Iraq War Threat
Imc Uk | 31.10.2002 00:00 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Iraq | World
Iraq War Threat
The Bush administration continues to pursue a strategy of war with Iraq to secure 'regime change' at any price. Military action is to be justified on the grounds of Iraq's supposed development of weapons of mass destruction, along with highly suspect allegations that the Iraqi regime has links with the Al-Qaida organisation. In the meantime, thousands of people who endured the first Gulf war ten years ago are still suffering from illneses related to Depleted Uranium, a radioactive component present in the weaponry used to attack Iraq, read report.
Encouragingly, Washington is rapidly finding itself isolated in this policy - aside from the unfailing support of Tony Blair (himself increasingly isolated in the UK). Mainstream media polling has shown an overwhelming majority of the British public opposed to action against Iraq. In addition, opposition has been voiced by Labour MPs, leading Republicans, British / US military chiefs, United Nations officials, European premiers, other Arab nations, faith groups and peace organisations worldwide.
This page is intended to serve as a resource for news, action reports and calls relating to Iraq.

Encouragingly, Washington is rapidly finding itself isolated in this policy - aside from the unfailing support of Tony Blair (himself increasingly isolated in the UK). Mainstream media polling has shown an overwhelming majority of the British public opposed to action against Iraq. In addition, opposition has been voiced by Labour MPs, leading Republicans, British / US military chiefs, United Nations officials, European premiers, other Arab nations, faith groups and peace organisations worldwide.
This page is intended to serve as a resource for news, action reports and calls relating to Iraq.
Update 26 October |
Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated today in several US cities against Bush's war on Iraq. Washington DC saw more than 100 thousand people surrounding the White House. Report | DC-Indymedia
Update 20th October |

Many people in Scotland want to take civil disobedience in the event of an attack on Iraq, plans include a mass sit-down in the streets around George Square at midday on the first Saturday following an attack. Over coming weeks a campaign will try and mobilise for the Day of Action on the 31st with over 20 nonviolent direct action workshops organised across Scotland to form a network of local affinity groups who will be involed in anti war actions. Anyone wanting more details about the Pledge Campaign should contact the Scottish CND offices on 0141 423 1222.
Report and photos | More photos | Army Recruitment Office Action ]
Update 28th September |

Click here for IMC-UK full report, photo, video and audio files, first-hand accounts, transcrips of speeches and background information.
Similar protests were held throughout the world on Saturday. Around one hundred thousand demonstrated in Rome, while more actions were held in Milano, Cairo, Berlin (de), Dublin (pics), Sevilla and Madrid (esp), Sydney and across New Zealand [

Update 25th September |
On Tuesday 24th, Tony Blair released his long awaited dossier describing the supposed threat from Iraq. Many Indymedia contributions have discussed and analysed the contents [1| 2]. Whilst MPs returned to Westminister to debate the situation in Iraq, a demonstration in Parliament Square continued through the day. Check out the reports and view pictures of the protest. Late on Tuesday, 56 Labour MPs took part in a protest vote to express their dissent. A MORI poll for ITV News revealed that the dossier has had little impact upon public opinion.
Iraq has protested that the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programmes detailed in the dossier do not exist, and has repeated its readiness to admit inspectors. The US continues to dismiss these offers, suggesting that it prefers war to inspections that could actually prove that there are no such weapons on Iraqi soil. If there were any, the chances are that they were provided by US companies. This attack would only be the last (for now) in a long list of US interventionism.
In the grounds of the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth, a group of activists have established a peace camp, intended to run until the Stop the War demonstration on Saturday. The camp has successfully negotiated with the police and should be permitted to remain until the weekend. For those wishing to visit or join the camp, the nearest tube station is Lambeth North. See flyer and report for more information.
Saturday's demonstration will run from Embankment to Hyde Park, and promises to be one of the largest peace demonstrations held in the UK since the 1980s. A call from the anti-capitalist bloc requests meeting at Cleopatra's Needle (on the Victoria Embankment). Amongst many other organisations participating in the march will be Out Against The War, a recently formed LGBT peace group. The group will be leafletting in Soho on Friday evening (see linked post).
Update Sep 17 2002 |
The mainstream media reports that Iraq, via the United Nations, has promised unconditional access to weapons inspectors. The US, however, has dismissed the offer as a delaying tactic and remains determined to press ahead with military action. The reluctance to pursue diplomatic means exposes as a lie the claim that America's chief concern is Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and not its oil. The damage already inflicted by the Allies and the possible consequences of further conflict are analysed in detail in an interview with Dr Eric Herring (a leading expert on the Iraq sanctions) - watch the video here.
In Britain the pro-peace campaign has been gathering momentum. Members of War Resisters' International are now facing legal action over withholding the portion of their tax to be used to fund illegal aggression.
Over 160 Labour backbench MPs have signed an Early Day Motion against attacking Iraq (see 3rd September update) and now that Parliament will be debating the issue contacting your MP may be worthwhile. Demonstrate outside parliament on Tuesday 24th in support of those inside making the case for peace!
More direct action is planned - including a call by the anti-capitalist bloc at the forthcoming September 28th demonstration - and some organisations are making plans for civil disobedience actions [1|2].
Saturday September 21st will be the United Nations International Day of Peace - the focal point of a campaign for a single day of ceasefire around the globe. The Peace One Day website provides details of the hundreds of activities marking the day in the UK.
The anniversary of the 2001 WTC attacks was marked by activists, especially those in the US, calling for peace and restraint. See Global Indymedia, and this front page feature for further information and analysis.
Update Sep 03 2002 |
Check out video footage of a demo outside Downing Street on Monday 2nd September!
Forthcoming actions include the re-routed Stop the War Coalition / CND demonstration in London on 28th September [1|2], and vigils to be held on September 11th.
An Early Day Motion in opposition to military action against Iraq has been tabled - JustPeace are calling on activists to urge their MPs to support it. The Stop the War Coalition / CND petition is now online.
Westminster Council are seeking to evict peace activist Brian Haw, in order to end his 11 month 'pavement protest' in Parliament Square.
Military activity in and around Iraq goes on, with US planes bombing Iraqi air defence sites. The US peace delegation in Iraq have provided on the spot reports from sites hit by allied bombs. Ominously, American / Turkish troops have taken control of a disused airbase in Northern Iraq.
Update Aug 12 2002 |
On 6th August (the 57th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing) Trident Ploughshares / Voices in the Wilderness staged a 'die-in' at Faslane. Forthcoming actions include the CND and STWC demonstration on 28th September, and events marking the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks in the US.
Newswire reports have covered the possibility of nuclear weapons being used, scepticism amongst politicians in both the US and the UK, the legacy of the previous war and the potential financial effects of a renewed attack.
In addition, a number of posts have discussed tactics for peace activists. Read them here [1|2|3|4]
Relevant Links:
ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War)
DAAWN (Direct Action Against the War Now)
Stop The War Coalition
Voices in the Wilderness
Imc Uk