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<< Page 215 | Page 213>>Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015
This December, witness one of the most important elections in the history of Venezuela, and of the hemisphere. On December 6, the people of Venezuela will exercise their right to vote in elections for deputies to the country’s National Assembly. Voters will decide whether to carry forward the Bolivarian Revolution by retaining a Chavista majority in the National Assembly or return the political intitative to the traditional elites represented by most of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD).[Full Story ]
CJA estate agents knock knock!
Direct action against greedy estate agents in Bristol.[Full Story ]
Concerns over the safety of missing Sussex whistleblower
East Sussex Social Services Concerns over the safety of missing Elderly Abuse Victim East Sussex Social Services missing since 22 MayDavid “JOE” Neilson
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Antifa Call-out: Protect Folkestone From Nazis 1/8/15 @slatedl @AntiFascistNetw

The violent fascist thugs of the EDL are linking up with their Hitler-loving chums in the National Front this Saturday to intimidate attendees of the refugee solidarity event happening this Saturday in Folkestone. Despite continued denials that the EDL have become a full-blown neo-nazi organisation, they have agreed to participate in a joint protest with the 14 words Southern branch of the National Front, their aim to violently confront Folkestone United campaigners. Antifascists, turn up to defend them from fascist thugs!
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6 July: Join Smash EDO at Elbit Block the Factory mass action

Last summer’s assault on Gaza, which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, was one of the most brutal effects of Israel’s ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine. The massacre was carried out using drones manufactured by Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. In response, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, causing its operations to grind to a halt and costing Elbit over £100,000.
On 6th July, to mark the first anniversary of the assault on Gaza, groups and campaigners from across the UK are going back to Elbit’s factory to demand that the UK stops arming Israel. Join us for a day of creative action in solidarity with Palestine!
Supporting organisations have endorsed the call and will be there taking collective action to block the factory from making these weapons.
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The World Revolution to Stop Global Warming

Global warming is destroying the earth and driving the human race to extinction but the official censorship in the mainstream news media is suppressing the truth about the catastrophic apocalyptic consequences of climate change and preventing the people of the world from taking the urgent action that will be necessary to save themselves and help ensure the survival of future generations.
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Brainwashed Britain!

[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Plymouth mayday Anti Capitalist demo

Saturday, May 2 pm at 11:00am
Plymouth Sundial

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Smash EDO response to supreme court ruling on surveillance
This morning John Catt lost his case in the supreme court to have his details removed from the 'domestic extremist' database. Smash EDO have issued the following statement in response to the verdict. For more info see Network for Police Monitoring's analysis here:

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Victor da Cunha Curo Housing seeks advice from senior military officer
Victor da Cunha Curo Housing Group Chief Executive invites senior military officer to teach him how to translate the leadership of a disciplined environment like the army into the housing world at The Curo Groups Inspire 2015 forum.[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Second UK-based Israeli drone factory shut down by occupation

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Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares

One person was arrested, who had glued himself to the front doors of the bank. He was dressed as Santa wearing a placard which read 'Santa says you've been a very naughty bank this year'.
Here's the initial press report from the Argus

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MFE Failure Anniversary

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Oppose Britain Fir still 15 November
Everyone's favourite comedy nazi's, Britain First are making their way back to Rochester to avenge the humiliation they received last time they were in our town. Please help us embarrass them a second time.[Full Story | 5 comments ]

Her words "Bigotry is an important part of diversity because it maintains differences".
Tell that to the victims of violent racial assaults, or the relatives of a racial murder victim.
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Peace Strike Statement Re: Air Strikes On Iraq
PEACE STRIKE STATEMENT RE: UK AIR STRIKES IN IRAQYesterday the British Government voted to go to war -yet again- in the Middle East. This time it will support a coalition of USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,Quatar and Jordon in conducting air strikes within Iraq. The target is the Islamic State Extremists IS.
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