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Page 24>>6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action

Last summer’s assault on Gaza, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, was one of the most brutal effects of Israel’s ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine. The massacre was carried out using drones manufactured by Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. In response, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, causing its operations to grind to a halt and costing Elbit over £100,000.
On 6th July, to mark the first anniversary of the assault on Gaza, groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit’s factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel. Join us for a day of creative action in solidarity with Palestine!
Supporting organisations have endorsed the call and will be there taking collective action to block the factory from making these weapons.
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Smash EDO response to supreme court ruling on surveillance
This morning John Catt lost his case in the supreme court to have his details removed from the 'domestic extremist' database. Smash EDO have issued the following statement in response to the verdict. For more info see Network for Police Monitoring's analysis here:

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Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares

One person was arrested, who had glued himself to the front doors of the bank. He was dressed as Santa wearing a placard which read 'Santa says you've been a very naughty bank this year'.
Here's the initial press report from the Argus

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Exelis developed nuclear power plant bombing plans for the US military

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Activists Blockade NATO Conference

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Anti-militarist activists blockade NATO conference
View some pictures at
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Resist the attack on Syria - Smash the arms trade - demonstrate 3rd Sept at EDO
DEMONSTRATE Tues 3rd September - 4-6pm, EDO Arms Factory, Home Farm Rd, Brighton[Full Story | 1 comment ]
EDO Director at secretive UK future weapons conference

John Eaton has previously attended confrences in the US to present research being carried out at EDO MBM in Brighton into miniature weapons systems used on unmanned drones.
The latest UK conference was restricted to UK nationals with classified security status.
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EDO MBM files accounts showing 2012 business losses

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Campaigners lock themselves to the gates of arms factory on 10th anniversary of Iraq invasion

A group of activists arrived at the EDO MBM factory at 6am and three of them affixed themselves to the gates using bicycle d-locks and superglue.
The action was held this morning to mark the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003.
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Activist risks jail,pledges not to answer questions if stopped under Terror laws
Tom Woodhead, who is currently being held by Israeli immigration authorities has pledged not to answer questions if British authorities attempt to misuse the Terrorism Act 2000 when he is deported to the UK.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
UK peace activist faces deportation by Israeli occupation authorities
PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEUK peace activist faces deportation by Israeli occupation authorities and is set to be detained by Special Branch under anti-terror powers upon return
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CPS Clears EDO Weapons Inspectors of All Charges

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Remembering the dead in Gaza this Wednesday at EDO
www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story ]
Smash EDO: Fundraiser and Gaza demo
A quick Smash EDO update about things going on this weekend in Brighton.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Halloween haunting at EDO MBM - Demo report 31/10/12

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Yearly Smash EDO Halloween demo, Wed 31st, 4pm
It's almost time for the yearly Smash EDO Halloween demo. Dress in your scariest mask and come prepared to haunt some arms dealers..
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Smash EDO Fundraiser @ the Cowley Club tomorrow
Friday 28th September[Full Story ]
EDO parent corp director to chair secret Pentagon meeting on Iran
John J. Hamre is a former US Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the current chairman of Defense Policy Board, a secretive federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. Hamre also happens to be a paid director of ITT Exelis, the parent of Brighton's own EDO MBM Technology Ltd.Cryptome.org has recently released documents of a secret meeting to be chaired by Hamre on the subject of ' national security issues regarding
Iran, including Internal Political Dynamics and Security Posture and
As the war drums beat louder it appears those with a direct financial interest in any military attack on Iran are at the heart of policy making machine that could make it happen.
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Manufacture of components used to fire cluster munitions challenged in court
Two anti-militarist activists were found guilty of aggravated trespass in Brighton today. The pair had glued themselves to the gates of the EDO MBM factory in the early hours of 27th April 2011 in protest at the sale of umbilical cables for use in Afghanistan and also to the Israeli military.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO blockaders found guillty, appeal planned
Smash EDO Press ReleaseTwo anti-militarist activists were found guilty of aggravated trespass in Brighton today. The pair had glued themselves to the gates of the EDO MBM factory in the early hours of 27th April 2011 in protest at the sale of bomb rack umbilical cables called Field Replaceable Connector Systems (FRCS) for use on US warplanes and also to the Israeli military.
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Smash EDO Press Release- arms trade protest case- Verdict expected this Thursday
Smash EDO Press Release,. Wed 22 August 2012, Contact: Andrew Beckett or Sam Hayward - 0752655743*
R-v-Nero and Pidwell
VENUE: Brighton Magistrates Court
Edward Street, Brighton
TIME: 10:am
DATE: 23 August 2012
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UAVs do enable 'extra judicial asssassination' admits arms industry editor
Darren Lake, Acting Editor of UNMANNED Vehicles, an arms trade magazine for for the drone industry makes some suprizingly candid admissions in his August/September 2012 issue editorial...[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Smash EDO: End to the summer of Resistance & August break
We've had an intense few months with the summer of resistance and will be taking a break from the noise demos in August to build up energy for the autumn. If any of you out there have any actions planned August might be a good time to carry them out! Below is a summary of what's been going on during the summer.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO trial runs out of time
The crime reporter of The Argus does his best to cover the drama and technical complexities of the latest Smash EDO protest trial in Brighton.[Full Story ]