This demonstration, organised by Brighton and Hove Trades Union Council is billed as a “March for Jobs” – but we want more.
Brighton Solidarity Federation and others[1] are forming a Radical Workers’ Bloc on the demonstration. We reject the notion that voting will bring about a solution for us – the cuts will be defeated on the streets and on the picket lines, not the ballot box. We have the recent victory of the bin men to show us how it’s done![2]
We need to send a message not only to whatever government will be in power after May but also to our fellow workers. The march will pass near the Lloyds call centre where 400 jobs are at risk. Join us as we stop and make some noise to show solidarity to the workers inside. Their fight is our fight.
Join us on the Radical Workers’ Bloc on 6th March, 12 noon at the Level, Brighton. Look for the red & black flags and the Brighton Solidarity Federation banner.
[1] So far the call has been supported by Anarchist Federation and Sussex Uni Anarchist Society
[2] See

[3] Facebook event for the march:

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