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UK Flotilla to Gaza Newswire Archive

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Photos - Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre London Demos

11-06-2010 10:14

20,000 demonstrated on 5th June 2010
Photos from the recent demos

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Activists deliver boat to Downing Street to protest Israeli impunity

10-06-2010 11:27

Message to Number 10
A group of activists dropped a 12 foot dingy outside Downing Street at around 8.30am this morning to protest against the British government’s continued support for Israel in the wake of its deadly raid on the Gaza Freedom flotilla on Monday May 31st.

The activists drew attention to the influence of the Zionist lobby over many MPs and the media, an influence that reinforces the impunity enjoyed by Israel even when it commits murderous crimes in breach of international law. The demonstrators made an explicit link between the Zionist lobby and the UK government’s proposed changes to universal jurisdiction, which are due to be introduced this month.

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Action for Gaza bank and motorway shut Bristol city centre

09-06-2010 19:35

Just had this report phoned in more to follow I'm sure.

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Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack on the Gaza Peace Flotilla - Part 1

09-06-2010 12:19

The most potent propaganda relies on language loaded with hidden implications. In a recent speech, journalist Robert Fisk noted:

“When we westerners find that ‘our’ enemies - al-Qaeda, for example, or the Taliban - have set off more bombs and staged more attacks than usual, we call it ‘a spike in violence’. Ah yes, a ‘spike’!

“A ‘spike’ in violence, ladies and gentlemen is a word first used, according to my files, by a brigadier general in the Baghdad Green Zone in 2004. Yet now we use that phrase, we extemporise on it, we relay it on the air as our phrase.”

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Israel Is Fueling Anti-Americanism among U.S. Allies

09-06-2010 05:16

Biden is the least qualified to allay Arab anger for being the most vocal among U.S. officials in “legitimizing” Israel’s blunder. The Gaza flotilla episode has dispelled the benefit of doubt the Arab allies have given to President Barak Obama’s promises of change in U.S. foreign policy in their region.

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Anti-capitalists attack in Bristol - liberation for Palestine, and not only.

08-06-2010 15:25

Last night, a group of individuals decided to turn their anger into action - striking a number of targets on Whiteladies Road. The list is this:
HSBC bank, windows smashed with hammers, red paint thrown inside
Morgan Beddoe estate agent, every window smashed in reach and damage to door
Conservative Party office just off Whiteladies Road, window smashed
Territorial Army, windscreens smashed on their civilian vehicles in the car park.

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Israel refuses to lift blockade of Gaza (by Latuff)

07-06-2010 13:31

US backed Israeli blockade of Gaza
(Cartoon for free reproduction in newspapers, magazines, blogs)

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National March Against the Gaza Flotilla Deaths, London - Pictures

07-06-2010 13:09

End of the Line.
A week after Israel forcibly prevents the Gaza aid flotilla from breaking the long-standing blockade of Gaza, the British people gather in London to hold a National march and rally to protest the violence used by Israeli soldiers which ended with the deaths of nine peace activists on board vessels making up the flotilla.

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40 videos from Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre Demos in London (5 June & 31 May)

07-06-2010 12:37

Most of the speeches from the recent demos are now available on youtube, enjoy.

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Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack?

07-06-2010 09:28

May 26 meeting between Rahm Emmanuel and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
The Broader Military Agenda

The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship
including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According
to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the
Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."

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Sheffield protest against the Israeli attack on the Gaza Flotilla

05-06-2010 19:16

Attached is a recording of the speeches at a Sheffield protest against the murderous Israeli attack on peace activists sailing to Gaza held on Saturday 5th June 2010.

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Dissident Island Radio - download the show!

05-06-2010 17:58

what would you do if you had a mic?
Listen to last night's dissident island radio show...

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Gaza flotilla demo: Nottingham

05-06-2010 11:17

On Friday June 4, activists in Nottingham held a protest against the lethal Israeli assault on the Gaza flotilla.

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Furkan Dogan, Turkish/American,19, Killed by Israel; Shot in the Head 4 Times

05-06-2010 01:49

Furkan Dogan
Furkan Dogan, 19, killed (executed) by Israeli soldiers on the Gaza Freedom Aid Flotilla. Shot 4 times in his head (at close range), and one time into his chest.

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Tomorrows march against israel! MASK UP!!

04-06-2010 21:53

Saturday 5 June • Gaza Flotilla March • End the Siege of Gaza: Freedom for Palestine
Assemble Downing Street • London • 1.30pm • March to the Israeli Embassy

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Dissident Island Radio tonight

04-06-2010 16:50

cheque, cheque
TAA // EDO decomissioners // Autonomous spaces in London // Gaza Flotilla // Methyr to Mayo bike ride // Hitsuji Tekinniku Display Team

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Western News Agencies Distort Live Satellite Feed from Gaza Aid Flotilla

03-06-2010 20:02

While watching the live satellite feed video from Al Jazeera television in the early morning of the violent attacks on the Gaza aid flotilla the chronology of events is clear.

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International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: Free Gaza! Let the ships pass!

03-06-2010 16:35

Demo, 31 May, London
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) strongly condemns Israel's barbarous early-morning raid, carried out in international waters, on a maritime humanitarian convoy, during which Israeli soldiers attacked with live ammunition peaceful civilians on board, murdering at least nine and wounding scores.

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stwc- national demonstration, 5th june

03-06-2010 08:39

stwc demonstration.

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Sheffield Protest against the Gaza Flotilla Attack

02-06-2010 20:22

Protestors gathered in front of Sheffield Town Hall on 2nd June 2010 to protest against the murderous Israeli attack on peace activists sailing to Gaza, attached is an unedited recording of the speeches.