, are coming to Nottingham. Their film will be screened at the Broadway Cinema on September 28th at 6pm, followed by a short introduction.
Nottingham's monthly Critical Mass will take place again on September 30th, leaving from the Savoy Cinema on Derby Road at 5.30pm, followed by a social at the Sumac Centre, with some short Critical Mass films (tbc).
Pedals, a local group campaigning for better cycle facilities in Nottinghamshire, will hold their monthly meeting in the Globe Public House, 152 London Road on September 19th.
Last week the Tour of Britain crossed Nottingham. Local photographer Alan Lodge took some shots of the riders and displays at this nationwide cycling event that has taken place since 1951. Photo's: (1) (2)
Links: Download Film Trailer | Website 'Still We Ride' + screening dates | Critical Mass Sept 30th | Previous articles on Critical Mass in Nottingham (1) (2) (3) | Pedals (website) campaign for cyclists in Notts | Art and Critical Mass | Some local bike shots | website with global Critical Mass info
The situation in New Orleans goes from bad to worse
03-09-2005 12:19

In possibly the biggest natural disaster of US history, hurricane Katrina has left devastation in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Things have gone from bad to worse. Martial law is declared in New Orleans City. The National Guard is deployed, with the order to 'Shoot To Kill' in an attempt to 'stop looting'.
Updates on the hurricane disaster on New Orleans Indymedia | Coverage of the refugee situation on Houston Indymedia
Houston Indymedia Coverage: Video: 1 | 2 | 3 | Reports from New Orleans: 1 | 2 | 3
How to help: Donate: Red Cross | Second Harvest | Katrina Help Wiki
More Links: Weather Warning (28th August) | Democracy Now! reports (Aug. 30) (Aug. 31) (Sept. 1) (Sept. 2) | Explanation about Hurricanes (MP3) | Further analysis: 1 , 2 , 3 | Insane looting? - Not at all! | An analysis of the 'anarchy' in New Orleans' streets Commentary from the Newswire: Katrina open letter to radical/progressive community (From Houston) | In Praise of Looting | American Genocide in New Orleans | Michael Moore's open letter to Bush
Just a good night's sleep...
01-09-2005 15:53

First they said they were planning new fly routes. "Only for day-time use". Then they started flying over night. Many flights... Local residents in Leicestershire have been campaiging for the last year and a half, trying to get a proper night's sleep, as Nottingham East Midlands Airport keeps expanding and leaving communities surrounding the airport in the dark over future plans. In July, Steve Charlish of the campaign group DEMAND, who lives 26 nautical miles from the airport, said in the Observer scheduled flights could be as high as 65 per night, leaving him with not much sleep. The campaign groups seem to grow in strength, getting support from local MP's Edward Garnier QC, Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke, Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell, Alan Duncan, Keith Vaz and Nicky Morgan. Recently Belvoir Brewery in Old Dalby launched 'Nightcap', a beer to support the campaign efforts.
A large public meeting is to be held on September 23, from 7.30pm, at Kibworth Grammar School, Kibworth, Leicester.
Links: DEMAND website | Download DEMAND poster/flyer | Support DEMAND | Sign the petition | Map showing flight routes | New Civil Aviation Bill | Many articles about the campaigns | Nottingham East Midlands Airport website
Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans, Lo. USA
01-09-2005 01:10
Reports from New Orleans state that "things were so crazy: it was all poor black people and old white people - the people who couldn't afford to get out." William Quigley, a Law Professor at Loyola University has said that " They are estimating that it may take several days to evacuate these people - water, electricity, food, security all will be gone by then." Indeed, enforced evacuations began yesterday - following a mass exodux from the city in advance of the hurricane - but initial estimates that expected them to be complete by the evening of August 30th were overly optimistic. And, while outside agencies struggle to help, thousands remain stuck - including inside hospitals [ 1 | 2 ].
[New Orleans Weather Warning (28th August) | Democracy Now! reports (Aug. 30th) | Explanation about Hurricanes (MP3) | Further analysis: 1 , 2 , 3 | Insane looting? - Not at all! ]
The air that we breathe...
24-08-2005 23:00

The last few months, both Nottingham and Mansfield have been the scene of protests against incinerators. Local residents in Nottingham took to the streets back in May after they learned Waste Recycling Group Ltd [WRG] are planning to expand the existing incinerator. The latest is that the recycle company have now submitted their planning application. Also Mansfield has a new campaign group: Mansfield Against Incineration (MAIN). Recently, at a public meeting, attended by over 300 people, Mansfield MP Alan Meale gave his support to the group, saying he 'shared many of the worries'. Various public meetings have been held, after residents found out the proposal to build a mixed waste burning unit at the Crown Farm Industrial Estate, Forest Town, Mansfield. The campaign groups are supported by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, The Green Party and CABS (Clean Air for Bakersfield and Sneinton).
Links: Website Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill, (NAIL) | Website Mansfield Against Incineration, (MAIN) | Download MAIN Petition | Download MAIN Campaign Update | Local Friends of the Earth Group | Previous action against incinerator in Nottingham
New protests as bulldozers threaten ancient Sussex woodland
22-08-2005 18:26
MAJOR conflict is fast approaching in a fraught battle to save a piece of ancient woodland in West Sussex from a massive housebuilding and road widening scheme.
The planning application to build 875 homes and fell 275 trees at Titnore Lane, West Durrington, was approved by Tory-run Worthing Borough Council at a meeting on June 10, at which police were called to evict protesters from the stage. And with the Government Office for the South East announcing on August 1 that there would be no public enquiry, battle lines are now being formed for a new stage in the long-running conflict.
To kick this off, an outdoor public meeting is being staged close to Titnore Lane on Sunday September 4. This is at 2pm in Northbrook Park, between Titnore Lane and Romany Road. It is a short walk from Goring railway station on the main South Coast line between Brighton and Portsmouth.
Critical Mass in Southampton
12-07-2005 17:06

Climate Chaos And The G8
28-06-2005 20:45

The leaders of the world's 8 richest countries will soon gather in Scotland, hoping to carry on carving up the planet. We forecast a high tide of greenwash during the summit, as Tony 'Hot Air' Blair claims to be making climate change a top priority. It's up to us to unmask the G8 Climate Criminals and expose the hypocrisy of their agenda.
Nine Ladies - Protest Not Over Yet
22-06-2005 10:38

"Our protest site must and will continue to exist in order to protect our beautiful hillside" Nine Ladies Protest Site
Last week the High Court gave its verdict regarding the classification of the quarries at Lees Cross and Endcliffe in the Derbyshire Peaks. The quarries are now (or still) officially dormant. However according to the Nine Ladies protest site this does not mean that victory in the fight to protect the woodland and the stone circle has been secured.
Under the ruling the quarries cannot reopen until the peak park have agreed a set of working conditions for them. Stancliffe Stone still have the permission to quarry from 1952, and the peak park still have the power to revoke the permission, or to impose such restrictions that the re opening of the quarries would be financially unviable. So until there is no possibility that Stancliffe can quarry the protest appears set to continue.
Article from the 9 Ladies Collective — nine ladies no real victory.
Previous stories: Marshalls, Hands off 9 Ladies! | Nine Ladies Possession Court Order Obtained | Nine Ladies Under Threat
Glasgow Cre8 Summit - Reclaiming Community
20-06-2005 11:06

Cre8 Garden Pictures | Audio Interview (mp3) | Film: Cre8 Summit Day 1 (.mov 3mins): Direct Download | Press Coverage
Also see: | Corporate Watch on M74 | Road Block | Road Alert
Untested and in here - Sainsburys GM feed week
12-06-2005 15:40

On Sunday (12th June), eight protesters stripped naked to expose the continued sale of products derived from animals fed on genetically modified crops. The naked demo preceded a separate week long series of events outside Sainsbury head office in London. The Milk Monitor website describes the campaign as "a week long extravaganza of street theatre & protests against GM animal feed".
Read full article for daily updates and details of each days events.
Protect Our Woodland - Titnore Woods
08-06-2005 08:12
POLICE were called to a council meeting in Worthing on Friday June 10 after protesters stormed the stage.The borough council's planning committee was discussing highly controversial plans to build 900 homes and widen a road through woodland in Titnore Lane, Durrington, Worthing.