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UK Ocean Defence Newswire Archive

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Sea Shepherd volunteers 'detained' by Japanese whalers

15-01-2008 16:27

Two Sea Shepherd volunteers have been 'detained' by Japanese whalers. People are being encouraged to contact the Japanese embassy (and copy the Foreign Office into any correspondence) to demand the immediate release of these two activists.

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URGENT - protestors held hostage by Japanese wailing ship

15-01-2008 15:51

Whilst boarding the Japanese wailing ship to deliver a letter, two protesters from the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irving were kidnapped and held hostage. Benjamin Potts 28, an Australian citizen and Giles Lane, 35, a citizen of Great Britain are being held hostage on board the whaling vessel. Both men were assaulted and then tied to the railings of the whaler. They were then moved and tied to the radar mast by the whalers.

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British Sea Shepherd activist held hostage on Japanese whaler

15-01-2008 12:28

Giles Lane is tied up, while colleague Benjamin Potts is already bound
The Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru No. 2 has taken two Sea Shepherd volunteer crew members hostage. Benjamin Potts 28, an Australian citizen and Giles Lane, 35, a citizen of Great Britain are being held hostage onboard the whaling vessel. Both men were assaulted and then tied to the railings of the whaler. They were then moved and tied to the radar mast by the whalers.

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Japanese whalers take Sea Shepherds hostage.

15-01-2008 12:09

In what has been an unpredictably dramatic day for the campaign against whaling in Antarctica, the crew of a Japanese harpoon gunboat have seized Australian and British crew mebers of the Sea Shepherd vessel, Steve Irwin.

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Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace to join forces!!!

13-01-2008 17:01

This is good news. They are on the same side - so why not?

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Sea Shepherd is Moving In On the Japanese Whaling Fleet

12-01-2008 18:57

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is about one day away from making contact with the Japanese whaling fleet. "We have our sources in Greenpeace. There are quite a few disgruntled Greenpeacers who are opposed to Greenpeace's policy of non-cooperation. They are being very helpful," said Captain Watson.

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Antarctica: Sea Shepherd Ship Holed during Collision with Whaling Ship

12-02-2007 16:50

The Kaiku Maru (in foreground) approaches the Farley Mowat
The Sea Shepherd ship, Robert Hunter, has been holed in its starboard bow, and its port stern section above the waterline, during a collision with the whale spotter ship Kaiko Maru , according to Sea Shepherd's president Paul Watson. No injuries have been incurred by crew on both ships, and neither ship is in danger of sinking. A pod of whales being chased by the Japanese ship escaped.

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Japanese Claims of Injuries are Bogus says Sea Shepherd

10-02-2007 02:22

Antarctic Pirates
Captain Paul Watson, from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, has refuted Japanese claims that two whalers were injured during an engagement between the Sea Shepherd vessel 'Robert Hunter' and the 'Nisshin Maru' on Friday. Sea Shepherd activists threw 6 one litre bottles of foul smelling but non-toxic butyric acid to the flensing deck of the 'Nisshin Maru' Whaling Factory Ship.

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Sea Shepherd flagship now running as a Pirate

06-01-2007 00:44

Sea Shepherd ocean defense history 1982-2005
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society flagship Farley Mowat is now officially a pirate vessel. The ship cleared Australian Customs in Hobart, Tasmania, on December 29th, 2006, only hours before the nation of Belize struck our flag. The Farley Mowat has no home port and can be siezed and sunk by any navy.

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SEAL SLAUGHTER: contacts to protest

28-03-2006 11:28

PM Harper's government has decided to increase the allowable kill rationalizing that they will deal with the mystery of disappearing ice next year.
Here some possibilities for free mail, fax and phone action.

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Japan misleads public about whaling protests

15-01-2006 17:30

Nisshin Maru: port or starboard side?
Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research has released misleading images intended to smear anti-whaling protests in the Southern Ocean

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Harpoon line dumps Greenpeace activist in Antarctic waters

15-01-2006 17:22

Greenpeace entangled between whale and Japanese whaling vessel
Canadian Greenpeace whaling activist, Texas Joe Constantine, was dragged overboard into the freezing Antarctic waters after the whaling harpoon was fired over his inflatable and the harpoon rope became entangled in the craft. Constantine spent a few minutes in the water in his survival suit, before his compatriots could manouver their craft to pick him up. The harpoon killed the whale almost instantly after a chase lasting an hour.

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Sea Shepherd Intends to Ram and Disable Pirate Whalers

11-01-2006 10:59

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society believes it is time to escalate the confrontation with the Japanese whaling fleet and bring an end to the illegal and ruthless slaughter of defenceless whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

"What part of the word "sanctuary" do the whalers not understand?" said Captain Paul Watson from onboard the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat. "The whalers have assaulted whale defenders with water cannons and wooden poles. The whalers have rammed two Greenpeace ships and attempted to ram the Farley Mowat. With every attack the whalers plead innocence. The whalers are far from innocent. They are criminals involved in a criminal operation and they must be stopped."

"I am tired of politicians being apologists for these criminals," said Captain Watson. "We sideswiped the whaling supply ship Oriental Bluebird yesterday and we intend to disable any pirate whaling vessel we find. We intend to uphold the laws protecting whales. This nonsense must be ended."

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Japanese Whaling Ship rams Greenpeace vessel in Southern Whale Sanctuary

08-01-2006 14:45

Damage to the Arctic Sunrise
After three days of obstructing the whale hunt by placing inflatable zodiacs between whales and the harpoon, the Nisshin Maru rammed the Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise. The whalers are counter claiming their ship was rammed by Greenpeace. The collision ocurred in the Australian Antarctic Territory in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The Nisshin Maru has continued north at full speed, with the three conservationists ships in pursuit.

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Media Fabrications: Sea Shepherd Fights Back

03-01-2006 23:48

Just when we thought journalism had reached an all time low with the bogus article from the Guardian in the UK, the Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad brought it down into the sewer with a completely fabricated story. They write that Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd attempted to ram each other’s ships and that during the “sea battle” the Japanese fleet escaped and now both Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are desperately searching for the Japanese fleet.

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CANADIAN SEAL HUNT: New attack by Brigitte Bardot and Franz Weber

05-12-2005 21:55

United in a memorable fight in the late seventies, which lead to a 12 years‘ stop of the commercial seal hunt (from 1983 to 1995), Franz Weber and Brigitte Bardot are launching a new attack against Canada at a time when the quotas for the next seal hunting season are being set.

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Sea Shepherd Crew Save Sea Turtle from Taiwanese Long-Line

04-05-2004 13:30

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society flagship Farley Mowat came across and confiscated 25 kiilometers of monofilament long-line on April 30, 2004.

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Stop Seal Hunt - Hunters Allowed To Kill 350,000 Young Seals This Year

17-04-2004 08:32

Since you are clearly interested in helping these defenseless seal pups, we thought you should know about a great organization, The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). They are working on an urgent project to stop the slaughter of young seal pups on the ice fields of Canada. Read to find out more!

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Biggest Seal Hunt in 50 Years Draws Protest

15-04-2004 14:49

Biggest Seal Hunt in 50 Years Draws Protest

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Stop Canada's Seal Hunt

18-03-2004 14:08

The Canadian government has already announced plans to kill nearly ONE MILLION seal pups in the next three years despite evidence of widespread cruelty and grave threats to the population. This is the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world, and it will not end unless caring people like you take action now!
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