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UK Climate Camp 2008 Newswire Archive

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Cambridge Holds Corporations to Account

12-11-2008 23:42

Make A Living Not a Killing
E.ON, BAE, Rolls Royce, Shell and BP meet fierce resistance to their presence at Cambridge University Careers Fair.

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The Observer: Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists

09-11-2008 01:04

NETCU warns a 'lone maverick' eco-extremist may try to kill large numbers of Britons to help reduce Earth's population by 80 per cent. The Kingsnorth climate camp is affiliated to Earth First! - or so says the Observer.

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Class, climate change and coal Conference. Sat 1st NOV

05-11-2008 15:06

This is the presentation given by a climate/environmental activist to the Conference

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Interview with Dave Douglass about the Climate Camp

31-10-2008 12:56

This is an interview with anarchist and labour movement activist Dave Douglass published in the latest Shift. It's a good introduction to the debates that will be had at this weekend's Labour Movement Conference in Newcastle:

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48hrs of Action against E.ON and New Coal

28-10-2008 13:26

The UK Government is calling for an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, we are calling for 48 hours of action against E.ON and new coal NOW.

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22-10-2008 12:15

British Climate Camp activists have taken their campaign to stop the building of a coal-fired power station in Kent, UK, to the Energy headquarters of E.ON in Munich, Germany.

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The latest EF! Action Update is out, bringing you reports of eco-resistance for the darkening days...

20-10-2008 11:32

Bringing light & inspiration to the darker evenings are the action stories in the latest Earth First! Action Update.

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'The Kyoto II Suffragettes' - climaterush

07-10-2008 13:51

A 1908 arrest
The Uk is fast approaching the 100th Suffragettes anniversary on the great parliament protest. Suitably, a demo is being organised to remember the date of October 13th when Emily Pankhurst and 23 other Suffragettes were arrested and thirteen men. What is different is the subject of the protest.

Instead of obtaining the vote one hundred years ago, it is now the environment and Kyoto II.

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Equalities and Human Rights Commission Investigation

02-10-2008 17:54

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission are inquiring into the use of the terrorist act and are interested in hearing from anyone where the Terrorist Act was used or threatened and are interested in the experience of Climate Camp activists (amongst others).

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Call to Climate Action COP-15

01-10-2008 17:50

Call to Climate Action in preparation for UN Climate Conference 30th November 2009

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EV-EON: Nice Bit Of Subvertising (Shame About The Solutions)

30-09-2008 09:19

Here’s something nice from a group that brainstormed an idea at the 2008 Climate Camp; EV-EON []. EON want to build the first of a whole raft of coal-fired power stations in the UK, so these guys decided - and I’m guessing there are a few graphic designers and web bods involved - to make a spoof, which works well.

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Climate Camp 2008: illustrated diary

29-09-2008 18:29

Kingsnorth in the distance
I went to Climate Camp during the final week of the event, and before the day of action. I went mainly to enjoy the atmosphere and attend some workshops. I also took my sketchbook though and thought it would be an interesting alternative way of documenting the event.

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E.ON Targeted in Sweden in Solidarity with the Climate Camp

29-09-2008 12:38

An E.ON facility in the working class district of Mollevangen, Malmo was targated to highlight E.ON's plans to build the UK's first new coal fired power station for 30 years.

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Climate Camp 2008: film and discussion night

22-09-2008 16:16

‘Transition South Liverpool’ Presents an evening of film and discussion relating to the Climate Camp event held this year.During the evening certain issues will be explored, such as:
Can a non political movement, effectively tackle the issue of climate chaos?
Can direct action be more effective than community initiatives, when trying to tackle climate change?

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Biofuels: The ignored principle of caution

18-09-2008 20:25

A road runs through the Amazon jungle, in the Brazilian state of Ceara. - HEMIS
The agrofuels boom arises starting from the energy necessities and reduction of consumption of petroleum in the European countries and in the United states mainly, that have found in the Latin American countries the ideal conditions to produce them, a pantry to which one can go so that they can continue maintaining its overwhelming consumption rhythm, what could be not too bad for Latin America if we strictly obey the principle of caution.

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RT Climate Action News Sheet - 83

18-09-2008 16:17

Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).

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The Climate Camp at Kingsnorth was great!

16-09-2008 16:00

Issue 4 of Shift Magazine is out now. The editorial is below. The print version also carries analysis of the British and German Climate Camps, an article by No Borders about overpopulation, an interview with Dave Douglass, a look at the UK student movement and a reply to TOP Berlin's assertion that 'capitalism has no leadership'.

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trident nuclear prottest rolls royce raynesway derby 22/9/08

12-09-2008 21:34

hope youll join us bring musical instuments or circus acts welcome a611 derby ring road nuclear plant demo

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Cardiff Coal Protest

10-09-2008 17:30

Undercurrents filmed a direct action against the Coal authority AGM today. Watch the action on

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Greenpeace Kingsnorth protestors get off!

10-09-2008 17:16

6 Greenpeace protestors who climbed the coal power station chimney at Kingsnorth and painted it with slogans have been found NOT GUILTY by a jury. Check :