Bristol No Borders upcoming events
bristol no borders | 31.08.2007 15:30 | No Border Camp 2007 | Anti-racism | Migration | Social Struggles | World
From 19th-24th September 2007 there will be a gathering at Gatwick Airport for the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of migration controls.
Bristol No Borders will be hosting a film night, benefit gig and free transport to the demonstration at Tinsley House detention centre in Gatwick on Saturday 22nd September.
Wednesday 5th September @ Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY from 7pm - free
An evening of short films, info, discussion, tea and cake.
Come along to find out more and share information about the No Border Camp, day of action, international migration controls, deportations, and detention.
Friday 14th September @ The Plough, Kilburn Street, Easton from 8pm until late - donation
Bands and DJs playing a right old mix. Raising funds for free transport to the No borders camp and international demonstration on Saturday 22nd September. More details to follow. Watch this space!
Saturday 22nd September minibuses from 8.30am outside Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY - free
Free transport to the No Borders camp and demonstration at Tinsley House deportation centre, Gatwick.
Contact to book your place.
This is part of a campaign against the building of a new immigration detention centre at Gatwick. Over 2,600 people, mostly asylum seekers are locked up in detention centres and prisons in Britain, without trial and without time limit and with no automatic right to bail. the government is building new detention centres with a target capacity of 4000. One of these is about to be built inside the Gatwick airport area.
No Borders is a network of groups struggling for the freedom of movement for all and an end to all migration controls. We call for a radical movement against the system of control, dividing us into citizens and non-citizens. We demand the end of the border regime for everyone, including ourselves, to enable us to live another way, without fear, racism and nationalism.
for more info:
Bristol No Borders will be hosting a film night, benefit gig and free transport to the demonstration at Tinsley House detention centre in Gatwick on Saturday 22nd September.
Wednesday 5th September @ Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY from 7pm - free
An evening of short films, info, discussion, tea and cake.
Come along to find out more and share information about the No Border Camp, day of action, international migration controls, deportations, and detention.
Friday 14th September @ The Plough, Kilburn Street, Easton from 8pm until late - donation
Bands and DJs playing a right old mix. Raising funds for free transport to the No borders camp and international demonstration on Saturday 22nd September. More details to follow. Watch this space!
Saturday 22nd September minibuses from 8.30am outside Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY - free
Free transport to the No Borders camp and demonstration at Tinsley House deportation centre, Gatwick.

This is part of a campaign against the building of a new immigration detention centre at Gatwick. Over 2,600 people, mostly asylum seekers are locked up in detention centres and prisons in Britain, without trial and without time limit and with no automatic right to bail. the government is building new detention centres with a target capacity of 4000. One of these is about to be built inside the Gatwick airport area.
No Borders is a network of groups struggling for the freedom of movement for all and an end to all migration controls. We call for a radical movement against the system of control, dividing us into citizens and non-citizens. We demand the end of the border regime for everyone, including ourselves, to enable us to live another way, without fear, racism and nationalism.
for more info:

bristol no borders