UK Iraq Feature Archive
Looting against the war in Edinburgh!
20-03-2003 23:00
Edinburgh was again facing a traffic collapse when 2 demonstrations blocked Princes Street on Thursday, the day when war broke out.The protest at noon broke out from Parliament Square and onto Princess Street. Police tactics got more confrontational with horses, motorcycles and lots more forces employed to try to disempower the protesters, such as tried by speech-showering politicians.
This did not stop demonstrators running into the capitalist shops owned by multinational corporations and looting stuff whilst shouting anti-capitalist slogans, redistributing it to fellow protesters or just throwing it away.
Some people were arrested or detained by the police during the protest.
A solidarity picket took place in front of the police station.
The Peace protesters were released as soon as the last demo finished.
Edinburgh Anti-war Protesters storm the Castle and block Princes Street
17-03-2003 23:00

The activists stormed Edinburgh Castle, which is not only a main tourist attraction, but also a military garrison. After blocking the entrance for about an hour, the demonstration moved on to the front of the Scottish parliament, and then, further to Princes Street, where the traffic was blocked and a sit-down took place.
Later, the protesters tried to raise their opposition in front of the US consulate, but police hemmed the protesters in and allowed them to leave in small groups.
[ full story | pictures]
School students on strike take direct action against the war
17-03-2003 23:00
After the successful action on Monday, today about a thousand peace protesters took to the street in Edinburgh, and about a hundred in Glasgow.There was a mass "die-in" on Princes Street, the main shopping mile in Edinburgh, the crowd included the comedian Mark Thomas, calling for a one minute silence.
Protest against the war was also raised in front of the Scottish parliament and at the US consulate.
There was at least one arrest, and the protest was mainly refreshing, enthusiastic, optimistic and inspiring.
[ full story | audio files 1 | audio files 2| audio files 3| pictures | pics 2]
Anti-War actions at RAF Leuchar- Tornado damaged!
12-03-2003 23:00
Access has been gained and a hangar was entered at the Royal Air Force base in Leuchers near St.Andrews in Fife, when a Tornado Aircraft was damaged by 48-year-old Ulla Roder. Tornados are among the aircraft being deployed to the Gulf and part of the air-defense.Also, Roz,33, from Edinburgh, and Petter,22, from Glasgow, face two charges at Cupar Sheriff Court relating to the perimeter fence and spray painting.
On Saturday a group of anti-war activists held a protest at the very same base near St.Andrews in Fife .
[update and description of action |full report | Trident Ploughshares |BBC report | Anarchist Black Cross | Earth Liberation Prisoners]
Aberdeen is marching against the war
08-03-2003 23:00
The biggest march in Aberdeen for perhaps a decade took place on Saturday the 8th of March protesting the war on Iraq, and the persecution of the Palestinian people by the Israeli military state.
Activists in Aberdeen and beyond are preparing for the next direct action, taking place next Friday at 12 noon in front of the local army recruitment centre on Belmont St.
[full story | another report ]
Edinburgh March against the War - 6.3.2003
06-03-2003 23:00
On Thursday, 6th of march, there were two demonstrations happening in Edinburgh, which joined together in front of the Scottish parliament.Both demonstrations were quite large compared to other demonstrations in the last years.
[ report | pictures of SSP]
Italian Protesters Stop U.S. Military Trains
25-02-2003 23:00
Activists opposed to a probable war in Iraq took advantage of a national train strike to start a series of blockades of trains in several northen Italian cities. On the night of Friday 21st Feb, about 120 Disobbedienti protesters stopped a train in Padova that was moving U.S. military equipment from Vicenza to the U.S. base of Camp Darby near Pisa, forcing the train to take a different route. The protests continued Saturday, with organizers stating that thousands of activists were involved in the actions across the country. Some of the actions and blockades that taken place include Padova, Brescia, Verona, Bologna, Fornovo,Monselice, Ferrara, Empoli, Tombolo, and Pisa [1 | 2], with reports that the protests are rapidly spreading across Italy. Meanwhile the British consulate was also occupied in Torino [Photos]. Other actions are also expected in Ferrara, where police attacked a crowd of 1,000 people, as well as in Udine. At Magdalena Isle near Sardinia, another 1,000 activists were roughly cleared out by police. For breaking news and updates in English language see Global Radio feature and IMC-Italy Trainstopping feature.
The press release announcing the blockades stated that activists were targetting rail stations because "the military are using the civilian transport network to move military equipment. There are 26 trains expected and we want to block them because we don't want this war." Read more
At the same time, since the 23 February, the train personnel has been defined as "military personnel" by the Italian governemt. Although so far the train workers do not get much support from their official labour union, the dock workers' union has announced that they will not load military equipment on the ships.
Live radio reports from Sherwood Comunicazione | IMC-Italy
Huge demonstration in Glasgow!
15-02-2003 23:00
The peace demonstration in Glasgow was absolutely massive. It was at least the 50 000 reported earlier, but numbers were also said to be 80 000 or even more.
The march was colourfull and peacefull, there were no incidents. Four “ arrests ” were made, but people were released without being taken to the police station.
Protests against politicians plans to bomb Iraq's citizens in the name of humanity and the greed for oil were held all over the world, and are said to be the biggest in a long, long time, probably since the Vietnam war. Protests occurred even in small villages and cities, like the 600 persons strong demonstration in Lerwick on the Shetland Islands. (BBC)
Approaching the elections in Scotland on 1st of may 2003, there were people present across all political persuasions. The university of Strathclyde distributed an “ International survey of anti-war protesters ” (tel: 0141 548 2214). This survey is co-ordinated by Prof. Walgrave of University of Antwerp, Belgium and distributed at the protests all over the world, asking the protesters about their political beliefs and experiences.
[ report from Glasgow | personal account |another personal account | pictures of Glasgow demo | more pictures | even more pics | further pics | nice pics ]
International Demonstrations against War and Imperialism, 15th of February.
15-02-2003 23:00
On Saturday, 15th of February, masses will take the streets all over the world to protest against the forthcoming war in the greed for oil and economical control of resources. As the politicians are getting shit-scared, the suspension and abolition of democratic, constitutional and human rights to assemble on the streets to voice alternative opinions are excluded in the lie of "security". The demonstration in Glasgow is expected to be one of the largest Scotland has seen in a long while. The Labour conference will simultaneously take place, and Blair is planned in to speak at 2pm.
[more feature on global imc about February, 15th | feature on global imc about the cancelled demos | call for red and black block at Scottish demo | International anarchist call for global action against capitalism and war]
No more speakers in our name!
13-02-2003 23:00
Scotland's parliament was temporarily reclaimed today, when First Minister's Question Time was interrupted three times. Anarchists and allied anti-war protesters heckled their “ representatives ” over the Scottish Executive's disinterest in the wishes of the Scottish people - as exemplified by Labour's support of the war on Iraq.
“ No more talks in our name ” on Saturday either, when the after-demo rally is banned. Also there seem to be calls out to have also demos starting from the south of Glasgow and the East.
Critical mass against the war in Edinburgh
27-01-2003 00:00

On Sunday, 26th of January, a crowd of cyclists, drummers, pedestrians and wheelchairs took the street to protest against the forthcoming war and to deliver a clear message of “ Don't attack Iraq ” to the American embassy.
[full story | another report | more impressions]
Global Days of Action against the War on the Gulf War anniversary
20-01-2003 23:00
Glasgow Anarchist Students prepare for a weekend of direct action, starting Thursday 16th of January. This weekend will see global anti war actions on the Gulf War anniversary January 17-19th. Actions have been called in Argentina, the USA, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Pakistan, Australia, Egypt, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Italy, France, Japan, Indonesia, Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, the Phillipines, Switzerland, Bahrain and South Korea.
[Glasgow events against the war | global events against the war ]
Solidarity with Glasgow Anarchists facing repression
19-01-2003 23:00
Some of the brave Glasgow Anarchists who took direct action against the war by occupying the Adam Smith Lecture Theatre on campus for 21 hours are now to be facing the repressive intimitation methods of the powers that be.
As usual when the state and other representatives of power lack arguments, they try to suppress civil courage and resistance by abusing their bureaucratic hierarchies to prove their self-righteous, elitist, capitalist, sell-out neo-liberal attitude.
The demands are and were:
- to the Chancellor of the University of Glasgow to step down; because of him investing the universities pension funds in war-profiteering companies.
- the Army to be booted off campus instead of the brave Glasgow Anarchist students; because the army does not belong there, whereas courageous, independant-thinking ethically sound students do.
- For the university to keep the Slavonic and Philosophy departments. Because philosophy makes more sense than war.
- Read Adorno!
Reading tip especially for university professors and politicians: Minima Moralia. For more brains and more discussions and less intimitation or superiority policy.
For all to support the Glasgow Anarchists Students meet on Friday, 24th, 9.30 outside Hillhead Underground to protest against the university hearing. [full story | link to former article]
For more demands on libertarian education go to: lib ed magazine
Free University Copenhagen
[ women | abz | all powers | publications | on knowledge production | all power ]
Blockade of BAe and Ark Royal
13-01-2003 23:00
On Monday 13th, protesters took direct action against the War. BAe, British Aerospace was blockaded in Edinburgh, and access to the Ark Royal, before leaving towards Iraq, was blocked, too, when it was stationed at Loch Long (near Faslane Trident sub base).
Stop the war
14-12-2002 23:00
On Saturday, 14thof December protesters tried to inspect weapons at the Raytheon arms manufacturer in Glenrothes, Fife. The action was organised by the local 'Stop The War Coaltion'.
[ full story | rock against war in Kirkcaldy ]
Civilian Weapons Inspections
20-11-2002 23:00
As the US war machine gears up for action, weapons inspections have been taking place across Europe. On 16.11, 80 civilian inspectors approached the Kattenberg Naval Base in Amsterdam to determine the extent to which the base was cooperating in preparations for an attack on Iraq. Two inspectors managed to get onto base terrain, where they were overpowered by military police, others in a boat engaged with the police on the water [photos].
On the same day, a delegation of the PVDA (Labour Party of Belgium) Youth occupied Antwerp City Hall, unrolling a banner saying 'No US troops in Harbour' and demanding clarification regarding the presence of US weapons in Antwerp Harbour. On 18.11 civilian weapons inspectors blocked Plymouth's Devonport dockyard, where the submarine Vanguard is currently in dock, and locked in for a 'die in' outside the gate. Police presence was huge, and seven people were arrested [report and pic].
A major weapons inspection is planned for 5.12 at USAF Lakenheath, in East Anglia, where it is believed there are at least 30 nuclear missiles, and where the US Department of Defense has declared a first-use policy. Another is planned for 14.12 at USAF Fairford in response to the arrival of US Stealth bombers.
Iraq War Threat
31-10-2002 00:00
Iraq War Threat
Encouragingly, Washington is rapidly finding itself isolated in this policy - aside from the unfailing support of Tony Blair (himself increasingly isolated in the UK). Mainstream media polling has shown an overwhelming majority of the British public opposed to action against Iraq. In addition, opposition has been voiced by Labour MPs, leading Republicans, British / US military chiefs, United Nations officials, European premiers, other Arab nations, faith groups and peace organisations worldwide.
This page is intended to serve as a resource for news, action reports and calls relating to Iraq.
Don't Attack Iraq Actions Across Country
31-10-2002 00:00
NO TO WAR - DAY OF ACTION Oct 31 2002Don't Attack Iraq Actions Across Country
Thousands of anti-war protestors across the UK took to the streets on Halloween in protest at the government's plans to join a US led attack against Iraq. Around 150 different events included critical mass bike rides, occupations, and mass demonstrations in Brighton, Manchester, Glasgow and London and many other places including Broadstairs, Walthamstow, North Finchley, Muswell Hill, Gamlingay, Kingston, Milton Keynes, Southend and Dorking. There was some local press coverage and very little national media coverage, which only mentioned the main London protest. Everybody had been asked to join in the non-violent resistance against war and oppression by engaging in acts of civil disobedience, however large or small.
Don't Bomb Iraq or there will be trouble
31-10-2002 00:00

On Halloween- or Samhuinn- many protested in Edinburgh and Glasgow to give Bush and Blair a fright. Civil disobedience actions were taken, there were demonstrations in Edinburgh and in Glasgow.
[ Edinburgh Anti-war March | Glasgow Street Action | Glasgow video ]
Thousands Upon Thousands Expected This Weekend.
21-10-2002 22:00
Update Oct 26: Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated today in several US cities against Bush's war on Iraq. Washington DC saw more than 100 thousand people surrounding the White House. Report | DC-Indymedia
As the Bush Administration angles for the power to maintain control in the Middle East, including the option for unilateral war, people across the United States are organizing and acting out in opposition. This Saturday, Oct. 26, tens of thousands of people are expected to converge on the east and west coasts -- in Washington DC and San Francisco -- for anti-war demonstrations to stop the drive toward war with Iraq. The demonstration in DC is being organized by the International ANSWER coalition, while the actions in San Francisco are being coordinated by the United For Peace coalition.
For the last 10 years, a movement has been growing in opposition to the regular bombing of Iraq, and to the trade sanctions put in place by the United Nations and maintained with heavy US lobbying. The UN itself estimates that the sanctions cause the death of 5,000 Iraqi children per month.
Also taken to task is the executive branch's tradition of using lies to get American people and Congress to back war -- from the fiction about babies being knocked out of incubators by invading Iraqis, to the politically motivated rumor from Prague (New York Times) about Al Qaeda and Iraq formally meeting together.
The rally in DC this Saturday was originally organized by the International ANSWER coalition -- but has now become an anti-war rally with a broad range of participants. While ANSWER will have its rally by the Vietnam Memorial, other groups plan rallies and marches that will feed into the center of the activity on the National Mall.
Many diverse groups have encouraged their members and supporters to participate in the various marches and events this weekend. The organizations include: the DC Statehood Green Party; Move On (a group responsible for organizing hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens to call Congress in opposition to war, which inadvertently jammed communication on Capitol Hill with a flood of opposition calls (which Congress later ignored); groups that have contributed to Anti-Capitalist Convergences; the Washington Peace Center; the National Coalition for Peace and Justice; the DC Anti- War Network; and labour groups.