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<< Page 129 | Page 127>>Climate Activists Cheer 'Two Down, One To Go', As Great Climate Swoop Looms
Climate activists have been celebrating a double victory this week, whilecontinuing plans to take control of a second power station this weekend.
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Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group - Update From Bil In
A delegation from Brighton are in Palestine. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constructing schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes in defiance of Israeli military restrictions Read their blog att www.brightonpalestine.org to keep up to date with what is happening.[Full Story ]
Lula rethinks his succession

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Will to Win- Vestas Update - Caroline Lucas meets workers. winds of change!

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Surpise announcement - EON fucked off!
Tonight the German energy giant Eon issued a statement which effectively takes them out of the picture for the governments gift of one billion pounds of public money to build a new coal-fired power station with the controversial carbon capture and storage technology, and means that (for now at least) the aging Kingsnorth power station will not be replaced.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Workshop on Animal Rights Activism in Britain at the Anarchist Bookfair 24 Oct
A meeting to discuss the development of grassroots animal rights activism in the past 10 years since the closure of laboratory cat breeder Hillgrove Farm. This was widely seen as the beginning of a new phase in the struggle for animal rights and anti-vivisection but have the hopes of campaigners at the time been fully realised?[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Vestas Camp update: Green Leader to take Vestas Fight to Europe
Green Party Leader, the Isle of Wight’s Green MEP, and prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Dr. Caroline Lucas MEP is to visit the Vestas Wind Turbine Blade factory on the IOW on Friday (9TH October). From 11.30 am – 1.30 pm she will be present at the ‘Magic Roundabout’ Solidarity/Protest Camp, St. Cross Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, IOW. Dr Lucas has arranged to share lunch with the workers and their supporters, to listen and learn more about how she can help the campaign(1). (PHOTO OPPORTUNITY)[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Public rejects Afghan war
PUBLIC opinion has moved decisively against British military involvement in Afghanistan.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
'Failure is not an option' for Vestas. It ain't for us either.
'Failure is not an option' for Vestas, according to their Business Strategy. It's not an option for the campaign to save the Newport, Isle of Wight factory either. We have the 'Will to win' that Vestas' CEO claims Vestas' have. The factory will reopen. Wind Turbine Blades will be produced in the UK, for the UK. Workers will be unionised. You never know, the factory might even be a workers' coop.[Full Story ]
Conservatives Cuts Plan In Chaos As Brighton And Hove Opposition Parties Agree To Support the Workers
The Conservative controlled administration in Brighton is today under threat as opposition councillors in the Labour, Green and Liberal Democrat Groups have stated that they do not support cuts to the wages of council workers.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
The Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab will test on amphibians and rodents.

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Investors in Vestas? Sell your shares...
Vestas claim they are 'Number 1. in Modern Energy', and indeed are responsible for developing and installing much of the world's wind/renewable energy. However, they've shown their true colours (not so 'green' after all) this summer - through closing their St. Cross Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight factory, leading to the loss of 600 jobs. Unions were banned & working conditions deteriorating prior to closure, & 11 workers who occupied the factory to save it have been paid no redundancy. There will be a long-term campaign as a result. Will it effect Vestas Share Price? Watch This Space:
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Climate Swoop at South Wheeler - urgent
There is an urgent request for Climate Swoopers. We have found a toxic dump in the town of South Wheeler who have described their town as an "arsehole" full of toxins, waste materials and methane leaks. They have requested that Climate Swoopers take immediate action against the dumping and subsequent gasses, pollution etc. They have said "the dumping really, really stinks, it's SO TOXIC!"[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Reports from the Brighton Tubas Solidarity Group... The Zoba Community
wo activists from Brighton are in Palestine and will spend the next month in the Jordan Valley, along with other Brighton-tubas solidarity Group members who will join them over the next few weeks. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constucting schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes. Read their blog at www.brightonpalestine.org to keep up to date with what is happening.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Reports from the Brighton Tubas Group - Jordan Valley Solidarity
Two activists from Brighton are in Palestine and will spend the next month in the Jordan Valley, along with other Brighton-tubas solidarity Group members who will join them over the next few weeks. They will be reporting on the numberous resistance projects in the Jordan Valley, where local Bedouins and other Palestinians are coming together to challenge the occupation by constucting schools, health clinics, homes, playgrounds, roads and water pipes. Read their blog at www.brightonpalestine.org to keep up to date with what is happening.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
SMASH EDO: News and Events
THE DECOMMISSIONER'S COURT CASE HAS BEEN DELAYED: It will now start on the 17th of May 2010. Although this is good in some ways it is extra important that support for Elijah Smith, who is still on remand in prison, continues. He has recently been moved back to Bristol again. Please take a minute to write to him (note that his prisoner number has changed slightly)Elijah Smith XP7551, HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Road, Horfield, BS7 8PS
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Stop Vedanta mining in India : meeting on how you can help
Corporate murder, environmental crimes:Vedanta plc, DfID and the Indian State
Saturday 17th Oct 2-4pm LSE
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Ballymurphy massacre families launch petition
The families of 11 people killed on the streets of west Belfast in the aftermath of internment have intensified their campaign for justice by launching an online petition on the British Prime Minister’s official website. They have also set up a petition for those who are not British citizens.[Full Story ]
Vestas Management promote Community Control
Leafing through company reports is usually a thankless and dull task. No so with Vestas - all sorts of fascinating opinion. Here's to a community buy out of the St. Corss Business Park, Dodnor Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight factory by ex-workers, locals, Climate Campers, Bicycologists, Climate Rushers, Workers Liberty, SWP & SP, Green Party, with financial support from Ecotricity and others shall we?[Full Story ]
Vestas Workers Solidarity Camp - Photos

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