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<< Page 71 | Page 69>>Pavilion asbestos scandal

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Squat days of action summary...

The following is an attempt at a non comprehensive summary of the actions, demonstrations, gatherings and various initiatives that happen during the days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. The summary was created from reports on the IMC UK newswire and english language reports posted to the April2008 website.
Note: A more comprehensive summary now exists on the April2008 website..[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Day 5
This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....[Full Story ]
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Smashed to Pieces...
This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....[Full Story ]
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Jordan Valley 2008
This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....[Full Story ]
Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Delegation - Resourcefulness and tenacity
This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....[Full Story ]
“The breadbasket of Palestine”
This report is part of a series of diaries from a delegation of Palestine Solidarity activists visiting occupied Palestine. The delegation is part of an ongoing project by the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at making links between grassroots groups in Brighton, UK, and Tubas, Palestine....[Full Story ]
Day of Action for Squating and Autonomous Spaces, Brighton, 12/04/08.

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Where next for the student movement? Reclaim the Campus conference, LSE, 17 May
After the defeat of the National Union of Students' leadership's anti-democratic "governance review", left student activists are holding a conference at the London School of Economics on 17 May to discuss the way forward for building a campaigning student movement.[Full Story ]
Teaching King Lear in occupied Palestine
When a Brighton deelgation visited a remote school in the Jordan Valley, occupied palestine, one of them found themself teaching King Lear to a class of students, but who learnt the most?[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Palestinian village denied water and threatened with demolition
The Israeli army have cut the water pipes of the villagers of Al Farsiya in the West Bank. They have issued demolition orders against their buildings, and clearly aim to eradicate this community of 200 people that was 1000 strong 40 yours ago. But the local people have documentation demonstrating their right to the land they live on, and plan to fight back.[Full Story ]
Education and resistance in occupied Palestine
In many areas of the West Bank Palestinians are prevented from constructing, improving or repairing any buildings - this can be homes, schools, clinics or animal shelters. In Al Jiftlik and Fasayil the local people have resisted draconian laws and demolition orders, and built their own schools.[Full Story ]
London to Geneva anti-nuclear walk starts Chernobyl Day, Sat 26 April

You are warmly invited to join Footprints for Peace on Saturday 26 April for the start of their three-month, 1500km International Peace Walk towards a Nuclear-Free Future, from London to Geneva through France, in conjunction with the main French anti-nuclear coalition Sortir du Nucleaire.
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A teach-in for reproductive freedoms, LSE, 12 April
A one day school on abortion rights and broader reproductive freedoms, aimed at feminist activists, trade unionists, students, school students and all those who want to fight for a woman's right to choose.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Solidarity with Tara in Ireland.
A group of us from Brighton went over to Ireland recently to support the Irish protesters attempt, to halt the work on the M3 Motorway.The 50km, four lane stretch includes a huge, 53 acre interchange, with two massive orbits and 10 flyover bridges, the construction has already diverted gabhra rivers historical waterways, and heavy machinery have bulldozed ancient tombs and graves within the sacred valley.
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Two indigenous radio announcers killed and four injured in ambush in Oaxaca
Two announcers of the radio station ´´La Voz que Rompe el Silencio`` (the Voice that Breaks the Silence) were assasinated on April 7th whilst travelling by car to the west of the city of Oaxaca according to the civil society organisation Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos (CACTUS - Centre for Community Support Working in Unity).[Full Story ]
Pavilion – the new slum landlords

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Reminder: Blood Service Demo on Friday
Demonstration! Watford, Friday 11th AprilSTOP SLASHING THE BLOOD SERVICE!
Protest at the NBS bosses' HQ
Assembly point: Watford Junction Station
Friday 11th April 2008, 12pm
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The Fight for Justice for Simon Jones - Ten Years On, The Lessons Learnt
A public meeting on the tenth anniversary of the death of Simon Jones, killed on his first day as a casual worker in a Shoreham dock.[Full Story | 1 comment ]