UK April 2006 No Borders Days of Action Newswire Archive
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A Personal Account of the No Borders Demo at Harmondsworth Detention Centre
10-04-2006 12:43
Here there is my personal account of Saturday's demonstration outside the Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres. Some photos will follow afterwards.(Harmondsworth) Asylum detainees go on hunger strike
10-04-2006 10:36
![Detainees went on hunger strike after being banned from watching this protest](/icon/2006/04/338009.jpg)
10-04-2006 09:51
Report of the Harmondsworth and Colnbrook demonstrations, an update about the urgent situation in Colnbrook & info about visiting and future meetings8-4-06 No Borders - Yarl's Wood detainee speech
10-04-2006 01:13
Resistance and Repression At Colnbrook Immigration Prison
09-04-2006 17:17
Following the No Borders demo outside of Harmondsworth & Colnbrook Immigration Prisions- detainees in Colnbrook are continuing to refuse food. A number of men have been singled out for repression by the management including Michael Etim, the leading pastor of the Christain congregation within ColnbrookGLASGOW REFUGEE MARCH & RALLY (REPORT & PHOTOS)
09-04-2006 15:41
Successful, but marred by alleged racist action by police at historic Glasgow hall.Drummin' up da fences at Harmondsworth
09-04-2006 12:41
Activists drum on the fences of Colnbrook in solidarity with detainees inside, whilst aggressive police throw their weight around.Report on Demonstration outside Harmondsworth/Colnbrook Detention Prisons
08-04-2006 20:14
On Saturday 8th April, over 250 protestors successfully voiced their refusal of the UK’s racist, repressive detention and deportation system for asylum seekers with a demonstration outside Harmondsworth & Colnbrook Detention Centres near Heathrow.March in Glasgow for the Right to Work
08-04-2006 19:48
![March gets going along Paisley Road West](/icon/2006/04/337899.jpg)
No Borders Demonstration Harmondsworth Pictures
08-04-2006 19:26
![Band prepare to play. Colnbrook Detention Centre in background](/icon/2006/04/337892.jpg)
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Photos of No Borders "bubble"
08-04-2006 19:04
![We're watching you - CCTV attached to crane watching demonstration](/icon/2006/04/337875.jpg)
Hungerstrike in Colnbrook
08-04-2006 16:48
Noborder activists report that 120 detainees started a one week hungestrike in response to their treatment during the demonstration. They were prevented from leaving the building or approaching the windows in order to prevent them seeing the demonstration. At least one person was beaten while trying this.No Borders Radio Reports 8th April
08-04-2006 15:50
On Saturday 8th April 2006, rampART radio broadcast five hours of live coverage of the No Borders Day Of Action consisting of the demonstration at Harmondworth detention centre near Heathrow airport and the solidarity demo organised by UNITY in Glasgow...noborders demo4
08-04-2006 12:21
large police presence. Someone has locked themselves to the fence and they trying to release him or her. The cops have imposed restrictions on the deme, not allowing us to leave as a group and move to the field, where inmates can see us.noborders demo2
08-04-2006 11:54
the crowd still listening to talks of former detainees and calls from inside detention.Harmondworth Demo - timeline
08-04-2006 08:46
This timeline for the demonstration at the Harmondsworth detention camp on 8 April was produced in collaboration between those at the demo and people in the Indymedia chatrooms.coverage of April 8th No Borders Action
07-04-2006 18:06
From 10pm till 3pm (approx) on Saturday 8th April, we'll be doing live coverage of the No Border's demo taking place near Heathrow airport.The streams used will be
Glasgow Police Try to Stop UNITY Rally, March Still On!
07-04-2006 17:16
In a last-minute move, Glasgow's Trades Hall has cancelled the booked rally of asylum seekers and friends there tomorrow afternoon. Strathclyde Police appear to have had a role in the decision a No Borders activist condemned as "racist".