Update: 4th Spy: “Jim Sutton” | 5th Spy: Peter Black | 6th Spy: Mark Cassidy | 7th Spy: Simon Wellings
“Mark Stone”, “Lynn Watson” and “Marco Jacobs”.
Three police officers all thought to work for The National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU), a political police unit with extensive links to large corporations, have been exposed by activists in the UK.
Two of them are known to have worked outside of UK police jurisdiction. All have actively taken part in illegal activity.
Feature Articles:
Cop Infiltrators: PC Mark Kennedy AKA "Mark (Flash) Stone", "Lyn Watson", "Mark (Marco) Jacobs" and PC Jim Boyling, "Jim Sutton" | Undercover police officer back in the spotlight | Guilty verdict in Ratcliffe trial | Mark Kennedy/Stone exposed as undercover cop
Mark Kenney: A detailed chronology of his activities | Kennedy Mania in the Mainstream Media | Officer 'B' revealed as Cardiff based 'Marco' Jacobs | Mark Kennedy: secret policeman's sideline as corporate spy | Post Flash Fallout, Lessons and Activist security | I can't forgive Mark Kennedy's betrayal of activists | IMPORTANT: A respectful request to all activists regarding Mark "Stone" | Undercover police officer back in the spotlight | Release the Kennedy Files | Ratcliffe: 2nd Court Case of 6 activist Collapses | Ratcliffe trial collapses! | An account of Marco Jacobs' time in Brighton | Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN)on the infiltration by 'Marco'
“MARK STONE” Real name Mark Kennedy
Distributed Zapatista Coffee 'Rebelde' from Germany to UK social centres In 2004.
Extensive involvement in Ireland:
- Ireland Early 2004 attended a grassroots gathering promoting Scotland G8,
- Ireland 2004 Mayday protests. Involved in attacking police. Supplied defensive equipment. People serve prison sentences relating to material delivered by him from UK.
- Ireland 2004 Protests against George Bush summit at Dromoland castle.
- Ireland 2005 Attended EFYA winter meeting in Co Clare 2005 Attended a meeting and fund-raiser for the G8 in Belfast.
- Ireland 2006 Attended the Anarchist Bookfair and then went to Rossport solidarity camp.
UK Coordinated transport for the Dissent network of resistance against the G8 camp in Stirling Scotland in 2005. (a fleet of minibuses) Gained name “Transport Mark”
Was involved in planing Camp for Climate Action “land group” from 2006 onwards often in driver role.
Was for a number of years involved in Climate Justice groups which faced repeated raids and arrests. These groups have been actively disrupted during this period.
Had sexual relationships with a number of activists.
Involved in anti-police anti corporate actions with Saving Iceland campaign in Iceland.
Was actively involved in Berlin radical left groups for some months prior to the Heligendam G8. Actively promoted a violent assault on Berlin business district. (Plan B)
Took part in riots surrounding the eviction of ungdomshuset “youth house” In Copenhagen Denmark.
Is believed to have visited Denmark after this point. (can Danish comrades confirm?)
Using established anarchist contacts in Denmark he was well placed to inform on UK activists and others attending the Cop 13 negotiations in 2009.
Involved in anti-fascist activity. Encouraged anti-EDL campaigners to attack coaches carrying members of the extreme nationalist group to Bradford in 2010.
More recent involvement in Animal Rights circles such as attending 2010 international AR gathering in Milan, Italy.
Appears to have moved into Private Spying. He shared a business address with a director of Global Open a company of private spies composed of ex -Special Branch, (political police.)
Kennedys role, has received intense media coverage in the UK, following the collapse of a court case against activists on Monday 10th January. This has led to highest ranking policeman Sir Hugh Orde defending infiltration of left wing groups on the Newsnight television programme.
Mark Kennedy spoke about his infiltration to extreme right-wing newspaper The Mail on Sunday, He claimed to have operational influence over German and Danish police.
Both “Marco Jacobs” and “Mark Stone” attended the Dissent! Europe gathering prior to Strasbourg, France anti NATO in 2009. They arrived together, very little real UK based activist involvement. (same time as G20 London)
“LYNN WATSON” Real name unknown
In late 2003 Lynn Watson attended event at Aldermaston nuclear weapons factory and then joined a Trident Ploughshares affinity group. NVDA anti nuclear weapons group.
She took part in non-violence training (one of the trainers didn’t get there as he was picked up on a warrant as he came off the ferry!) and attended a TP planning meeting.
During 2004 she also went to Aldermaston Womens Peace Camp and was very active in the Block the Builders campaign. (Direct action) She said she lived in Bournemouth and did care work.
In 2005 she moved to Leeds, Yorkshire. Active in environmental activist groups centred around anarchist social centre, The Common Place.
“Lynn Watson” used Bank Account:
Sortcode: 560054 Account Number: 33516774 IBAN: GB97NWBK56005433516774 Bank: NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC
Lynn was part of a small group who planned the site take for the Camp for Climate action in 2006 drax and 2007 Heathrow, less so 2008 kingsnorth.
Was member of UK Action medics collective, who provide first aid to the direct action community. Lynn was involved with UK action medics at Dissent G8 in Gleneagles 2005, and later that year at Earth First! gathering in Derbyshire. Later, she hosted an Action medics meeting at her house in Leeds.
She was also the UK contact when medics went to G8 in Russia, so the address they were staying at may have been passed on. (to Russian secret state?)
( “Marco Jacobs” filled similar role for CAN!)
Was member of the Rebel Clown Army. (unclear if this made them any less effective)
Had sexual relationships with some activists. Was “camera shy”.
Is not known to have operated outside of the UK. (one unconfirmed sighting with “Mark Stone” in Berlin May 2006)
“Watson” “Stone” and “Jacobs” seem to have disappeared from left political circles in the UK.
"MARCO JACOBS" also known as “Mark Jacobs” Real name unknown
Infiltrated the Dissent! network of resistance against the G8 in Brighton, in 2004. Following suspicions that he was a policeman there, he moved to Cardiff, Wales where he successfully infiltrated Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN).
He encouraged ideological and personal splits within CAN.
He had at least one sexual relationship within activist circles.
Using his connections he then became involved in the Rising Tide Network. He was at the centre of a set of police raids and arrests that targeted climate justice activists, including one on his own flat.
He was involved in the No Border campaigns for freedom of movement. He was minute taker at UK wide gatherings. He had prior knowledge of No Borders successful blockades to prevent immigration snatch squad dawn raids on families,
He attended (with “Mark Stone”) a meeting in Poland prior to the G8 in Heligendam, It is believed that only one genuine UK based activist was at this event!
He travelled with UK activists to Germany to oppose the G8 in Heligendam, Germany 2007 and was actively involved in autonomous block planning at the Redelich camp.
In 2009 he attended planning meetings in Dijon for the Anti NATO resistance to take place in Strasbourg. He arrived with “Stone” . Set up website promoting this action.
He suddenly pulled out of attending the resistance to the G8 in St Petersburg Russia. Remained in contact with CAN activists in Russia.
Towards the end of his career in Cardiff, friends became suspicious of him and he was increasingly being left out of sensitive discussions. Ironically this included the location of the 2008 Camp for Climate Action, the location of which was known by a small group including “Watson” and “Stone”.
Please add factual comments/corrections here so that statement can been produced for distribution through Indymedia and associated networks.
Please do not post anything you do not have direct knowledge of or can show where it comes from.
Please do not reveal any names or information that may reveal names of people other than the police themselves.
Please do not post the fact you once had tea with one of the infiltrators, only facts which develop a picture of their political involvement.
If groups could make statements that would be helpful.
Face to camera shots of “Marco” and “Lynn” would be very useful Please do not repost information from other media there is a discussion of other media here.
Comrades worldwide feel free to post here if you have information on these police officers.
This post includes comments left here....
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some legal advice
19.01.2011 18:18
thanks indy mods once again for your outstanding work.
"If I understand correctly... You're talking about new prosecutions based on old information derived from the involvement of undercover cops? In principle this may be the trigger to prosecutions. Evidence from undercover cops may be the lead the prosecution need to know who to prosecute for what. But the prosecution itself - the allegations at any trial - would have to be based on legally admissible evidence which proves guilt. And it would be unlikely the pros could rely on anything direct from an undercover cop. And the pros may - in the light of the Ratcliffe 6 case - be hesitant about prosecuting where an undercover cop is linked to the investigation, even if his (her) evidence is not being used. I don't know about law beyond England and Wales I'm afraid."
lee gal
"taken part in" vs. "instigated" illegal activity
20.01.2011 15:12
but, as far as I know, in order to prove that they acted as Agent Provocateur, we need proof that they instigated illegal activity, not only took part in. Surely there will be more on this as a part of any review/investigation.
Now in germany, first steps towards exploring possibility of some lawsuits...
jfk germany
Lynne @ Faslane
20.01.2011 20:41
Bitch! am glad we didn't give her the pleasure of fucking us over. numerous others did get arrested by her motivational ways sadly :(
in fact, I remember quite a few Aldermaston people coming up around the time of the big demo's, some visited us on site. She wasn't one of them though that I can remember.
British police infiltration in Copenhagen...
22.01.2011 12:57
Red Fighter
22.01.2011 15:20
stick to pinching porridge dear
23.01.2011 20:23
Scotti said. Anyone who has been involved with faslane for a decent period of time should spot what was so dodgy.
fairytale princess
What she around during the Mayday demo at Oxford Circus 2001?
24.01.2011 14:20
Jo, puhlease, evidence or ignominy
24.01.2011 16:50
So 2001? Nah. Faslane? Highly probably, but still missing the point. Facts not fairy tales please, this is meant to be a newswire not a lullaby. Here's a lullaby if you want one.
In an earlier time, in a green land above
By the mill and the willows we made fairytale love
With the sky a warm blanket, and our backs to the rain
We thought that our pleasure would always remain
No blemish of lust, flesh unfreckled by sin
A heart made like clockwork, white marble for skin
Still waters green pastures, with one caress of your hand
I swear even the wild dog lies down with the lamb
We thought that our pleasure would always remain
Soft fairytale kisses again and again
The last moment we touched, by the river you shone
The black swan spread its wings and hissed
lo! the night came on
Marco information
24.01.2011 19:46
He also claimed to be a bird watcher and wore RSPB pin badges.
He claimed to be from Northampton and had a mildlands accent.
He repeatedly and frequently drove while drunk.
Courtnee Brantley
britain is not a democracy
24.01.2011 20:47
Undercover officer # 5
25.01.2011 01:01
Alias "Peter Black" was deployed from 1993 - 1997. He was inside the M11 Link road campaign plus active in anti-rasist groups
Good article about him here:- ( confirming that he is PC "A" by the Guardian in the previous post)
Mark Kennedy - Sold class A drugs to me - Ecstasy - at the 69ers party ( his 40th B'day bash) in 2009.
Officer#5 and Kennedy dealing drugs
Scandal of British Undercover Orgies & Agents in Indy Ireland
25.01.2011 03:06
Astroturfing bhoys went through a similar change of attitude as did the ghirls, because many of the Indy Irish bhoys like jam on both sides.. At first, they feared the mighty Brit brontosaurus at their love ins and astroturfing projects, such as keeping Dublin's swimming pools open but soon, as their micey ear evolved inexorably into the eco-clown's pockets, their over stretched minges, tingled with uncontrollable craving for undercover monster-cock.
Quite and evolution since the time, Christine and Mandy were on her Majesty's service in the Profumo affair, when the undercover cop promised, "They will sit on your face." They settled on 100 quid each, which at the time was steep but the minister was happy. "Thank you Mr. Dick. You very good man" he said at the time , "Why don't you come stay in my place in Galway?"
Another undercover cop called Allister, picked up an Irish street whore called Vivien, who worked part-time as a moderator, because he needed directions to his Irish crib (Try telling that to the Gardai, Allister). He grew quite fond of her and actually taught her some good manners and a few undercover tricks, which she duly passed on to her Indy friends.
Times have changed though, as angry Irish women now slam the whoremongers of British secret service MI-5, who left them in the lurch, as they are now forced to attend to the plight of weary travellers at Galway airport, who want to get blown-off, as they wait for connecting flights to England. They are so angry in fact that sensible Irishmen don't want these Indy men and women anywhere near their private parts, because, instead of offering you a friendly gobble, given half an angry chance, they would bite off an orange-sized chunk of flesh. Despite the Astroturfing scandal with the the Brit undercover cops, you'll still hear spooky conversations with Brit accents in Irish bogs, along the lines of;
{"I say, Alister, old chap, we really must get together for a dump one of these nights."
"Splendid idea, old boy; how about Wednesday, say, seven-ish?"
"Excellent. Shall I give Fred a call - see if he can join us?"}
One night at an Indy orgy, a rather unusual moderator caught the English spook's eye. While the other dancers had either a neat little wisp or a cute shaven haven, this young lady was sporting a big hairy minge that would have done a clout lady proud. In his home town in the North of England, a woman's genital region is often referred to as her clout. On lazy Sunday morning lie-ins, as they don't go to Mass, he would coo affectionately in her ear "Pull your fingers out of your clout, Love, and make us a nice cup of tea." So he couldn't resist having a giggle at the hairy Indy's expense and sure enough, ten minutes minutes later she plonked herself down on his lap.
Before he could shoo the Indy strumpet away, the hairy little minge managed to win him over with an engaging combination of wit, cheekiness and a proposition that was a million miles away from the normal. "What is your name ?, I'm Lily from Ballymena and I like big ones very much, you can come in my mouth if you want or even piss on me. Sometimes I have a shit on a table of glass and you can look up. I dont think many English ladies would do same as me. I do everything, even your dog or goat if you want."
Later spooky smiled as the yo-yo knickered Ballymena nymph, was reassuring him, that he was the only man in her life, while the sex session continued uninterrupted. After listening to her "love Englishman too much" shite for half an hour, his patience finally ran out, so he slipped it up the wrong'un, she flashed him a dirty look like, "out, out," Maggie but her sweet-talking Ballymena blarney didn't even waver .
We cannot independently confirm all of the above details precisely but we do know that for more than seven years in the Irish Indy community, just one British agent alone, left a trail of Indy Irish people feeling confused and betrayed.
One woman came forward accusing the Brit agent, while undercover having sexual relationships with women and men in Indy circles, raising important questions about police handlers operating undercover in Ireland. Giving details about him screwing her many times. Lily says she feels "violated" by the the police officer. Now questions arise about British police using a string of undercover agents who use sex orgies as a "tactic" to astro-turf and gain infiltrate Indy Ireland.
Lily said, "This movement is a small clique, so it is not difficult to run into the same people in various different situations.I knew he was seeing other people at the same time and there was never any type of romance involved." His spying operation, spanned 21 other countries besides Ireland.
British secret service agencies that he was seconded to have refused to discuss the matter.
"Did the Met know that this was going on, or even encouraged it?" Lily asked. "If he was keeping it a secret from the police then that is different. But I think he had so many friends and relationships with people in the movement that I'm questioning whether this was a tactic or part of his task to become more trusted or respected within the scene."
Lily said there had always been something that "did not add up" about him. "He always had money. He obviously had an income that he never really explained. He told me once that him and his brother made beds out of scaffolding to sell and that is how he made so much money. At the time it seemed like a bit of a strange thing to me."
'It's all reminiscent of the story about Irishman Boy George, who liked a hamster in the arse or was that Freddie Starr? Maybe I'm getting confused now... while apparently most people never fully grasp the attraction of pushing a live hamster up their arse, Indy Ireland's bhoys and ghirls are different. Some of them prefer slippery haddock or a snapper. Although they have dorsal rearward pointing spines which make retrieval a delicate affair. But then "pet shop boys" liked to insert small rodents into their rectum only after they have covered the furry colon cosmonauts, with a protective and lubricated surgical rubber tubing devices. But still, it doesn't sound like something any right-thinking person would try, no matter how rainy the Sunday Irish afternoon are.
And I can't imagine our furry friends enjoying it much, either. Poor little guy. Apparently though the Irish Indy guys had oodles of fun inserting large British rodents into their arseholes, so often in fact that to make their spooky stay up there as pleasant as possible, they installed a little exercise wheel and some wood shavings for their Brit lovers. It all takes Pog Mo Shon to awhole new Indy level. See more@Sex Ireland
Brian Clarke
http:// http://bit.ly/INDYSEX
Brian Clarke please give up your day job if you are a writer...
25.01.2011 08:46
Aunty Christ
another picture of Mark Kennedy
25.01.2011 23:53
police spy Mark Kennedy locked on
This is from the Channel 4 news report video here:
What's the Big Deal?
26.01.2011 15:01
Mark Kennedy
Ich bin kein Berliner
27.01.2011 10:31
Not sure if there is a English version up anywhere... But if there isn't and someone needs a translation for more than idle curiosity, let me know and I'll post one up- but it may takes some days till I get the time.
Please see our recent statement on Mark Kennedy etc.
11.02.2011 17:34
The Real Facts Regarding Mark Kennedy’s Infiltration of Iceland’s Environmental Movement:
Saving Iceland Collective
Please note this folks: ('Greenearth' comment)
01.03.2011 12:18
Jah Bles