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<< Page 25 | Page 23>>EDO Boss Hills Gets Grilled In Court

EDO MBM Paul Hills faced difficult questions in Brighton Magistrates this wee
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One World Festival Supports EDO
One World Festival supports EDO[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Brighton arms trade corruption challenged in court
Smash EDO Press Release4:PM Friday 27 July 2012
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Sam Hayward - 07526557436

Smash EDO website:

CASE NAME: R-v-Nero and Pidwell
VENUE: Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton
DATE: 31 July 2012 – 2 August 2012
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Inside the Global Arms Trade - A talk by Andrew Feinstein, 26/7
Thursday 26th of July: The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade -Talk by Andrew Feinstein. 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton. Free entry.Followed by a Q and A. Discounted copies of the book will be on sale after the talk.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Andrew Feinstein talk and London CAAT action
Smash EDO upcoming events update.[Full Story ]
EDO MBM shut-down after activists lock on to police cordon
On Monday 16th July anti arms trade campaigners held a mass ‘citizens’ weapons inspection’ of the EDO MBM arms factory in Brighton.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Pics from Yesterday's Citizen's Weapons Inspection at EDO in Brighton

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Weapons Inspection Update - EDO Brighton

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Mass Citizens' Weapons Inspection of EDO today
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Gathering to plan resistance to the G8 - this Sunday in Brighton
This is a call for all of those who wish to mobilise for a MASSMOBILISATION against the G8 summit in the UK in 2013.
A initial meeting will take place on SUNDAY the 15th JULY, from 11am to 6pm, at the COMMUNITY BASE centre in Brighton, hosted by people from the Smash EDO campaign.
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ITT Exelis and the feds looking down on you?
Airborne military recon and surveillance technology being adapted in the USA by ITT Exelis for domestic security agency use.[Full Story ]
A call to kettle FIT and police liaison (again!) in Brighton

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Smash EDO: Meeting point for weapons inspection announced
With only one week to go Smash EDO activities this week are all about the upcoming mass-action on Monday the 16th of July. We need as many of you as possible to get involved in the weapons inspection of EDO.[Full Story ]
EDO MBM manufacturing parts for US A10 plane as Smash EDO prepares for mass demo
On the 16th July Smash EDO will be meeting at 1pm for a mass demonstration against the EDO MBM Brighton arms factoryThe meeting point will be the Level.
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Smash EDO: Events and weapons inspection on July 16th
We've got a few things coming up in the weeks leading up to the weapons inspection on the 16th.[Full Story ]
Phone and Twitter Blockade of EDO Today
Phone and twitter blockade of EDO. The one last month was a real success so we're having another one! You can participate from wherever you are. Call EDO on +44 (0) 1273810500 and tweet EDO's parent company @ITTExelis with questions and comments about their trade. There are examples of sample tweets you can copy and past from the last time at the bottom of this email or -even better- come up with some new ones. Please hashtag your tweets #SmashEDO[Full Story ]
EDO in Brighton developing new generation of micro weapons for US assassinations
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Tory Story

In Brighton, our fair city, Conservative opposition to long-running anti-arms trade campaign Smash EDO is something of a given. They support the dealing of weapons to human-rights abusing regimes and we oppose them. Recent tactics from their side have included tabling motions condemning Smash EDO's (non-existent) plans to target Jubilee celebrations or Olympic Torch ceremonies. Nothing outside the usual hurly-burly of local politics.
But something nastier has bubbled up from inside the Tory cauldron. Back on April 30th Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&H Tories (and co-incidentally manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove) posted a claim that Smash EDO had put anti-semitic graffiti on the inside of a squatted building (since evicted). The date of the 'revelation' was well chosen – the evening before a major demonstration outside EDO MBM's factory.
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EDO MBM and the 'Kill Chain'. R&D into New micro weapons for drones.

An abstract and PDF of a powerpoint presentation confirm EDO are at the heart of the global killer drone industry as developers of micro bomb racks for US parent company ITT Exelis.
ITT Exelis already supply the bomb racks for the MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper drone used by the CIA and US Special Forces to carry out extra-judicial assassinations. These attacks that have murdered hundreds of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.
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