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London Repression Newswire Archive

12-10-2015 10:06

PRESTON SS FLAG IGNORED @JLRFB @slatedl @misscheeky666 @slatukip #ANTIFA #EDL

The media and the Lancashire Police, have turned a blind eye to the horrific murderous SS flag displayed by the NWI in Preston. Whilst anything vaguely resembling an ISIS flag featuring dildos and buttplugs on a gay pride march causes civilisation meltdown, horrific openly nazi, openly anti-Semitic, openly pro-Holocaust symbolism, is knowing ignored and overlooked by the rightwing media machine working to a nationalistic agenda. Hitler's SS killed millions more than ISIS could ever hope for, and yet, representatives of the police and media stood just feet away from the SS flag, decided to look through the notorious genocidal flag, pretending it was not there. Read more >>

04-10-2015 15:22

EDL TORY EXPOSED @slatfascists @misslbuttercup @norsefired @ant1fane #ANTIFA

Steve Mann AKA Seth Mould, an EDL-supporting Conservative Party activist from Blackburn, based in Bolton, is the marketing director at Accrington's Bakehouse Studios, and used twitter to support acts of arson against mosques, and racially abuse Muslims online. With 34,000 followers including many professional followers within the UK music industry, sickeningly expressed absolute joy and pleasure at the recent devastating criminal attack on the London Ahmadiyya mosque.

30-09-2015 15:35

EXPRESS JOURNO EXPOSED #ANTIFA #UKIP @slatukip @slatedl @edlnews @misscheeky666

If you ever wondered whether the Daily Express opinion scripters were, and what their actual views are - We have discovered the twitter account of one of their journos who writes their xenophobic pro-UKIP opinion columns, professional Manchester racist journalist "Christian Black" who sickeningly mocks the victims of racial hatred, and posts openly racist remarks about President Obama. Such are the vile opinions of this particular Daily Express staff member. Read more >>

17-09-2015 10:01

Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama

Campaigners and Green Assembly Members lobby Mayor over London visit.

Campaign group Free Tibet has challenged Mayor of London Boris Johnson to invite the Dalai Lama to meet him during his trip to London.

The Tibetan spiritual leader and bête noire for the government of China visits the capital this weekend and next week (1) Read more >>

17-09-2015 09:59

Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama

Campaigners and Green Assembly Members lobby Mayor over London visit.

Campaign group Free Tibet has challenged Mayor of London Boris Johnson to invite the Dalai Lama to meet him during his trip to London.

The Tibetan spiritual leader and bête noire for the government of China visits the capital this weekend and next week (1) Read more >>

15-08-2015 20:57

Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of the bloody Israeli occupation in Palestine

Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal
government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach. Read more >>

21-07-2015 20:25

Anti-fascist and anarchist from Russia needs help and solidarity

Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Autonomous Action Izhevsk.

Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice.

I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me. Read more >>

16-07-2015 03:33

EU deal with Greece betrayal of OXI

The die has been cast. The Geek prime minister Tsipras, who won the elections
because of his promise to make an end to Trojka austerity measures, has capitulated,
accepting the hardest EU deal with Greece ever. Shame on him and his party
Syriza, which has lost every credibility. It's a horrible betrayal of OXI, plunging
the Greek people in still worse misery. People of Greece, fight for Freedom! Read more >>

29-06-2015 03:45

"Back To Work Therapy, Is No Therapy At All"

Banner drop from inside
On the 26th of June 2015, members of the Mental Health Resistance Network and Blac Banner Collective @blacbanner disrupted the launch party of the so called Living Well Hub in Streatham Job Centre. Many believe that having therapists in the JobCentre Plus will only lead to further sanctions and targeting of the most vulnerable in our society. For further background search the hashtag #NoForcedTreatment. Read more >>

25-06-2015 09:57

Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!

Chelsea Manning
You are invited to march with our banner
Defend Chelsea Manning & all whistleblowers!
Saturday 27 June, meet 12.15pm outside Baker St (march starts at 1pm)
Queer Strike, Payday, Compassion in Care, whistleblowers from Yarl’s Wood detention centre, women from the Julian Assange Vigil and many more...All Welcome Read more >>

13-06-2015 15:16

HITLER SALUTES AT DUDLEY FAR RIGHT MARCH #antifa #edl @edlnews @misscheeky666

The usual crowd of EDLers and associated far right nutjobs gathered in a car park in Dudley to march un-noticed to a deserted park to give speeches to fellow fascists, chanting the usual range of racist and Islamophobic chants including "if you hate p*kis, clap your hands". Not only did the police fail to take action. They also turned a blind eye to blatant Adolf Hitler salutes.

15-05-2015 15:17




05-04-2015 13:48

Supporting The Whistleblowers @OccupyDemocracy Protest at the Ecuadorian Embassy

Attached is a audio recording of Eileen from Compassion in Care, and Nicola from Woman Against Rape, speaking at a Occupy Democracy protest held on 4th April 2015 in support of whistle blowers outside the Embassy of Ecuador, Knightbridge, London, where Wikileaks founder Assange WikiLeaks has been stuck for almost 3 years.

03-04-2015 11:54

Easter2015-Where is “Regulation”, “Accountability”, “Democracy” and “Justice”?

Where is

30-03-2015 23:20

Trouble on the terraces

Video from an impartial attendee

On Saturday 28th of March 2015 an altercation unfolded during a home match of Clapton FC in East London. Clapton FC fans are known for their antifascist politics. The altercation took place between two sets of Clapton fans: on the one side some of the founders of the 'Clapton Ultras' and originators of its antifascist stance and their families, other well known antifascist activists, members of the RMT and visiting Celtic FC fans who had travelled to London from Scotland; on the other side the main bulk of Clapton Ultras this season, who now include members of the ISN and RS21 splits from the SWP. Read more >>

27-03-2015 13:46

New anti-establishment party on the rise in the UK

How millions who have turned off the political system have the chance to finally vote in the 2015 May general elections thanks to The Above and Beyond Party Read more >>

22-03-2015 19:37

Why we boycott the Sun Newspaper. Don't buy it, don't read it!

Letter from the Sun received by Liverpool Manager Kenny Daglish
As you may be aware the people of Liverpool have been involved in a long, protracted and nasty battle with the British state, and their mediums of communication. In particular the Sun newspaper, or as it's known here the Scum. We don't buy it, we don't stock it in our newsagents. If you visit Merseyside you will not find a copy of that shit in any of our railway stations, railworkers amongst many others refuse to have anything to do with it...Don't ask for it because you will be causing offence.

16-03-2015 17:39

Does Met Cop Sir Bernard really care about dealing with Tower Hamlets Crimes?

Sir Bernard, Cllr Rabina Khan, Cllr Ohid Ahmed, Cllr Amy Whitelock and MPs' Home Affairs Cottee Chair Keith Vaz all feature here Read more >>

08-03-2015 13:30

[Good Video] London Climate March Time to Act 07/03/2015

We Arrived Late for Time to Act

March 07 2015

04-03-2015 20:26

Mental Health Resistance Network Statement

MHRN members with placards
MHRN speech given outside Maximus' offices in central London and Balham on 2 March 2015 during the day of action against Maximus Read more >>


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