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Hack the border Reclaim cyberspace

21-07-2002 22:00

Time lines of events:
Wed-Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun

After a demonstration for freedom of movement was attacked with pepper spray, baton charges and tear gas on the Bordercamp's third day, all actions and demonstrations relating to the bordercamp in Strasbourg were declared illegal. The denial of the right to protest was confirmed when media activists of the Publix Theatre Caravan and Indymedia were removed from the Strasbourg city centre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Despite the ban protests continued with prisoner solidarity and street theatre. The last action of the camp was marked by leaving in a mass exodus convoy on Sunday.

This first Europe-wide noborder camp was initiated by the Noborder network and organized by activist groups from a number of European countries. The camp consisted of 10 days of actions, workshops and discussions around the central demand of 'Freedom of Movement and Settlement for Everyone', bringing together activists, migrants and artists from across Europe in a laboratory of creative resistance and civil disobedience.

Strasbourg was chosen because it is home to the central headquarters of the Schengen Information Systems [SIS], the database being used to store details of immigrants (legal or otherwise) the details of terrorists and political protestors (even only suspected ones!) and especially 'anti-globalisation' protestors. From here the project d.sec was born,which attempts to mix the cyber-activism with the activist movements of Europe.

Radio Noborder Bus:

Radio SIS [offline now]

More radio info at

July 28th: Sunday report
July 27th: Saturday timeline
July 26th: Friday round-up | Virtual border action | Court case
July 25th: Media activists removed from city centre | Days events | Street Theatre pics | Pics and article
July 24th: Pics of the day | Press Release from the NoBorder Collective | Noborder Protests Declared Illegal In Strasbourg | Latest + witness reports
July 23rd: Pink-Silver and Black Block
July 22nd: Noborder Demo at Euro Court of Human Rights - Photos

Previous reports:
1 | 2 | 3 | pics
Resources: | d'sec | Statewatch

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Mayday 2001 Timeline

30-04-2001 23:00

Timeline of events and actions in London on Mayday 2001.

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Mayday Monopoly 2001

30-04-2001 22:00

Feature reports of all Mayday 2001 actions.

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Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Thursday, March 8;

08-03-2001 00:00

Thursday, March 8: On the International Day of the Rebel Women and the 12th of the march, the EZLN caravan entered the Federal District of Mexico City. The day began in Cuautla (Morelos) with the scheduled event being cancelled after the security teams reported they had found an unidentified man carrying a weapon. In Anenecuilco (Morelos) the EZLN delegation visited the museum built around the ruins of the house where General Emiliano Zapata was born and met Zapata's son and daughter.

- EZLN statement at the International Day of the Rebel Women
- 12th day, 5th message and an abundance of good words (La Jornada)
- Narco News report from Anenecuilco
- Sunset in Cuautla (pic)

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Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 2nd;

02-03-2001 23:00

Friday, March 2: The Zapatista delegation arrived in city of Nurio (Michoacán) to participate in the Third Indigenous National Congress. More than 1000 delegates have attended the first session of the 3 days event that brings together representatives of indigenous communities from all over Mexico.
Mayan representatives have expressed their doubts about Vicente Fox's "good will". They accused the Federal Government of only having interest in gaining publicity, and not being fully committed to a "just and dignified peace". They also reiterated that the main demands of the indigenous peoples of Mexico are still the same as the resolutions of previous Indigenous Congresses: the withdrawal of military bases and the dismantling of paramilitaries not only from Chiapas, but from all the indigenous communities.
The General Command of the EZLN has confirmed that it is still waiting for reports on yesterday's crash in order to determine if it was indeed and accident or an attack. It also laments the death of the military official that was 'escorting' the caravan.

- Indigenous National Congress Info Page (english)
-Image of Nurio,site of the Indigenous National Congress (pic)

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Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, March 1st

01-03-2001 00:00

Thursday, March 1: The Caravan reached the state of Quéretaro where there are Zapatista political prisoners incarcerated. The local governor, Ignacio Loyola Vera (well known for his strong opposition to any form of negotiation with the EZLN), left the state capital of Querétaro (Quéretaro) in sign of protest.
The day began with a tragic road accident in which one of the buses of the caravan ran over two police officers of the escort, killing one. Because of the delay caused by the accident the caravan was unable to get to Nurio (Michoacán) where the Third Indigenous National Congress is due to begin on March 2nd.

- EZLN communique regarding road accident
- People protects EZLN commanders after their bus has crashed (pic)
- EZLN in Querétaro (article from La Jornada)
- Caravan welcomed in Queretaro (pic)

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Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Feb 26th

26-02-2001 23:00

Monday, February 26: Passing through Tehuantepec and Villa de Mitla, the Caravan was travelling to the state capital of Oaxaca, Oaxaca. During the night at Oaxaca, the buses of the Italian supporters miraculously disappeared. A sabotage action by anti-Zapatista groups was considered the most likely cause for this incident. Read more.

-Article in La Jornada on the Oaxaca rally
-The Caravan in Oaxaca (video)

Meanwhile in Cancun, protests and actions took place against a meeting by the World Economic Forum.
[report 1 ¦ report 2 ¦ picture 1 ¦ picture2]

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Zapatista Caravan to Mexico City, Feb.25th

25-02-2001 23:00

Sunday, February 25: The Zapatista Delegation left San Cristóbal, Chiapas, and was moving through the State of Oaxaca via Tapanatepec and La Ventosa. It stopped to salute a concentration of indigenous allies at the border of Oaxaca, before taking part in the central event of the day - a rally in Juchitán. The citizens of Juchitán were the first to rebel against Mexico's ruling party in 1982. Read first hand account.
See a gallery of images from the first two days of the caravan.

-Communique about the threats to the EZLN¹s Caravan
-Irish anarchist reports from San Cristobel on Zap march

Full article

Background: Masking up to be seen

02-01-1994 00:00

On January 1 1994, the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN) took over several towns in the southernmost Mexican state of Chiapas - timed to coincide with the implementation of the NAFTA 'freetrade' agreement.

Since then, they have been demanding basic human rights and social justice for the indigenous and rural communities of the area. Autonomous communities have meanwhile been set up: which have organised education and health care; collectivized the land; and implemented a grassroots approach to direct democracy decision-making. Outside Chiapas, the Zapatistas are also known for their radical rejection of neoliberal capitalism, as well as for moving away from the traditional strategies of many past guerilla movements in Latin America.

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