UK Lebanon War 2006 Newswire Archive
Protest in Birmingham
30-07-2006 09:15

Two arrested after protest in Perth - Police Violence
30-07-2006 07:15

Who cares about Lebanese lives? (by Latuff)
30-07-2006 06:16

America's Attack Dog
30-07-2006 03:30
An alternative view of the war in LebanonThis War is Also a War on Animals
30-07-2006 03:09
the war on animals: bombs, mines, oil spills, animals trapped in Beirut harbor, zoos bulldozed with animals in cagesTHE CRIME OF LEBANON AND PALESTINE - ARE IRAN AND SYRIA NEXT? - PART II
30-07-2006 01:34
"The fate of the corrupted neoliberal model may be what's now at stake. That model is already unraveling in Latin America where Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is proving his alternate Bolivarian participatory democracy is overwhelmingly popular and working. It's based on a government serving the people by providing essential social services, especially to the poor and desperate ones most in need of it. Chavez's success has made him a symbol of hope and a hero in the region and beyond, it's allowed his form of governance to spread to Bolivia, and there's every reason to imagine and hope it will continue spreading unstoppably because people in other Latin countries are beginning to fight for it. It's all greatly alarmed the ruling authority in Washington that views Chavez as the threat it most fears, even above Iran - a powerful good example that will spread unless the US acts forcibly to stop it, which clearly is its plan."PSC Lebanon and Palestine demonstration Birmingham 29 July 2006
30-07-2006 01:12

in Birmingham city centre for a protest organised by West Midlands
Palestinian Solidarity Campaign "Protest at Israeli war crimes in
Palestine and Lebanon".
Leeds demonstration on Lebanon and Palestine - photos
30-07-2006 00:06
What is going on here. A big demonstration took place in Leeds today against what's going down, and sideliners, West Yorkshire 911 Truth Campaign have to come here to report it. Anyway it was great. Highly energised and full of righteously angry people from all sections of the community demanding justiceLebanon Actions + Leaflet
29-07-2006 17:33

CEASEFIRE NOW protest, video and pictures
29-07-2006 10:18

Anti-War protest at Downing Street: pictures
28-07-2006 22:47
Called by Stop The War CoalitionDEMOLISHING LEBANON - PART 2
28-07-2006 22:27
Sorry about the delay of the analysis. This report is not of my creating and the recomendations are not my own. Evenso it is an useful analysis of the mainstream media. Treat it as suchEmergency National Demonstration, 5 August, Hyde Park, noon
28-07-2006 21:08

Coaches to London from around the country. More info soon.
Lebanon actions in Hackney
28-07-2006 17:07

started to confront the people of Lebanon on a daily basis. Horrific
pictures had been flyposted throughout the night in an attempt to make
people realise the true extent of the war crimes of Israel.
The British government and British companies like Marks & Spencer (see and Edo MBM (see are still
supporting and providing Israel with the money, backing, resources and
technology to commit human rights abuses against people in Israel, and to there neighbours. So this action was an attempt to show the full images that aren't being show or talked about in the mainstream press.
'It seems we and Uncle Sam think that shooting people is a good idea' & more
28-07-2006 14:13
Krugman: Reign of Error- PLUS: Robert Fisk: On a Red Cross mission of mercy when Israeli air force came calling
- PLUS: John Dean knocks ‘imperial presidency’, asks if U.S. ‘is on the road to fascism' - PLUS: 'It seems we and Uncle Sam think that shooting people is a good idea' - PLUS: Ari Berman: Democrats for Bush - PLUS: Bush administrators attempt to shield themselves from the rule of the law
- PLUS: Tom Engelhardt: The Middle East and the Barbarism of War from the Air
28-07-2006 12:07
28-07-2006 12:03
International Solidarity with LebanonNorwich demands Israel-Lebanon ceasefire
28-07-2006 10:52
A packed meeting in Norwich last night (27th July) calls for the UK government to back immediate ceasefire in current Israel-Lebanon-Palestine conflict.Norwich's Citizens Support Lebanese People
28-07-2006 09:46
Report on a Public Meeting held in Norwich, Uk on the crisis in Lebanon