UK No Border Camp 2007 Newswire Archive
Migrating University Goldsmiths to Gatwick
11-09-2007 21:40
General enthusiasm for this event is very high. A feeling of frustration, and therefore energy for exploring activist options, is strong on campus. This is the joint result of the ongoing managerialism that afflicts the ‘teaching factory’ at all levels, alongside the wider malaise of neo-liberal war-mongering imperialism/Border-ism evident in the current conjuncture, everywhere. The role of the university in relation to borders between people and knowledge, between different knowledges, between peoples, between students, between students who pay ‘overseas’ fees and those who pay too much (‘training’ for industrial gain, paid for by the student??) and the ever extended morale crush that afflicts staff… linked to the obsolescence of older ideas of ‘education’ in favour of opportunism and productivity… Exclusions and …racism, murder-death-kill… there is much good reason to explore these concerns in our workshop.Detention Profiteers
11-09-2007 12:24
The UK has Europe's most privatised criminal justice system. It is second only to the United States in terms of the number of private prisons, which currently hold around 10% of the prisoner population. In addition to private prisons, the country has privately operated 'secure training centres' for young offenders, prisoner escort services, electronic monitoring programmes, a wide range of non-custodial services in publicly run prisons, as well as privately financed, built and operated court complexes, police complexes and probation hostels. In short, the UK currently represents the second-largest private prison market in the world. And immigration prisons are no exception.. except that they are not called prisons any more.
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No Borders Wales Defy Home Office
11-09-2007 12:17
Activists from No Borders Wales held a demo outside the Home Office building in Cardiff today, pointing out the racist nature of the immigaration machine.Britain's Detention Estate
11-09-2007 11:54
Thousands of refugees and migrants are locked up in special prisons, disguised under various names, for committing the 'crime' of fleeing wars or persecution or wanting to improve their lives. Without trial and with no automatic bail review, they can face months and years of incarceration before being forcibly deported to unsafe countries. Detention has become an integral part of the UK immigration system and is certainly one of its most brutal and dehumanising aspects, whereby innocent and vulnerable people are interned in prison for political ends.
Location of the Gatwick No Border Camp disclosed
10-09-2007 14:17
The organisers of the Gatwick Area No Border Camp have announced the location of their camp site. The rented field is located near the village of Salfords, Surrey, which lies approximately 3 miles south of Redhill on the A23 road that runs between London to Brighton. The site is close to both the M23 and Salfords Train Station.Gatwick No Border Camp Location Announced
10-09-2007 08:35

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Deportations to Sri Lanka are continuing.
08-09-2007 13:04
Deportations of Tamils to Sri Lanka are continuing despite the new country guidance case. Two families are due to be deported tomorrow, Sunday the 9th SeptemberNo Border Camp Meeting VI
05-09-2007 08:49
The camp is coming closer. :)We invite all people who want to get be involved /are involved allready
to another meeting to plan the camp:
Leafleting in Soli-hell
04-09-2007 16:49

Trial in Agrigento: No to the criminalisation of solidarity
03-09-2007 11:35
Since August 22, 2007, seven Tunisian fishermen have been on trial in Agrigento (Sicily), accused of “assisting illegal immigration”. They risk up to 15 years imprisonment. Prosecuted as human traffickers, what they did was in fact just their basic duty of solidarity: on August 8, near the island of Lampedusa, they picked up 44 passengers from a boat in distress at sea and brought them to the harbour.Without their intervention the shipwrecked people - including two pregnant women and two children - would propably have suffered the same fate as the thousands of migrants and refugees who in the last years have drowned while trying to reach the European coasts.
Privatizing Misery, Deporting and Imprisoning Migrants for Profit
01-09-2007 19:02
The Hidden Agenda of the Border Hype: Security Guards and Prisons in the Dollars-For-Migrants IndustryBy Brenda Norrel

no borders 'Freedom of Movement' workshop- Cardiff, 1/9/07
31-08-2007 18:36
An afternoon of workshops and discussion about the history of Britain's immigration laws with practical tools for thinking, acting and living in a world without bordersNo Borders Camp, Manchester local meeting Monday 3rd Sep
31-08-2007 14:17
Meeting - Manchester, Monday 3 September 7pm, Sand BarOaxaca Declines to be “Governed”
30-08-2007 09:26
The Struggle Shifts from the City to Land and Water IssuesBy Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

Tinsley House demo - London mobilising meeting, Monday
29-08-2007 19:52
On Sat 22nd Sept No Borders has called for a transnational day of action and is calling a demo at Tinsley "House" immigration detention centre at Gatwick. The meeting on Monday, from 6.30pm at the T&G in Holborn, is to discuss mobilising people in London for this demo.Beatrice sent back from Cameroon because in such a bad state
29-08-2007 09:52
The latest news I have from Beatrice is that she was deported, but arrived to Cameroon in such a bad state her country won't take her and sent her back to the UK. A friend in Cameroon contacted one of her supporters in the UK. Beatrice is expected to arrive in London today via Paris. I'll post updates when I can, at the moment nobody has been able to communicate with her or knows exactely where or how she is.Photos from the No Border camp and actions in Ukraine
28-08-2007 11:13

CRITICAL CASH! No Border Camp Benefit Gig
27-08-2007 10:03
This Friday at the RampART Social Centre, LondonSelf-harm in immigration detention June 2007
24-08-2007 21:15
Figures obtained by he National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns under the Freedom of Information Act.Detainees, visitors and campaigners believe the real numbers may be even higher.