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UK Climate Camp 2007 Newswire Archive

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Cargo-Striker and Climate-Camper Solidarity

18-08-2007 14:16

Workers and Campers chat
Cargo workers at Nippon Express Heathrow depot are out on strike against changes that would see them working 25% longer hours for no extra pay. Climate campers have been keen to show their support and have visited the picket line throughout the current 48-hour stoppage, which ends at 6am Sunday. This morning about 30 campers brought a banner (and about 20 police!) and chatted to strikers for a couple of hours.

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5 Arrests and Carmel Agrexco Offices Trashed

18-08-2007 13:58

Update at 14.54

The Carmel Agrexco action is now being wound up. 5 activists arrested and the offices of Carmel Agrexco the arch exporter of illegal Israeli settlement goods, have been trashed.

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Two arrested, Carmel Argexco up date at 13.30

18-08-2007 12:51

Carmel Agrexco occupation update at 13.30.

Two arrests from inside the depo, as yet charges of those arrested unknown.

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30+ climate campers show solidarity with NIPPON workers

18-08-2007 12:35

30+ climate campers show solidarity with NIPPON workers today

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FIT Watch Spotter Card

18-08-2007 12:21

Fit Watch Spotter Card
Here is the spotter card used by FIT Watch at climate camp. We had several requests for the coloured original, so here it is.

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Activists Target Carmel Agrexco in Conjuction with Climate Camp

18-08-2007 12:08

At 1pm, approximately 20 activists from London, Brighton, Reading and the nearby Climate Camp entered the Carmel Agrexco site in Hayes Middlesex where some activists have D-locked the gates shut. They are being entertained by Samba. Four police arrived on the scene almost immediately.

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40 Climate camp Activists occupy Carmel Agrexco

18-08-2007 11:57

40 activists left Climate Camp and have occupied Carmel Agrexco, the 50 % Israeli state owned exporter/ distributor of Illegal settlement produce from the West Bank.

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Audio Interview with Biggin Hill Airport Blockader

18-08-2007 11:39

Interview about the blockade of Biggin Hill airport which took place on Thursday 16th August 2007.

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Photos from XL Airways Office Occupation - Friday 17th

18-08-2007 10:50

Photos from the action against XL Airways - fuller action report to follow

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Cimate camp and terrorism

18-08-2007 10:25

It should come as no surprise that police are applying draconian anti-terrorism ´legislation´ to combat eco-protestors at the Climate Camp. For the authorities networks of dissent are the real terrorists.

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interview with fitwatch at climate camp

18-08-2007 10:21

earlier this week, a fitwatch supporter was arrested for 'obstructing a police officer in the course of their duty'. but what exactly is the duty of the harrassing, invasive forward intelligence team photgraphers and officers? do they get off on watching campers peeing (see other indymedia article 'peewatch')? short filmed interview with arrestee

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Indymedia news accessible by sms and phone during climate camp

18-08-2007 09:49

In addition to the indymedia space at the Climate Camp 2007, there are some new developments related to indymedia uk.

During the Climate Camp, indymedia uk news can be received on SMS and through a telephone infoline called the "blasted campers infoline". Both services rely on a newly introduced application called "ticker", which allows for the indymedia up-to-the-minute timeline to be relayed via SMS and Telephone. We are working on a longer report about how this works and how the applications were developed.

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Solidarity with NIPPON workers // mass picket in support of strike [11.30am Sat]

18-08-2007 08:38

As the climate camp continues near heathrow, down the road a group of workers at NIPPON EXPRESS have been striking against a new work regime which will effectively mean a £1265 pay cut for many of them.

Nippon workers are expecting us down there and we are more than welcomed!

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North Pole ice thinner than ever

18-08-2007 05:44

The ice layers on the North Pole are thinner than ever before. The melting is going far more rapidly than foreseen by the researchers, head of the Norwegian Cicero Center for International Climate and Environmental Research says.

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Videos summarising Workshops at the Climate camp

17-08-2007 23:27

There are an incredible amount of workshops happening at the Climate Camp. Here are some summaries of some of the workshops that have been given this week.

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Video of a summary of a workshop given by Mark Lynas on the 2 degree tipping poi

17-08-2007 23:20

Video of a summary of a workshop given by Mark Lynas on the 2 degree tipping point describing the vicious circle of the effects of global warming.

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How to set up a grey water recycling system using bath tubs and straw.

17-08-2007 23:16

How to set up a grey water recycling system using bath tubs and straw.

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Witness/photographs/videos of FIT at camp needed

17-08-2007 21:48

During the last few days there has been lots of people who have witnessed and documented the actions of the FIT Teams and FIT Watch, mainly around the entrance to camp, whose evidence could help court cases.

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countering rubbish about the camp!

17-08-2007 19:03

20 inspired climate activists, inspired by the initiative of the Scottish Barrio, surreptitiously made their way out the camp main gate this morning, towing wheeling bins and wielding loads of recycling bags...

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Police on PeeWatch at Climate Camp

17-08-2007 18:15

A first timer at Climate Camp discovers that eco loos aren't safe from the zoom lens of an overbearing and intimidating police operation
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