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UK DSEi 2007 Newswire Archive

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The War on Lebanon: Stage of a Broader Middle East Military Road-map

10-09-2007 12:08

It is apparent after careful examination, that there has been longstanding intent to attack Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. Alleged reasons or pretexts are merely a form of justification to implement otherwise unjustifiable intentions and actions. These intentions (mens rea) and the subsequent actions (actus reus), meaning aggression and war, against Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are criminal acts.

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BLOOD to greets un-welcomed guests and delegates in Mayfair

10-09-2007 10:27

This morning an action took place in from of the Mayfair Hotel
where the DSEi conference is taking place from 9 am this morning.

An unidentified substance was spelled out in the pavement around the
entrance and on the walls of the Hotel

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FIT Watch Bingo For DSEi

10-09-2007 09:04

Have fun cop spotting at DSEi.

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bikes not bombs - critical mass against DSEi Tuesday meet 10:30am Bank tube

09-09-2007 22:08

As part of a week of action against the DSEi arms fair there will be a ‘Bikes not Bombs’ critical mass’ bike ride meeting up at Bank tube station at 10:30am on Tuesday, and riding to the arms fair. Bikes and any other human-powered vehicle welcome - no tanks!

There will also be a ride on Thursday evening for the arms dealers' dinner, leaving from by the NFT under Waterloo Bridge at 6:30pm.

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Arms Manufacturers in Norwich Blockaded and given a Weapons Inspection

07-09-2007 11:22

Today at 0630am a small group of activists locked shut the gates of Norwich based arms manufacturer MSI.....

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The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released

07-09-2007 02:54

Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version.

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Space Hijackers Arms Dealers

06-09-2007 19:45

Artists Anonymous & Space Hijackers
Information from today's Space Hijackers press conference

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DSEi Day of Action, 11 September 2007

06-09-2007 00:08

1pm Custom House.

Come by bus. Come by DLR. Come by bike. Come by foot. Come by tank.

Get to Custom House.

Invade ExCeL.

Shut down the arms fair.

Bring your friends.

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DISARM DSEi Information and Action Training Day

06-09-2007 00:07

Sunday 9th September 2007, 10am-5pm
RampART, 15/17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

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Be Proud to Make a Difference: Subvert an Army Ad.

04-09-2007 12:16

Phonebox before
Army recruitment ads on phoneboxes in Oxford get the treatment they rightly deserve!

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Picket War Conference 10th September 4:30pm-6:30pm, nr Green Park, London

03-09-2007 17:04

On the eve of DSEi - the world's biggest arms fair, Jane's 'Defence' are hosting a conference on corporate wars in 2020 and beyond which in their own words is "the definitive event assessing priorities for defence ministries and business opportunities for those who supply defence equipment", but it might just as well be "more wars for less oil". It's being held at the Radisson Edwardian Mayfair Hotel, Stratton Street, London W1J 8LT

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The arms fair is coming!

01-09-2007 14:38

DSEi, the world’s largest arms fair, will be taking place in London very soon. Activists from Nottingham are planning to take part in a national day of action against it.

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Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 1st September

29-08-2007 09:56

Disarm DSEi Public Meeting Saturday 1st September, 2pm-4pm
rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100

There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated.
You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.

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Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 1st September

23-08-2007 00:17

Disarm DSEi Public Meeting Saturday 1st September, 2pm-4pm
rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100

There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated.
You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.

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DISARM DSEi meeting @ Climate Camp

12-08-2007 19:09

Get invovled in the campaign against the world's largest arms fair. Come to the meeting at Climate Camp and find out how to get involved.

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Anti DSEi Brick Lane Stall

09-08-2007 17:15

Greenman, PatelAneeta and Spritely Monkey show of our shirts
Once again the Hijackers held an anti-DSEi and tank fund raiser stall on Brick Lane

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Disarm DSEi at Climate Camp

08-08-2007 22:17

Disarm DSEi will be having a meeting on Wednesday 15th July at Climate Camp at 6.30pm

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EDO MBM action in Brighton

31-07-2007 17:04

EDO MBM were visited on Sunday as part of the two days of action against the arms trade called for by Disarm DSEi. It was thought their Brighton factory needed to be made secure from those who work there, so D-locks were put on the gates and super glue was applied to the locks. Additionally, it was thought that the building could do with some redecoration and relabelling. So "EDO Kill for $" and "Stop the War Machine" can now be read on the walls.

Apparently others had had the same idea (great minds think alike!) as there was already a D-lock on one of the gates when people got there.

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Counter-recruitment Picket on Anti-Arms Day of Action

31-07-2007 12:12

To coincide with the Disarm DSEi call for two days of action against the arms trade stateofemergency picketed the Bloomsbury armed forces recruitment centre, people will be going armed with placards and fliers to give a counter view of what life is like in the army. With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan raging the chances of being killed and injured have increased dramatically over the past few years. But even if ex-services personnel make it back alive many are still scared for life from their experiences. The Bloomsbury recruitment centre is located in the same building as the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO), the government's arms sales agency, which ironically markets weapons to many of the countries where British soldiers die.

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Anti-DSEi stall on Brick Lane

31-07-2007 09:11

Gelatin Agent get's down to the music
The Space Hijackers and several anti-DSEi activists ran a stall on Brick Lane Market in East London this Sunday. The aim of the stall was to raise awareness of the worlds largest arms fair, raise funds to help us buy a tank, and invite people along to the protests on September 11th.