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<< Page 151 | Page 149>>Is Obama Child-Endagering In Recommending Gulf Fish Flesh?

asphyxiated as they die.
[Full Story ]
Titnore victory means protest is off
THE Titnore on Tour campaign has achieved its aim of persuading the would-be developers at Durrington, West Sussex, not to appeal against the surprise council refusal of their plans.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smashingly good start at Decommissioners trial.
As the Decommissioners trial in Hove Crown Court enters its second week one of the defendants had their case dropped due to insufficient evidence provided by the prosecution. Back of the net. So thats one down... eight to go.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Urgent! English Defence League [EDL] have gone into Whitechapel this evening
The racist Islamophobic football hooligans of the English Defence League have gone into Whitechapel, East London E1 this evening, Tuesday 15th June to cause trouble. They were in Barking earlier today. They punched Muslims, threw eggs and pork meat at Muslims. They have now gone into Whitechapel. If you live in East London defend your Muslim friends and neighbours in case the EDL attack.[Full Story | 29 comments ]
New Forest Gardening/Farming/Nut Growing Forum on Riseup! Wiki
Hi. This has been set up with open access in mind for people interested in this innovative and exciting way of cultivation and growth for useful plants and wildlife benefits.[Full Story ]
Dalai Lama’s 75th birthday: Tibet festival in the Park
On Saturday 3rd July, the Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park (next to the Imperial War Museum and very near to the Tibetan Peace Garden that was opened by the Dalai Lama in 1999) will be buzzing with musicians, entertainers and performers from Tibet and around the world along with an array of Tibetan and other stalls, Tibetan food and more.[Full Story ]
We broke open Breaky Bottom!
A bunch of walkers from as far away as Dorset and the Chilterns walkedthe forbidden Access Land site of Breaky Bottom farm and vineyard, near
Rodmell, East Sussex, on Saturday.
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Titnore developers back down
MORE good news in the battle to Save Titnore Woods![Full Story ]
Thus have I heard
In the course of my activities among thos ein prison of hurt by the system I have heard many things - here is one of them[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Vital Vivisection Supplier, Vet Diagnostics, Go Into Administration
Lewes Road Community Garden Public Meeting (Fri June 18 - 7pm)

Fri June 18 at 7pm in St Martin's Church Hall (Wagner Hall) on Lewes Road.
Help stop a development which will kill community spirit and urban greenbelt. Communities Before Corporations.
[Full Story ]
Brighton migrant solidarity demo
On Saturday 19th June 2010, Brighton Calais Migrant Solidarity will betargeting the source of all repression against those who have, or attempt,
to migrate to the UK: the United Kingdom Border Agency.
[Full Story ]
US Co.. Epicyte With USDA Funding Developed Seed Corn Containing Spermicide
While billionaires Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and others met in the last12 months to discuss ways to control population,
corn containing spermicide was funded by the US Dept of Agriculture, while 'vaccines' containing Chorionic Gonadotropin to
prevent pregnancy, etc.were developed by the World Health Organization
[Full Story ]
Peace News Summer Camp 2010: Confirmed workshops to date

This year's themes this years themes include: feminism and peace; sharing our skills; challenging the military; engaging with other movements; radicalising our lives; and debating nonviolence (see below for more info).
[Full Story ]
Kent Police Apologise To Climate Camp Activists
Police force admits that Kingsnorth stop-and-search tactics in 2008 were unlawful, and agrees to pay compensation to the three people who brought the legal challenge[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Is the US Govt. Behind Microsoft censorship of Pravda
Is the Obama regime behind the blocking of Pravda on Microsoft and Firefox?[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Be part of Brighton's new solar power station
17th June sees the initiation of a great new project in Brighton - the UK's first community-owned solar power station. The £350,000 scheme will be run as a co-operative, meaning that every shareholder has an equal say in management, whether you have a few thousand pounds to invest or just fifty quid.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Lewes Psychedelic Festival 5th June 2010
Good gig this - not the usual rubbish.Nice crowd as well. Speshial.
[Full Story ]
Women against the EDL to protest in Tower Hamlets June 20th 2010.
Women against fascism will be opposing the EDL on 20th June 2010 in Tower Hamlets. The racist thugs & football hooligans of the [EDL] are trying to provoke young Muslim men into a violent response by marching on East London Mosque in Whitechapel and threatening to march on Brick Lane. Women will oppose the EDL on June 20th as we are against violence and want peace for Tower Hamlets.[Full Story | 13 comments ]