Planning Officer insists on wider public consultation for incinerator expansion
Forward NAIL | 08.01.2006 16:34 | Ecology
Waste Recycling Group (WRG) was not been entirely honest with their original planning application and 'omitted' vital details. Following a meeting requested by the Planning Officer with NAIL and WRG, we presented our objections and requested the omitted information. WRG were requested by the Planning Officer to provide these details. WRG have yet to submit this information, although it is expected imminently. The Planning Officer has said that, due to the importance of this further information, he will insists on a further 21 days public consultation period. This means that a planning decision is not likely until April this year.
See previous article on the expansion of the Eastcroft incinerator:
See previous article on the expansion of the Eastcroft incinerator:

Below are the contact details for all of the councillors who are on the Development Control Committee, who will be voting to accept or hopefully reject the planning application, to build a third incinerator in the Centre of Nottingham.
Please take the time to contact them with your objections to this planning application. If they are your councillor(s), please also take the time to visit them in person at one of their surgeries.
You can contact them by post, email, telephone or personally. Legally they will not be able to express an opinion, they are obliged to be neutral and judge the planning application on its merits, however this does not stop your politely giving them your views.
Planning Application Ref. 05/01520/PMFUL3
Please tell them why you want them to object, reason could include;
a.. Nottingham should not be importing other peoples waste form the East Midlands
for incineration, it should be dealt with at source.
b.. Nottingham City Council should be aiming to improve on its appallingly low
recycling record, one of the lowest in the UK.
c.. Nottingham should be aiming to phase out incineration not looking to expand it.
d.. Incineration generates thousands of tonnes of toxic ash which has to be
landfilled at a toxic landfill site.
e.. The additional 106 vehicles movements present a serious traffic pollution and
congestion issues.
f.. Incineration causes harmful pollution to air, land and water. This seriously
puts Nottingham's residents health at risk. Incineration has been linked to many
health effects including birth defects. Nottingham is already 11th from bottom of
out of 303 Primary Care Trusts, for its rate high rate of birth defects.
g.. Nottingham City has a air quality issue, a third incinerator will only make
matters far worst.
h.. The current incinerators at Eastcroft have had 28 pollution breaches in the
past 4 years.
i.. Recycling substantially reduces pollution, conserves the earths dwindling
resources and prevents far more waste going to landfill than incineration.
j.. Recycling is a far more acceptable, socially responsible option.
Thank you Jon Beresford
Councillor Katrina Bull - Labour - Radford and Park Ward
The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 846 0507
Surgeries are held alternately and in turn at:
St Peters Church Hall, Hartley Road - 1st Saturday in month, 11am - 12noon
Radford Lenton Library, Lenton Boulevard - 2nd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Highcross Court Community Room, next to Radford Housing Office - 3rd Saturday in
month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Graham Chapman - Labour - Aspley Ward
The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 915 5668 or 0115 910 6961
Surgeries are held at:
Aspley Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 9.30-10.30am, Strelley Library - 1st
& 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Alan Clark - Labour - Bulwell Forest Ward
28 Wynndale Drive
Nottingham NG5 1GZ
0115 915 5667
Surgeries are held at:
Bulwell Library, Highbury Road - 1st Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
The Church on Rise Park - 2nd Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Top Valley Library - 4th Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Brendan Clarke-Smith - Conservative - Clifton North Ward
5 Vernon Avenue
Wilford Village
Nottingham NG11 7AE
0115 915 2387
Councillor Michael Cowan - Conservative - Wollaton West Ward
95 Allington Avenue
Nottingham NG7 1JY
0115 950 2653
Councillor Alex Foster - LibDem - Basford Ward
The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 915 0066 or 0115 915 5047
Councillor Chris Gibson - Labour - Clifton South Ward
85 Tenbury Crescent
Nottingham NG8 5HU
0115 913 8707
Surgeries are held at Clifton Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Gill Haymes - Labour - Bulwell Forest Ward
96 Elmswood Gardens
Nottingham NG5 4AW
0115 960 4074
Surgeries are held at:
Bulwell Library, Highbury Road - 1st Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
The Church on Rise Park - 2nd Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Top Valley Library - 4th Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim - Labour -Berridge Ward
5 Albany Road
New Basford
NottinghamNG7 7LX
0115 910 3745
Surgeries are held at:
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Ian Malcolm - Labour - Clifton South Ward
No Email?
12 Twyford Gardens
Clifton Grove
Nottingham NG11 8PB
0115 915 2935
Surgeries are held at Clifton Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Howard Morris - Labour - Berridge Ward
2 Newfield Road
Nottingham NG5 1HE
0115 915 5834
Surgeries are held at;
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Bill Smith- LibDem - Wollaton East and Lenton Abbey Ward
7 Varden Avenue
Lenton Abbey
Nottingham NG9 2SJ
0115 915 0239
Councillor John Taylor - Labour - Berridge Ward
21-23 Pelham Road
Sherwood Rise
Nottingham NG5 1AQ
Phone 0115 960 9665
FAX 0115 960 9665
Surgeries are held at:
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Malcolm Wood - Labour - Bilborough Ward
The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
Phone - 0115 9155134
Surgeries are held at;
Beechdale Community Centre - Ambergate Road 1st & 3rd Saturday in the month, 10-11am
Bilborough Library - 2nd Saturday in the month, 10-11am
Please take the time to contact them with your objections to this planning application. If they are your councillor(s), please also take the time to visit them in person at one of their surgeries.
You can contact them by post, email, telephone or personally. Legally they will not be able to express an opinion, they are obliged to be neutral and judge the planning application on its merits, however this does not stop your politely giving them your views.
Planning Application Ref. 05/01520/PMFUL3
Please tell them why you want them to object, reason could include;
a.. Nottingham should not be importing other peoples waste form the East Midlands
for incineration, it should be dealt with at source.
b.. Nottingham City Council should be aiming to improve on its appallingly low
recycling record, one of the lowest in the UK.
c.. Nottingham should be aiming to phase out incineration not looking to expand it.
d.. Incineration generates thousands of tonnes of toxic ash which has to be
landfilled at a toxic landfill site.
e.. The additional 106 vehicles movements present a serious traffic pollution and
congestion issues.
f.. Incineration causes harmful pollution to air, land and water. This seriously
puts Nottingham's residents health at risk. Incineration has been linked to many
health effects including birth defects. Nottingham is already 11th from bottom of
out of 303 Primary Care Trusts, for its rate high rate of birth defects.
g.. Nottingham City has a air quality issue, a third incinerator will only make
matters far worst.
h.. The current incinerators at Eastcroft have had 28 pollution breaches in the
past 4 years.
i.. Recycling substantially reduces pollution, conserves the earths dwindling
resources and prevents far more waste going to landfill than incineration.
j.. Recycling is a far more acceptable, socially responsible option.
Thank you Jon Beresford
Councillor Katrina Bull - Labour - Radford and Park Ward

The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 846 0507
Surgeries are held alternately and in turn at:
St Peters Church Hall, Hartley Road - 1st Saturday in month, 11am - 12noon
Radford Lenton Library, Lenton Boulevard - 2nd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Highcross Court Community Room, next to Radford Housing Office - 3rd Saturday in
month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Graham Chapman - Labour - Aspley Ward

The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 915 5668 or 0115 910 6961
Surgeries are held at:
Aspley Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 9.30-10.30am, Strelley Library - 1st
& 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Alan Clark - Labour - Bulwell Forest Ward

28 Wynndale Drive
Nottingham NG5 1GZ
0115 915 5667
Surgeries are held at:
Bulwell Library, Highbury Road - 1st Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
The Church on Rise Park - 2nd Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Top Valley Library - 4th Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Brendan Clarke-Smith - Conservative - Clifton North Ward

5 Vernon Avenue
Wilford Village
Nottingham NG11 7AE
0115 915 2387
Councillor Michael Cowan - Conservative - Wollaton West Ward

95 Allington Avenue
Nottingham NG7 1JY
0115 950 2653
Councillor Alex Foster - LibDem - Basford Ward

The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
0115 915 0066 or 0115 915 5047
Councillor Chris Gibson - Labour - Clifton South Ward

85 Tenbury Crescent
Nottingham NG8 5HU
0115 913 8707
Surgeries are held at Clifton Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Gill Haymes - Labour - Bulwell Forest Ward
96 Elmswood Gardens
Nottingham NG5 4AW
0115 960 4074

Surgeries are held at:
Bulwell Library, Highbury Road - 1st Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
The Church on Rise Park - 2nd Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Top Valley Library - 4th Saturday in month 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Mohammed Ibrahim - Labour -Berridge Ward

5 Albany Road
New Basford
NottinghamNG7 7LX
0115 910 3745
Surgeries are held at:
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Ian Malcolm - Labour - Clifton South Ward
No Email?
12 Twyford Gardens
Clifton Grove
Nottingham NG11 8PB
0115 915 2935
Surgeries are held at Clifton Library - 1st & 3rd Saturday in month, 11am - 12 noon
Councillor Howard Morris - Labour - Berridge Ward

2 Newfield Road
Nottingham NG5 1HE
0115 915 5834
Surgeries are held at;
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Bill Smith- LibDem - Wollaton East and Lenton Abbey Ward

7 Varden Avenue
Lenton Abbey
Nottingham NG9 2SJ
0115 915 0239
Councillor John Taylor - Labour - Berridge Ward

21-23 Pelham Road
Sherwood Rise
Nottingham NG5 1AQ
Phone 0115 960 9665
FAX 0115 960 9665
Surgeries are held at:
Forest Fields Community Centre - 1st Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
New Basford Community Centre - 2nd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
Family Centre, corner of Russell Rd & Laurie Ave - 3rd Wednesday in month, 6-7pm
St Leo Degarius Church Hall, Nottingham Road - 4th Monday in month, 6-7pm
Councillor Malcolm Wood - Labour - Bilborough Ward
The Council House
Old Market Square
Nottingham NG1 2DT
Phone - 0115 9155134

Surgeries are held at;
Beechdale Community Centre - Ambergate Road 1st & 3rd Saturday in the month, 10-11am
Bilborough Library - 2nd Saturday in the month, 10-11am
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