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<< Page 150 | Page 148>>How Does the US' Ostensibly Public Media Violate Journalistic Ethics?

censored the overwhelming opposition to the Obama wars.
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The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda: Israeli propaganda exposed

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Break open Breaky Bottom!
'BREAK open Breaky Bottom!' is the rallying cry for a protest walk on the South Downs in East Sussex this weekend.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Dissident Island Radio - download the show!

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Dissident Island Radio tonight

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Smash EDO events for the next week
Support is needed for the decommissioners during next week as the trial finally kicks off. Come along if you can.[Full Story ]
Media disinformation regarding Israel's murderous assault - The role of the BBC

[Full Story | 14 comments ]
The EDL: 1 Year On by ‘Malatesta’
1 year older so what's going on with those cheeky monkeys in the EDL?[Full Story | 11 comments ]
Israel's international aggression: US thumbs up to state terror and murder

And, of course, the western media/propaganda machine can be counted upon to pump out plenty of misinformation fog to afford a cover of legitimacy to this charade by the White House and its criminal client regime in Tel Aviv.
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What if Iran had carried out the Gaza carnage?

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Africa house eviction demo
Brighton demonstration against the proposed eviction and demolition of 'Africa House' in Calais.[Full Story ]
Plane Stupid condemns Newham mayor for selling-out east Londoners

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Callout for solidarity with the EDO defendants during the trial
Support the decommissioners!www.smashedo.org.uk
General enquiries: 07538093930

Press: 07526557436

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Brian Haw - 9 (nine) years in London's Parliament Square!

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Islamophobic EDL rally with Zionists at Israel Embassy Weds 7pm 2nd June 2010

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Help break the Pro-Israel censorhip on de.indymedia.org!!!
Since yesterday heavy censorhip on indymedia Deutschland is taking place. Comments are not published, reports about upcomming demonstrations against the Gaza-flotilla massacre are erased after some time. Organising resistance among the left in Germany is made difficult.[Full Story | 1 addition | 4 comments ]
Demo to Support the Flotilla at EDO/ITT,suppliers to the Israeli navy, Tommorrow
A flotilla carrying aid and international activists to Gaza was attacked in international waters on Monday and up to twenty people were killed. The ship was intercepted illegally and taken to Ashdod where its crew are being detained. Another ship, the Rachel Corrie, is still en route towards Gaza[Full Story ]
Israeli strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is part of a broader military agenda

While these naval deployments were underway in the Persian Gulf, Israel was also involved in war games in the Mediterraean. The war game codenamed "MINOAS 2010" was carried out at a Greek air base in Souda Bay, on the island of Crete.
Also, in the wake of the decision directed against Israel's nuclear weapons under the auspices of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the White House reaffirmed not only its support to Israel, but also to Israel's nuclear weapons capabilities. The statement issued one day before the raid on the flotilla points to US support of "Israel's strategic and deterrence capabilities, which also include the launching of a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Iran.
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Exeter Protest against Israeli attack on aid flotilla
Protest in Exeter city centre. Tuesday 1st June, 4pm Bedford Square (outside vodafone on the high street)[Full Story ]
Israel's attack on Gaza aid convoy: A horrendous moment of truth for US policy

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