UK No Border Camp 2007 Newswire Archive
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No Border Camp Benefit, 2 Sept, Newcastle
23-08-2007 00:24
Films Without Borders presents a day of information, films and music in support of the Gatwick No Border CampGatwick No Border Camp Meeting V
20-08-2007 09:02

Actions at the Ukraine No Border Camp
18-08-2007 22:52
Yesterday was the day of action at the Ukraine No Border Camp. Near the camp are two immigration prisons where people trying to enter the EU are incarcerated. After hearing about the conditions inside the Pavshinov camp, some participants of the No Border camp decided to pay these prisons a visit. These were the first demonstrations against these prisons in the area.Alabama 3 play to raise money for No Border Camp!
18-08-2007 21:42
At a gig next Friday in South London...No Borders Camp Meeting 4
17-08-2007 12:48
The next meeting of a campaign to oppose the construction of a new immigration detention centre at GatwickNo Borders Info Day- Cardiff, 11th August
09-08-2007 21:30
No Borders South Wales presents an afternoon of talks, films and food to raise awareness of and mobilise for the upcoming No Border Camp in SeptemberNo Border Camp benefit in London this Sat!
08-08-2007 21:33
Acoustic sounds plus DJs, at The Cross Kings (near Kings Cross) from 7pm....Immigration detention: unworkable (after Campsfield's latest riots)
05-08-2007 21:26
Locking up innocent people in detention centres - or immigration removal centres (IRCs) as they are now called, is not only cruel, inhumane and degrading: it is unworkable.Hunger strikes and uprisings have been part of life in detention centres since these monstrous institutions first opened, but have dramatically escalated in the past few years as the UK government are detaining increasing numbers of increasingly desperate people.
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Call for International Day of Action Against Immigration Prisons
04-08-2007 14:25
Call for International Day of Action Against Immigration Prisonson 22 September, 2007
Benefit gig for the Gatwick No Border Camp Aug 11th
29-07-2007 09:38
Benefit gig for the Gatwick No Border CampNo Border Camp Meeting And Demonstrations Announced
26-07-2007 07:47
Next planning meeting and demonstrationCome and give a workshop, talk or presentation at the No Border Camp!
18-07-2007 11:07
Invitation to contribute workshops and discussions at the No Border Camp, near Gatwick, UK, 19th-24th September 2007.No Border Camp Benefit London July 21st
09-07-2007 09:30

On Saturday July 21st we organise a day of workshops and a benefit gig in Chat's Palace, Hackney.
Gatwick No Border Camp 2nd Meeting
06-07-2007 08:23
We invite all people who want to get involved in organising theNo Border Camp at Gatwick Airport (September 19th-24th 2007)
to a second public meeting Sunday 22nd July.
No Border organising camp meetings report
05-07-2007 10:36
A really constructive weekend of meetings was held on 30th June and 1st July to plan the No Border camp near Gatwick in September. Around 30 activists from around Britain came to London to discuss and share ideas and skills to figure out how we are actually going to do this!Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
An Invitation To The Gatwick No Border Camp 2007
25-05-2007 22:47
No Borders – No Nations – No PrisonsFrom 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for
the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work
together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to
gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of
migration controls.
Anti Gatwick detention centre demo
22-04-2007 20:11
Anti Gatwick detention centre demo.Pictures to come.
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21/04/07: Video rush & report on Crawley anti-detention protest
21-04-2007 23:27

Pics: Stop New Gatwick Detention Centre Demo
21-04-2007 23:09

Stop new Gatwick detention centre being built-demo on the 21st of April
02-04-2007 10:20
Call out for a demo and an action day on Saturday on the 21st of April 2007 against the Gatwick detention centre being built.