UK Ocean Defence Newswire Archive
Rossport Solidarity Night at Belgrade Road Social Centre
11-06-2009 14:41
Paul Watson announces aggressive campaign to clear Mediterranean of illegal fisheries
09-06-2009 18:44
Shell in Ireland a perpetual struggle
02-06-2009 19:51
Ask for recall of Canada's gov gen'l who ate slice of murdered seal's heart
27-05-2009 01:17
The Inuit have the shortest life expectancy in the world (discounting
famine, war, infant mortality and childhood diseases) because
of animal fat, heavy metal poisoning, amyloid plaque, intestinal
cancer, etc.
Freedom and independence for Pitcairn islands! Petition to Queen Elizabeth II.
26-05-2009 09:10
Sruggle for Freedom against colonialism!Outlaw Whaling Vessel Scuttled - Sea Shepherd Applauds Efforts
28-04-2009 18:33
During the evening of April 23rd, conservation commandos from Agenda 21 slipped onboard the Norwegian whaling ship Skarbakk in Henningsvaer in the Norwegian Lofoten Islands. With a monkey wrench they disassembled the salt-water intake valve (used for cooling the main engine). They then opened the valve and flooded the engine room.As the ship settled low in the water, local firefighters arrived with pumps just in time to prevent the ship settling on the bottom. By then the ship had been completely filled with water however, destroying the machinery and electrical systems.
This scuttling represents losses for the ship's Norwegian underwriters and for Japanese investors who were partners with the owner of the Skarbakk.
United Community of Erris, Co Mayo, Remove Shell Nets.
28-04-2009 18:14
Following a cowardly and vicious attack in the dead of night by Shell mercenaries on Willie Corduff in the early hours of Thursday 23rd April 2009, members of the Erris community assisted by national supporters opposed to the Shell Corrib Gas Project, united at 3pm on Sunday 26th April to rid the Glengad beach and cliffs of Shell nets.
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Whaling Ship Sunk in Norway!
25-04-2009 21:27
Another whaling ship scuttled - "WE SANK THE BASTARD. -AGENDA 21"Sea Shepard Documentary - Whose side are you on?
24-04-2009 12:56
A documentary is to be shown on the Discovery Channel on monday, 9pm which will feature footage of the Sea Shepard crew in action against the Japanese whaling Fleet.
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Paul Watson - We Need to Stop Eating the Oceans
19-04-2009 10:32
The real cost of salmon
05-04-2009 12:10
The salmon sold in every supermarket in the UK has a terrible hidden cost; thousands of seals are shot every year by the fish farmers. While puffins starve the fish their young could eat are fed to sick salmon brought up in cramped conditions more akin to a battery cage than the open ocean.Russia Bans Slaughter of Baby Seals
03-04-2009 16:49
While many animal rights groups around the world call for a boycott ofthe Canadian Olympics until Harper, fraudulently elected leader of Canada, bans sealclubbing (paid for with taxes taken from Canadian citizens), Russia bans the clubbing of baby seals which Putin calls a bloody industry
Pirate Captain at the Excel Centre tomorrow, and Sunday...
27-03-2009 18:23
Eco-pirate captain Paul Watson is speaking at Excel a few days before the baddies!"Come enjoy the London International Dive Show (LIDS) and visit the Sea Shepherd information stall (stand number 554) to meet with crew and purchase Sea Shepherd merchandise. Captain Paul Watson will also be in attendance at the event as the featured guest speaker. "
Large Number Of Mutilated Porpoise Carcasses Strand At Dutch Beaches
07-03-2009 13:39
Dissident Island Radio tonight (March 6th)
06-03-2009 14:07
Update on Shell's plans in Mayo, Ireland & how you can help
04-03-2009 19:29
Reduce Repair Reuse Recycle - Transforming Oil Rigs into Eco-Resorts
21-02-2009 16:03
Once we complete the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, there’ll be a lot of unused oil rigs sitting around. One architecture firm, the Morris design team, already has an idea that’s making waves: turning them into oceanic eco-resorts. Their ‘Rig Hotel’ concept reuses an abandoned oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, transforming it into a luxury resort offering amenities like boating, snorkeling, and diving as well as acting as a destination for conferences and business meetings.
Photo Report – Onboard Sea Shepherd Operation Musashi
10-02-2009 15:21
This is a collection of photos from the first part of Operation Musashi, a campaign in which the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's ship the Steve Irwin and its crew braved the stormy waters of the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. The campaign is focused on enforcing the laws and regulations which are in place to protect the whales in the area. An illegal Japanese whaling fleet has been operating in this area for some years. Where governments and states fail to enforce the law to protect these magnificent and gentle giants of the oceans, Sea Shepherd will come to their aid. For more information see
These photos are posted here with kind permission from the photographers Eric Cheng and Adam Lau. All are copyrighted.
Sea Shepherd Forced To Leave Killing Grounds In Antarctica
10-02-2009 11:40
"I have said always said that we would do everything we can short of hurting people to end illegal whaling in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary," said Captain Paul Watson. "We have done everything we could with the resources available to us this year. We have shut down their illegal operations for over a month in total. We have cost them money and we have saved the lives of a good many whales. And although we are willing to take the risks required, even to our own lives, I am not prepared to do to the Japanese whalers what they do to the whales and the escalating violence by the whalers will result in some serious injuries and possibly fatalities if this confrontation continues to escalate."