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<< Page 50 | Page 48>>smash edo mbm SUPPORT COURT PICKET
MON 23 APRIL TILL THE 27 APRIL at brighton magistrates court/edward st /...3 anti war activists are on trial for protesting against edo mbms mass death and destruction factory...come along and lend your support to the peace activists..come for just one day..one hour or every day...the more the merryier!!!..let all who can be there..be there...sick of work??phone in well for a day!!and come along and watch the fun!!!let the games begin..see you there....allso demo outside the court 1pm friday the 27th[Full Story ]
gathering anticivilization 2007
After the success of the last gathering in Tavertet, we are calling for a new one this year. It will take place the 8, 9, 10 and 11 of September.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
SMASH EDO MBM call for court picket
april 23-27 brighton magistrates court...9.45 am[Full Story ]
EDO MBM Hide Evidence of War Crimes
EDO MBM have removed references to the 'Zero Force Retention Arming Unit' from their UK website just a few days before it was to be used as evidence in the defence of three anti war protesters.[Full Story | 1 addition | 5 comments ]
What's In This 'ELECTION SPECIAL' Issue:[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Lydd Airport-Kent cuts jobs The beginning of the end?
News today of cutbacks at Lydd Airport on Romney Marsh, Kent currently wanting to expand...[Full Story ]
Fundraiser for Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq, Saturday
On Saturday, come and help raise money for Iraq's most high profile radical women's organisation.[Full Story ]
April 23rd brighton magisrates court[Full Story ]
Titnore Woods benefit gig
ROBB Johnson is to headline a benefit gig for the Camp Titnore protest site to be held in St Leonard's, East Sussex, on May 18.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
SMASH EDO MBM support court picket
on monday 23rd 9.30am onwards outside brighton magistrates court[Full Story ]
BNP in Folkestone- the details
Names and some addresses of the scum BNP candidates standing in Shepway District Council (Folkestone & Hythe etc) local elections.Just so all the anti-fascists everywhere know....
[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Member Of Brighton Delegation in Palestine Hit by Rubber Bullet
from Palsolidarity[Full Story ]
Israeli Army shoot member of Brighton delegation with rubber bullet
Israeli Army shoot member of Brighton delegation with rubber bulletFor immediate release: Friday 13th April 2007
A 28 yr old Brighton man was shot in the arm today by a rubber bullet fired by the Israeli Army. He was on a weekly demonstration against Israel’s apartheid wall in Bil’in village, Palestine.
[Full Story ]
Hampshire housing associations merge
Two Hampshire housing associations, First Wessex and Portsmouth Housing have merged to form a conglomerate covering the whole of Hampshire.[Full Story ]
Support Blood Service workers! - IWW leaflet
Here's the link for a leaflet from the IWW in support of NBS staff in dispute with management over service cuts + 600 looming job losses.[Full Story ]
Seaside food
Why is seaside food and fast food so bad in Britain? Does it have to be bad? Does fast food have to be synonymous with junk food?[Full Story | 1 comment ]
EDO Lebanon Protesters Trial Set For 23rd April
The latest trial of anti-war protesters in Brighton will once again put US arms company EDO Corporation in the dock to face questions over its complicity in Israeli war crimes.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Dayschool on class, capitalism and women's liberation, 21 April
Come and discuss the politics of socialist feminism at this dayschool on Saturday 21 April.[Full Story ]
Getting the tension right - fingering out the knitting

Nuke Free State Established at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment
[Full Story | 6 comments ]