Meanwhile the criminal proceedings refering to events in Genoa still continue. Updates [1, 2] can be found on IMC Germany.
The parents of Carlo Guilani are now calling for people from all over to come to Genoa once more for the 20th of July.
"We would be happy, if you participate at the different initiatives from the 12th till the 20th of july- starting with the meeting of the citizens councils, which have defended the memory for over 2 years against a backdrop of secrecy and impunity. We invite you to an exhibition, which documents the events and legal scandals not only in pictures. There will be new film material and new books. In the Modena-Theatre plays are offered to see. Many associations have organised panel discussions. The anti-globalisation critics meet in the Teatre della Tosse, the place of the local administration and other places to discuss the next campaigns and tasks for autumn."
full program.
In Berlin a solidarity demo is annonounced and mobilised for.
Although many people are expected to take part and come to Genoa for the 20th, at the moment not the same huge numbers of last year are expected. Many activists are already focussed on mobilising for Riva, where from the 6th -9th of september, the European foreign ministers will decide on their strategy for the WTO in Cancun.
There will be a counter congress and a demonstration, for which many Disobbedienti from Italy and Europe have already announced to take part. For more information see: StopWTORiva2003.
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