UK May Day 2004 Newswire Archive
Mayday Mayhem In Lancaster
06-05-2004 14:07
The Mayday weekend was yet again reclaimed by Lancaster anarchists, Greens, party people, families, uncle Tom Cobbley and all!Prajña arrested for meditating on Mayday - witnesses needed
06-05-2004 08:22
I was arrested on Mayday whilst meditating outside Downing St in London. This is a call for witnesses. There were a number of photographers and at least one person videoed the whole proceedings. Were you there outside Downing St after the TUC speeches in Trafalgar Square? Please contact me
Glasgow Autonomous Project: Interview about new Printworks Social Centre
05-05-2004 21:53

Dublin Mayday Feedback - Thurs. May 6th
05-05-2004 18:02
An evening for people to come down and discuss what happened in Dublin over the Mayday weekend.repost: 12 remanded in custody over May Day protests, Dublin
05-05-2004 14:06
Here is the full report and a video on the
Just got through this news:
12 remanded in custody over May Day protests
- 05 May 2004 14:43
Dublin Mayday: Why we pushed through police lines
05-05-2004 13:31

Prajña arrested for meditating on Mayday - witnesses needed
05-05-2004 00:01
I was arrested on Mayday whilst meditating outside Downing St in London. This is a call for witnesses. There were a number of photographers and at least one person videoed the whole proceedings. Were you there outside Downing St after the TUC speeches in Trafalgar Square? Please contact me
Pictures of newly opened Glasgow Autonomous Project
04-05-2004 22:42

URGENT ACTION: In Colombia, Police attack on May Day Demonstrators
04-05-2004 12:51
Demonstrators in Cali turned out in record numbers on May 1st to oppose the privatisation of public services including education and health care and the criminalisation of social protest imposed by the neoliberal policies of President Alvaro Uribe Velez. However, on more than five occasions during what was an otherwise peaceful protest officers from the special police force ESMAD (Anti-disturbance Squadron) employed CS and tear gas, pepper spray and used excessive force against demonstrators. The worst of such attack occurred at 12am on Calle 5, Carrera 34 outside the Parque de las Banderas.may day in dublin
03-05-2004 22:01

Critical Mass London - 10th Birthday Photos!
03-05-2004 21:26
All the photos from Critical Mas Lonodn 10th bday ride now online at
Torturing by order
03-05-2004 21:21
In Iraq it's not a question to believe in US phrases of pseudo democracy, it's more the essential question to be a slave or not!RTS Party Pics - Dublin EU / Mayday Continues...
03-05-2004 16:19

Dublin Reclaim the Streets - Breaking News
03-05-2004 15:08
Hrere there are the news as they arrive from today's Reclaim the Streets in Dublin.Video of Dublin Mayday Standoff
03-05-2004 12:21

Pix of Mayday March, Sat 1 May 04 - Set 1 of 5
02-05-2004 15:39