UK May Day 2004 Newswire Archive
May Day Festival in Lancaster: come join in!
30-03-2004 19:20
Spectacles come and go; some things never change, some do. They may shift, they may hibernate or migrate, but Mayday is here to stay, ehh?EU Fortress Europe / No Borders No Nation / Dublin Mayday
30-03-2004 18:10
The consolidation of the EU's immigration policy has led in one direction: Fortress Europe.VIDEO AUDIO Infomercial MAYDAY DUBLIN 04
30-03-2004 10:05

INFOMERCIAL 2min - Video MPEG/Win Audio MP3
BRING THE NOISE! The EU Ministers dine in the opulence of Farmleigh House on Saturday evening May 1st in Dublin’s Phonix Park to celebrate the imperalist expansion of Europe. Join us in a weekend of resistance
PLEASE DOWNLOAD MP3 audio sting E-mail to friends and send to your local/pirate Radio station for them to play.
Evening Standard "Police wear down May Day anarchists"
25-03-2004 20:02
The Evening Standard ran same story about MayDay as BBC, with a little more detail, managing to get the usual anti-wombles angle in "The Wombles - who dress in protective gear before trying to attack police", and failing utterly, like the BBC, to mention the MayDay NoBorders Dublin weekend of events, running from Friday April 30th to Monday May 3rd, and coinciding with the EU Enlargement Summit and welcome celebrations...No Borders Mayday Weekend - Dublin, Ireland
25-03-2004 15:48
NO BORDERS MAYDAY WEEKEND - DUBLIN, IRELANDFriday April 30th to Monday May 3rd
22-03-2004 16:51
Some participants in this year's collective have produced a statement which is now online and also available to download as a pdf.Dublin Grassroots Network - Mayday No Borders weekend events
19-03-2004 20:26
Line up of events in Dublin over the Mayday weekendG8 2004: Police crackdown begins in Savannah
17-03-2004 04:06

Dublin Mayday 2004: Against the Europe of Capital
16-03-2004 16:51

A weekend of direct action, protests and parties against the leaders of the
European Union
Pre-EU Mayday Press Propaganda! Oh YES! - Associated Newspapers in Ireland
16-02-2004 18:42

But seriously, this is an important topic, and it's high time more corporate journalists spoke out against this kind of so called journalism.
Mayday '04: Come to Dublin, Ireland! No to Fortress Europe!
10-02-2004 16:33
Call for Mayday 2004: come to Dublin, Ireland!Dublin Grassroots Network

Euromayday 2004 Preparation meeting report
08-02-2004 15:22
January, 31st, 004 - paci paciana - bergamo (italy) Various subjects and realities from different parts of Europe have met to better define the idea of an initiative on precarious workers and condition, through the organization of a euromayday 004.May Day in Dublin anyone?
05-02-2004 17:05
May 1st: Days of Action against the bosses EUFrom protest to resistance, an invite
London Mayday 2004 - Calling All Anti-Capitalists!
31-12-2003 15:22
------------------------------------------------------------:: A MOVEMENT OF MOVEMENTS : CALLING ALL ANTI CAPITALISTS ::
Since 1999 Mayday has re-established itself as a focus for anti-capitalists to gather and to celebrate our collective visions and mark our past struggles.
Mayday 2004
24-12-2003 10:49
The mayday website is now open and will be up dated reguarly with news of what is planned from this forthcoming Mayday. It is at:
Mayday 2004 in Dublin : EU Enlargement Meeting
26-11-2003 04:34
On a mayday tip:The Government has outlines the key priorities of the Irish Presidency as being the enlargement of the EU, which will be marked by a ceremony in Dublin on 1 May 2004, and the advancement of the EU's Lisbon competitiveness strategy.