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UK Flotilla to Gaza Newswire Archive

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CHICK COREA - call from the Gaza ghetto !

10-08-2010 21:29

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel, August 2010 ... We are a group of students from Gaza, and our only fault is being Palestinians. For that, Mr. Corea, we are imprisoned with our families and loved ones in what major Human Rights Organizations call the largest open air prison in modern history. The state you are planning to entertain, committed a process of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people in 1948. And now it is engaged in, what the Israeli academic Ilan Pappe calls, “slow motion genocide” against the 1.5 million population of Gaza. We are writing to you from under the hermetic siege imposed on us. We are punished just because we belong to this land and hold its identity. Israel committed, what Prof. Richard Goldstone called “war crimes and crimes against humanity,” knowing very well that it would be immune from accountability. You must be aware that all aspects of our life are affected by the siege, which in itself is a gross violation of international humanitarian law.

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Flotilla Eye Witness

23-07-2010 13:28

Alex Harrison of the Free Gaza Movement spoke candidly about her experience on the Samud, smallest of the flotilla boats, and what happened after the IDF abducted them. The meeting was a Palestine Solidarity night at the Ratstar Social centre on 22nd July.

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Who's aiding Judaisation?

22-07-2010 07:00

US has poured more money into Israel than it did into the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe after World War II.

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A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism

17-07-2010 11:17

Israel's Role in Terrorism
Jeff Gates – America's Terrorist Ally: A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism ... "It's very good….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)". –Response of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when asked on September 11, 2001 what the attacks meant for U.S.-Israeli relations. Game theory war-planners rely on mathematical models to anticipate and shape outcomes with staged provocations. For the agent provocateur, the reactions to a provocation-as well as the reactions to those reactions-thereby become predictable within an acceptable range of probabilities. With ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan poised to expand to Iran and Pakistan, it is time to take a closer look at how conflicts are catalyzed-by way of deception.

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Help Launch More Boats to Gaza!

16-07-2010 20:17

GFM is helping to launch new efforts to send boats to Gaza for Fall 2010. We will be posting details here as they emerge. We will continue to support viable efforts to sail more boats to Gaza, now and in the future, as long as this strategy serves to pressure Israel and the complicit governments to lift the blockade! ... Israel's deadly actions against the humanitarian Freedom Flotilla will not go unanswered! Visit the Flotilla page for steps you can take NOW and to check latest news, report backs, and events!

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Gaza to Venezuela - Reports from the frontline.

12-07-2010 17:54

Come and hear activists recently returned from the Gaza Flotilla and Latin America.

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An American “Terrorist” in London

11-07-2010 17:26

Welcome to Orwell’s ‘1984’ ladies and gentlemen, where black is white, white is black, and the truth is nothing but a word.

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Activists 'decorate' Israel Ministry of Tourism billboards.

09-07-2010 14:11

A number of Israel Ministry of Tourism billboards in London Tube stations were recently 'decorated' with red paint. Only one billboard was accessible from the platform and had some additional information added — the others were placed track-side and so had to be reached using other means. This action succeeded in getting several posters removed.

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European and US weapons in Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla

08-07-2010 16:31

Photo and video material from the Israeli attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla expose the use of European and US produced war material. The attack on the relief boats was executed by Israeli navy special forces Unit 13 (Shayetet 13). Several large and small navy ships, as well as helicopters, were used, armed with US and European weapons.

Involved in the attack was a Sa'ar V corvette named Lahav built by US company Northrop-Grumman. The Sa'ar V is fitted with mostly US and Israeli weapon systems, but according to Jane's Fighting Ships it has an Italian OTO Melara 76mm canon, which is interchangeable with a Swedish Bofors 57 mm canon. The OTO Melara canon were also used for bombarding the coast of Gaza during the January 2009 war.

Other weapon systems on the Sa'ar V are surface-surface missiles (SSM) from McDonnell Douglas, and Barak surface-air missiles (SAM) from Israeli Industries. It also has US-made Honeywell torpedoes. Command systems and weapon control are from Elbit and ElOp respectively, both Israeli companies.
No names of the other big ships involved are known but there was at least one Sa’ar 4.5 class involved. Ships of this class are armed– amongst other weapons – with 2 Austrian Oerlikon 20mm guns

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Israel on Trail for War Crimes!

07-07-2010 22:10

Israel on Trial
On the 3rd of July; Palestine Action Group put Israel on Trial for War Crimes in a street theatre stunt on Northumberland street; city centre of Newcastle upon Tyne. Britain was also found guilty of aiding; abetting and arming Israel. We say "try the war criminals; NOT the RESISTANCE!" and Resistance is Justified when Palestine is Occupied! Boycott and Isolate Israel! Sanctions NOW!

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Freedom Flotilla 2 will export Gaza products

07-07-2010 11:55

Freedom Flotilla 2
European campaign: Freedom Flotilla 2 will export Gaza products to the world ...... The European campaign to end the siege said Tuesday that the next Freedom Flotilla aid convoy that will set sail in early August will help Gaza people to export the products they produce to the world. The campaign, a partner of the Freedom Flotilla coalition, stressed that it is determined to move forward in its anti-siege activities and send more ships to Gaza. It pointed out that it wants to assist Gaza farmers and industrialists to export their products to Europe through the visiting aid ships. ...... Obama, Netanyahu call for starting direct negotiations ..... Film: GAZA - The Day After ..... The GAZA-STROPHE ....

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March against Mavi Marmara Massacre 5th June, London

28-06-2010 16:30

The march through London to the Israeli Embassy in response to the massacre aboard the Mavi Marmara.

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Masked intruders storm and sabotage UN Gaza kids' camp

28-06-2010 14:15

No claim of responsiblity yet, but Islamists suspected.

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Americans Prosecuted as Terrorists

26-06-2010 20:19

Americans in Gaza Freedom Flotilla Prosecuted as Terrorists ......... AMERICA is still embarrassed by the infamous McCarthy Hearings which ruined the lives of thousands of innocents during the Fifties. Anyone then, suspected of being linked to communism was arrested, interrogated and either imprisoned or forced to give names of others suspected of communist tendencies. And so the fear and intimidation spread like a great plague across the USA. Names were blacklisted, careers and lives ruined as the authorities ruthlessly traded on peoples’ fears, paranoia and weaknesses.

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Open Letter To The British Government Regarding The Gaza Flotilla

21-06-2010 05:51

Mr Vidler,
Your response to my email is shocking and apalling. Given that we each must take responsibility for what we do, even when done on behalf of others, I would go so far as to say that your action in writing it, even on behalf of your government calls into question your personal integrity. I will not so much as extend the polite courtesy of thanking you for response as this perhaps also is a matter of personal integrity. The rest of this correspondence is addressed to the other recipients referred to above and the government generally.

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The role of "mental imagery": Giving a "human face" to racism, genocide and war

19-06-2010 11:48

For the corporate elites to continue practicing genocidal predation for power and profit in developing countries, it is necessary that the predation be cast in a false cover of humanitarian aid, democratic development, solidarity, progress, and the like, and that the most overtly murderous practices be cast as necessary in a fight against evil.

If sufficient care is not taken to secure this cover of mental imagery, then the bosses’ actions will appear more to be what they are, murderous and psychopathic, and the bosses’ children may not feel comfortable sitting on the bosses’ laps and the bosses’ partners may not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed…

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Nazi EDL attack Palestine Peace Protesters on Sat 12 June 2010

15-06-2010 10:07

15 EDL members attacked a Palestine Solidarity Campaign stall and peace vigil in solidarity with Palestine.

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direct action in solidarity with palestine especially free gaza

14-06-2010 10:24

On wednesday 2nd june a tesco express in hartshill, stoke on trent was visited out of hours by palestinian solidarity activists.

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Gaza flotilla survivors to speak in Sheffield

12-06-2010 11:41

Tuesday 15th June. Public meeting on the Freedom Flotilla. 7.30 p.m. Quaker Meeting House, James St. Sheffield S1 2EW.

Two survivors of the Flotilla attack will present eye witness accounts of events aboard the Mavi and Challenger boats. We will also discuss the tasks for the solidarity movement in the wake of the Flotilla attacks and the (momentary) world wide attention focussed on the Siege of Gaza. Please make sure you come to this crucial meeting: we need your support and active solidarity

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Bath Bomb #30 Out Now

12-06-2010 08:31

The thirtieth edition of Bath's 'monthly' radical freesheet is finally out, after a month long's break...
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