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UK Dale Farm Newswire Archive

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Interview with an Anarchist at Dale Farm

18-10-2011 01:25

A self written interview by group of anarchists currently involved in the Dale Farm struggle. The interview attempts to answer some basic questions about anarchism in order to explain our position and reasoning for being at Dale Farm; attempting also to solidify the Dale Farm struggles place in the broader class war.

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Dale Farm appeal rejected, eviction expected soon

17-10-2011 16:18

The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need activists to come down for active resistance and support roles as soon as possible.

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Get to Dale Farm soonest - judicial review appeal app. rejected by court

17-10-2011 16:17

The Court of Appeal has just rejected the residents' right to a judicial review, which means that Basildon Council will be able to come on to conduct an eviction from now onwards. We need supporters to come down as soon as possible to help resist this eviction. We need people to come willing to engage in civil disobedience as well as support residents and activists in resisting the eviction through non-arrestable roles.

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Be ready to come to Dale Farm today

17-10-2011 04:18

This morning, the Dale Farm Community will find out whether they will be allowed to appeal against the High Court's rejection of their application for judicial review.

If this is refused, then eviction could happen at any time. Therefore, all supporters are urged to get to Dale Farm as soon as possible to assist with the eviction resistance.

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Dale Farm: State Repression Increases, as Activists Call for Supplies

15-10-2011 14:13

An update on the Dale farm situation, including information on increased police repression and hostility towards residents and activists, and calls for further supplies to aid the resistance.

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Dale Farm: The wider context

14-10-2011 16:14

The last time I wrote about Dale Farm I had been living there for four days and it had felt inspiring to be a part of Camp Constant and the Dale Farm Solidarity Campaign, trying to resist the eviction of the largest Traveller community of its kind in Britain. I am now writing this six weeks later and after an aborted eviction attempt and a short respite as another appeal has gone through the courts, eviction is once again imminent. It is not my intention to interrogate the facts around the council’s pretext for the eviction as I already laid down in my previous article my argument for why I believe it is unjust and based on prejudice. After having lived there for five weeks the following article represents just a small part of my personal experience of being at Dale Farm, the wider context of what I have discovered and why I think you should get your arse down there immediately.

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Dale Farm: An End to the Legal Process? A Call to the Baricades!

13-10-2011 01:56

Work on the Baricades
An article about the situation at dale farm. Highlighting the seeming finality of the legal process and a realization that eviction may be imminent. A call on activists to join the struggle, and an attempt to solidify Dale Farms Place in the broader dialogue of eviction resistance and class struggle.

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Quick Dale Farm Update.

12-10-2011 17:15

Outside the high court
Judge has failed community at Dale Farm.
Planning regulations must be upheld, no ifs, no buts.
No official stay on Eviction - but looks to be Monday.

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Dale Farm: Get Ready To Resist: skills and mischief at Camp Constant this weekend

07-10-2011 10:54

Latest court date for a decision on whether or not a judicial review will be held is set for Wednesday. The result could go either way and the threat of eviction is still very real. This weekend at Dale Farm we are holding two days of workshops and activities. This is a great time to come to Dale Farm and get a feeling for the current situation here and at the high court, share skills and learn some new ones and prepare us all better for possible eviction.

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Phien O'Phien - Hum Hum Hum - Save Dale Farm Folk Song!

04-10-2011 15:43

Phien O'Phien is a long time activist on behalf of the Irish traveller community. He has for some time been writing folk songs about the experience of Irish travellers, Hum Hum Hum being one of them.

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Protesters scale Council building to call on Tony Ball to resign

27-09-2011 13:48

Today, supporters and residents from Dale Farm staged a protest at Basildon Council buildings calling on Tony Ball to resign. Two protesters, who had scaled the front of the building in order to display a banner reading “Tony Ball RESIGN” were detained by police. They are currently being questioned inside the Council building, but they have not been arrested. The two supporters who had unfurled the banner remained out of reach of police for nearly an hour. More than 50 people gathered around the banner. Ali Saunders, a spokesperson for Dale Farm Solidarity who was at the protest, said “It’s becoming clear that this eviction is a lost cause- Dale Farm has got to stay, Tony Ball has got to go”

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Dale Farm injunction extended to monday

23-09-2011 13:32

Breaking news: Dale Farm clearance delayed again, high court cannot conclude today so the injunction remains in place until at least monday. More legal challenges are racking up including requests for judicial review.

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N.E.T climbers in Constant & Co uniforms at Dale Farm

22-09-2011 14:09

second from the left on the front row
One of the climbers from the National Eviction Team bailiff company was present in a Constant & Co uniform during the weekend and Monday outside Dale Farm.

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Experiences of a legal observer at Dale Farm

21-09-2011 11:05

Just back from a few nights at Dale Farm. I was on legal observer duty Monday morning 7am - 1pm. Most of it was spent on the gate scaffold observing the bailiffs rearranging their offices, then - when they realised we could see everything - they ordered in a new container to block our view. Not many police around apart from the helicopter. A few tense times when the bailiffs twice put their coffee cups down and organised themselves into groups: once they actually approached the gate but retreated after reading the notice about the lock-in.

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Travellers and supporters work together to open up Dale Farm

21-09-2011 10:32

Travellers and supporters at Dale Farm will work together on Wednesday morning from 11:30 am to move barricades that are blocking access to the site [1]. The residents want to enable families to bring their trailers back on to their plots, and to enable access for emergency vehicles, but will oppose any attempt at entry by bailiffs.

The barricades were constructed to prevent Basildon Council from demolishing the homes and land of residents who have been living on the site for over ten years. The last minute reprieve caused by the High Court injunction left the site blockaded with gates, lock-ons and vans preventing access.

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Friday 23rd: Solidarity with Dale Farm, High Court, the Strand, 11.30am

21-09-2011 10:02

aerial photo of Dale Farm traveller site in Crays Hill, Essex
Callout for solidarity by supporters of Dale Farm outside the High Court on the Strand at 11.30am on Friday for traveller families at Dale Farm facing eviction. Court judgement likely mid-afternoon.

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re: Dispatches - The Fight For Dale Farm

21-09-2011 08:47

I've lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard the words “there's one law for you fucking gypo's and another law for the rest of us”. Indeed, when you are raised a Gypsy you often come face to face with many disgruntled locals who are not exactly happy that you have just set up home on their most precious playing field. I find it somewhat ironic that these are often the same people who produced a brood of overweight, xbox addicted children who have never used (and will never miss) a playing field in their lives, but I digress. The unauthorised use of these playing fields, village greens, car parks etc. by Gypsies and Travellers fuels a hostile response from locals who feel Gypsies and Travellers are given 'special treatment' by the government and indeed this was voiced several times by angry resident's throughout last night's Dispatches.

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Dale Farm: keep stinging them in the pocket

20-09-2011 10:51

Money money money, it's always the most effective resource upon which to mount a campaign. Basildon Council has £18m with which to evict its travellers from Dale Farm, land which they bought, developed and then applied for retrospective planning permission for (a tactic pioneered and made commonplace by tesco). Ongoing legal battles, physical confrontation, blockading and any other tactics available are coming together to make this as financially crippling a mission for the Basildon Council as possible.

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Dale farm last minute injunction

19-09-2011 15:58

Various reports coming in that dale farm residents have won a last minute temporary injunction pending a hearing on friday.

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Basildon Council sunk secret group appointed to solve Dale Farm crisis

14-09-2011 19:57

The Homes and Communities Agency have confirmed in a letter to Richard Howitt MEP that their offer of land and funding for alternative sites for the Dale Farm community was rejected by Basildon Council in October 2010.
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