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<< Page 140 | Page 138>>Public meeting re Dungeness C possibility
A public meeting has been called in the town of Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent to 'discuss' to re-instatement of plans for a third nuclear station- Dungeness C on the site.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Police watch as violence used against Cargoflora blockaders
This morning boycott Israel campaigners blockaded the gates of Cargoflora and Carmel Agrexco in Hayes, Middlesex.[Full Story | 6 comments ]
Carmel Agrexco and Cargoflora blockaded over Imports of Israeli Flowers
Carmel Agrexco and Cargoflora's depots in Hayes Middlesex have been blockaded early this morning. Cargoflora's gates have been blocked by campaigners using D-Locks and superglue while the Agrexco blockaders have used panels of 'Hares' fencing.[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Ask Britsh Monomark WC1 to Ditch the Nazi British Peoples Party / UDA BPP

[Full Story | 9 comments ]
Activists sent details of child & threatening letters from government/MI5/DWP
An activist with a child was sent strange letters from the Department of Work & Pensions detailing his child benefit & details of his parents pension. He was then telephoned with the warning "We know everything about you & if we want we can get your parents pension money interfered with at any time". The activist said the person phoning was a woman & that she had " an Australian or New Zealand accent. What's scary is that he did not any time given the DWP his mobile phone number.[Full Story | 20 comments ]
The Tortoise Protection Group are not an Animal Rights group...it is a con

[Full Story | 16 comments ]
Radical Workers Bloc on the 'March for Jobs' - Saturday 6th March - Brighton

This demonstration, organised by Brighton and Hove Trades Union Council is billed as a “March for Jobs” – but we want more.
[Full Story | 28 comments ]
Communique from the Fine Line Art Collective (FLAC)
In the small hours of this morning the Brighton branch of The RoyalBank of Scotland fell foul of a FLAC attack.
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Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab - Environment Disaster public meeting in Camden

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Camden Bio Hazard Lab - your LAST CHANCE to speak out public forum in Camden

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Animal Rights Film Night Southampton
Subvert The City Arts Collective presents an evening of animal rights films.[Full Story ]
UK police plan military-style spy drones in the sky to watch us
The Guardian is reporting that police in the UK are planning to buy a batch of unmanned spy drones, like those used by the military in Afghanistan, for permanent covert surveillance of the public. The unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being manufactured by the arms manufacturer BAE System for Kent police and others. They should be ready for the 2012 Olympics. These aren't the rotor-blade robots used already at demonstrations - they can land and take off on their own, stay up for 15 hours, and go up to 20,000 feet, so they can't been seen on the ground. The full article can be seen here:
[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Boycott Moda Show Brick Lane : They sell fur and cause a nuisance to neighbours

[Full Story | 11 comments ]
Climate protestors win historic victory against unlawful police stop and search
Climate protestors win historic High Court victory against unlawfulpolice stop and search operation in Kingsnorth, Kent - the largest and
most expensive such operation in UK history involving 26 police forces
For films

[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Getting ready for the reunion events and to mark the 20th Anniversary of the infamous Poll Tax Riot. Class War Classix is reissuing the "CLASS WAR POLL TAX SPECIAL".[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Why did MI5 attack Somali community but let UDA nazi porno pub remain untouched?
The Gloucester Arms in Camden was evicted, eventually by the brewery and council following a harrowing experience by residents living near to the pub who had to put up with UDA, nazis, underage drinkers etc. MI5 didn't ask for the pub to be ASBO'd unlike their attack upon the Camden Somali community who have been harrassed by MI5 constantly.[Full Story | 8 comments ]
Camden Fascist pub has been closed - absolute confirmation from police & council
The Gloucester Arms has been at the centre of a row between anti racists and the landlord John Coyne who let ultra right wing racists the Jobbik Party hold meetings. The UDA supporter Coyne also let children into the pub and watched porn on the bar's TV. We have absolute confirmation that the brewery and police have evicted John Coyne.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Camden fascist pub and conflicting reports from Camden Council about closure
The Gloucester Arms in Camden has been the subject of demos due to landlord John Coyne's decsion to let hardcore neo nazis the Jobbik Party hold meetings in the pub. The pub is also at the centre of a feud between local tenants & the landlord Coyne, who lets children into the pub where he watches porn. A councillor for Kentish Town told us in an email that the brewery and police are evicting him however Camden Council say different.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Stop The Nazification of Camden, racist policing & racism at Camden Council
Recently the Gloucester Arms has been subjected to protests by anti racists due the landlord John Coyne's decision to allow ultra right wing racists the Jobbik Party hold meetings in the pub. This was not a random decision. Coyne [who claims now to be an Irish nationalist] has boards outside the pub offering British troops 20% discount having bought a former IRA pub and banning all the customers. But...Camden police have banned reggae in Camden Town & threatened nightclubs....[Full Story | 3 comments ]