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Resistance and Repression At Colnbrook Immigration Prison

solidarity needed | 09.04.2006 17:17 | April 2006 No Borders Days of Action | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | London

Following the No Borders demo outside of Harmondsworth & Colnbrook Immigration Prisions- detainees in Colnbrook are continuing to refuse food. A number of men have been singled out for repression by the management including Michael Etim, the leading pastor of the Christain congregation within Colnbrook

After lock-up last night (Saturday) about 15 guards came to Michael's cell and removed him to the 'secure' unit i.e solitary confinement.
He was given a letter saying that that Serco (the private company that owns Colnbrook) is carrying out an investigation as they believe his behavior has been 'disruptive of good order' in Colnsbrook.

Apparently the congregation refused to leave the church this afternoon until Michael was returned to them - they demanded to see the managers - and the 'big manager' came down and said there was nothing he could do as Michael has been removed - however as there is a high court injunction currently preventing Michael's deportation to Nigeria - they probably mean they have transferred him to another immigration prison - but his whereabout currently remain unknown.

On many of the wings of Colnsbrook - the men are still refusing food.

solidarity needed


In fact Pastor Michael is in Harmondsworth

10.04.2006 09:10

He was brought there yesterday evening. Harmondswoath is the prison for refugees and migrants next to Colnbrook, and is even worst as abuse and repression are heavier. Most detinees ' prefer' Colnbrook to Harmondsworth, even if Conbrook has a harsher prison regime - eg. detainees are locked in their cells all night.
