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<< Page 160 | Page 158>>Oppose the English Defence League London rally on October 24th
The English Defence League are a racist & Islamophobic organnisation with links to the BNP, Combat 18, Blood & Honour, National Front & UKIP. They have rioted in Newcastle, Dudley, Bolton, Bradford & Leicester. The EDL have been arrested on bombing charges, have placec pigs heads on mosques, pulled off womens hijabs etc. They say they are against extremism but are against all Muslims.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
Smash EDO's Hammertime: Final info
Hammertime is now almost upon us! Just a quick reminder with useful information and advice:Smash EDO have announced that the 'ITT's Hammertime' mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Moulsecoomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITT.
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Simon Kirby MP Seeking IPCC Investigation Into Sussex Police
Government have no responsibility regarding Police corruption. Simon Kirby MP will assist elderly pensioner forced to take on Sussex Police unaidedBRIGHTON POLICE OFFICER'S FALSE STATEMENTS REVEALED!!
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2 Days to go until ITT's Hammertime
The convergence space for HAMMERTIME has not been announced yet but if you are coming to Brighton for the demo please come to the Cowley Club (London Road) for a meeting at 7pm on TuesdayIf you are coming early and need accomodation call 07538093930
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Anti nuclear energy activists target EDF Energy
The launch of a national boycott of EDF Energy heralds the beginning of a wave of campaigns and actions designed to alert the UK to the dangers of allowing the government to give the green light to a new generation of nuclear reactors next Spring. There's a lot of work to do and very little time left to stop new nuclear for good.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson asks EDL members to leave :Youtube
The English Defence League is facing a major upheaval after EDL leader Tommy Robinson addressed the EDL members and told them that some members had to go following accusations of theft of money, rumour mongering and other problems. Tommy Robinson has made a short film based on The Muppets called The John Snowy Shaw Show. Granny Doris has also been ejected along with others in EDL.[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Crude Awakening - 10 targets (that just missed our short list)

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"Women at the cutting edge" - a conference on women and the cuts
On 30 October Feminist Fightback will be hosting a conference on women and cuts, open to people of all genders.[Full Story ]
Smash EDO Press Release - Anti Arms Protester Given ASBO by the Back Door
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaignTel: 07526557436 E-mail:

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Planning Application Now In for UKCMRI Huge Lab proposed for Central London
After years of controversy a planning application for the huge UKCMRI bioresearch laboratory proposed for central London has now been registered with Camden Council. Anyone living anywhere can email or write to the council with objections/comments - there is a limited amount of time for people to put in objections, officially until 14th October 2010. More details below......[Full Story ]
Associated Press, NY Times, Miami Herald Glorify Bear Murder By Arrow

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Hit the Animal Supply - EcoTox Breeders
Hit the Animal Supply - EcoTox Breeders[Full Story ]
Smash EDO to lay siege to Brighton Weapons Factory
For more info contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh, Smash EDO campaign Tel: 07526557436 E-mail:
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Smash EDO Announce location of ITT's Hammertime
Smash EDO have announced that the ITT's Hammertime mass demo will be meeting at 10am on October 13th at the Wild Park Cafe in Mouslecomb, Brighton to besiege EDO/ITT[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Mumbai-style terror plot’ against UK uncovered

He called the claims “politically motivated” and warned that they served to “further demonise” a Muslim community that is already suffering hate crimes and feeling marginalised and under siege.
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Devonport Big Blockade, Plymouth - 1st November 2010

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More local contacts for Smash EDO's Hammertime
There are now several local contacts from across the country for Smash EDO's 'ITT's Hammertime!' on the 13th of October, making it all the easier to join in with friends!If your town is not on the list but you would want to help with sorting out meeting points or transport from where you live get in touch!
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Wildkatz Social Centre present A Week of Free Stuff

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Update - Smash EDO's ITT's Hammertime is getting closer
see www.smashedo.org.uk[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Stop Agrofuel Power Station Demo Report

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